Acid Mantle Creme Forums
Recently active Acid Mantle Creme forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Acid Mantle Creme and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have been trying to find a jar of acid-mantle crème but Doak pharmacies no longer make it. Does anyone know if some one else makes it? ## There's actually another brand I found by the name of "Risabal-ph". They make an acid-mantle creme that's used as a moisturizer for a variety of different skin conditions (including dry, rough, itchy, irritated skin and even goes so far as balancing it's Ph levels). You can find a 16oz jar of it on amazon for around $43. I haven't tried it myself, but after living in such a dry climate for so long, I might need all the moisture I can get. There are also a good number of reviews online if you're looking for more feedback on it. I hope this info helps! ## I have been looking for a jar as well. I can not believe they wo...
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