Acetaminophen Forums (Page 100)

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I have tablets without the bottle and I am not sure which drug it is that was prescribed for me. The tablets are white and on one side is the number 2 and the other side has a line through it..on the top is a small b and the bottom is the number 305 ## I believe you have 300 mg Acetaminophen + 15 mg Codeine

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white, oblong tablet pill with 44 175 written on it ## Pretty sure that's 500 mg Acetaminophen, generic form of Extra Strength Tylenol. ## thank you so much for your help, would you also know about any of these pills? i can't seem to find them. Pink/Oval WL 25 on one side and a long B printed on the other or this one White/Oval PAR 876 printed on it thank you again for your help ## Dear Renee, WL 25 = Image PAR 876 = Image Jeremy

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