Accutane Long Term Side Effects (Page 96) (Top voted first)


I have a son that took accutane 60 mg a day for six months in a row three years ago. Now after many trips to doctors over strange medical problems, it seems accuatne is the culprit medication that has caused servere joint and muscle pain, severe dry lips, redness in face, eye infections of own immune system attacking itself, systems of osteoarthritis in both shoulders, both wrist and right hand, blood in stool, possible hair loss, abnormal liver function test results in AST and ALT. My son went from being a high school football and track athlete while taking this medication three years ago to someone that is in constant pain just washing a car. After I have researched this drug extensively, I can't believe that the FDA allows this drug originally made for cancer patients to be marketed for teenagers with acne. All one has to do is look online what vitamin A overdose does to someone and then you have the results of what this medication has done to my son. This drug needs to be taken off them market ASAP and the drug companies that make it need to compensate all teenagers that they have possible ruined their future. Shame on them! What is going on here?

1933 Replies (97 Pages)

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You were lucky to have access to all that information . Many of us didn't and trusted our doctors and dermatologists . More full you !

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Re: Ernest (# 1901) Expand Referenced Message

"Most recently I have developed gluten intolerance and am VERY sensitive to dairy products. If I eat gluten products I turn red in the face. It feels like I am on fire! Think about not being able to eat foods with wheat in them for the rest of your life. Or having to be a on a special diet just to get through life!"

Are you sure the gluten and wheat intolerance are also due to Accutane? Here is a little more food for thought. I wish you well.

Source: "How GMO Farming and Food Is Making Our Gut Flora Unfriendly", Web. March 28th, 2013

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I am 15 and am currently taking accutane right now. I beleive it is a miracle drug! being a teen in highschool makes body image a number one concern. I beleive that doctors should be in control wether a person takes it or not, not the government. You wouldnt beleive the things i have to do just to get a months presciption. Not everyone is a good candidate for the drug. the only side effects I encounterd are dry eye, chapped lips, dry skin, headaches, and occasional muscle cramping due to track. My dad and uncle also took it and are fine today, My dad is in the military and never expirienced any long term effects. people are to caught up and expect a drug that does it all and is perfect...their is no such thing. The doctors informed you about the risks, you should expect what is coming. The medicine has effected my everyday life but my self confidence skyrocketed! I hated pictures and now love them. I think the mental image outweighs the not permenant effects. You people sound paranoid, these effects could have coincidentaly happened you know. All im saying is that this drug should be made easier to get to for those depressed underprivilaged teens with bad acne and get picked on for it. You adults also need to understand that the regulations and rules have changed since you first got it. Their are more blood tests, questions, concerned doctors, birthcontrol, and even an online website that i must go on to answer a few questions just to get the prescription. Things have changed along with the dosage.

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Umm I think that a lot of people choose to blame the drug itself when these problems were already underlying. Have you ever read the warnings for this drug? I would hope that if anyone was considering taking this drug they would have @least read the side effects and warnings of it and weighed the consequences. I was on accutane for 9months, 40mg. I wouldnt letmy doctor increase the dose.I have no side effects almost 2years later. Acne can really effect peoples lives in negative ways. Theres a small amt of people that the drug can effect like this. I debated going on it for 5 years. Couldnt be happier with my decision

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Hello, Sorry to hear about some of the cases going on with Accutane users. I first started taking Accutane to control acne when I was 23. I had it pretty bad and had tried every other prescribed drug available. I am still taking it and I just turned 40. I have had no side effects or any health issues what so ever and in fact am the healthiest person I know. I never get sick, colds or anything let alone any of the issues mentioned here. Let m share why I think this is the case. I had very bad Acne, but even though i was prescribed to take one pill twice daily (morning and night) I only did this for the first two weeks ONLY. By this time it was working and I scaled it back to 1 pill daily for another two weeks. The Acne was finaly gone for the first time in my life since puberty. I then and currently only take a pill when I feel I need it. This is approx 1 pill per week or even up to 1 pill in two weeks depending on the weather. Acne is worse for oily skin people when the seasons change between humid and dry and vs. versa.I have been doing this for the last 2 decades. One prescription is two boxes with 30 caplets in each, I fill this once per year. I was also only prescribed 10mg pills, not the 20 or 40mg mentioned here by some. I think this is way too much. Like I said I had Acne very bad but my system of managing my doses to an as needed basis seems to have been very successful and the acne stays away . I do get yearly blood tests done for the potential liver side effects and I have the cleanest blood my doctor has ever seen (like I said I have an immune system like no other ) It has worked very well for me and I still use it as needed. Took one this morning in fact. Sorry to hear some of the stories on here and I hope it works out for you people. Just thought I would share mine and how I managed the doses and strength of dose prescribed.

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My husband is 5'3". His sibs are all a few inches taller. He was never on Accutane. What's the big deal?

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I'm not an expert (I say this all the time when I have not done all the research for myself like I have with accutane) on "biologics". The data I have seen does show a slight increased risk of lymphoma but people with psoriasis have a slight increased risk of lymphoma anyway. So we don't prescribe them if there is a family history of lymphoma or just monitor closely.
There was a biologic 8 years ago called Raptiva which was pulled off the market a few years after it was introduced for some kind of rare brain cancer. FDA doing it's job. Enbrel has been on the market the longest. So anyone thinking of taking these higher order medications should not trust non expert opinion when we have facts. Do the research yourself. We are in the information age, go to pubmed..... unless you don't believe what "they" say in which case seek alternative medicine which I actually use but generally has a low success rate for serious problems. I like Bills use of the word "market". I'ts odd as I don't work for any drug company.

This is my last post for a while. I feel I've worn out my welcome, If most of you regular posters want an echo chamber you can have it for a while.

But just remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion but there is only one set of facts.

Dr. Steve

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I'm 20. I took Accutane 3 different sessions. Once at 15 for 6 months,17 for 6 months and currently now .I've had absolutely no problems except dry skin. So it's perfect to me...maybe it depends on the individual but I've taken it 3 different times..maybe u shouldn't just blame accutane.I know plenty of people fine on it. .but there's also people on Crack still living so I guess it's different for each person. I've heard bad side effects of it..but what drug doesn't. .. most drugs on the market have bad effects so u have to decide if it's worth the risk my suggestion is don't give to some one too young like under 16.

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Please make an appointment with a bioidentical hormone specialist. I believe that the medication caused andropause largely destroys the testosterone your body and organs make. Low testosterone causes mostly the same affects we've all had. Headache, nausea, flu symptoms, lethargy, fatigue, not concentrating, muscle loss, loss of strength, digestion and libido. I went in and the doctor was great!! Super enthusiastic and really listened to my and my problems. I got blood work done quick then came in and he put a small cut on the top of my butt and put the pellets in so they time release and absorb better than gels or creams and no annoying needles every day. Please gives this a try. Or read the book Testosterone for Life. Check it out it may change your life!! I'm on day 4 and I'm less moody, my head and back and joints don't hurt, digestion is improving. Thank you!!

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I feel really bad for people who have bad side effects from accutane. I have been having some issues since being off but I've only been off 2 months. However I don't believe they should remove it. Well they removed accutane brand but the other brands are still out. There are so many people it helps and even saves because a lot of people commit suicide or have depression from acne. And some people have acne so severe that I can't believe people would think they shouldn't take a chemo drug. Yet even moderate forms can be painful. I couldn't sleep because of oil that was like sweat and from painful sores all over my face chest and back. There are a lot of happy smiles off accutane. The doctor just needs to make sure to inform them somehow. I took accutane because I was ready to die really. It was a risk I understood and I decided on my own. Others should be able to decide on their own too. Taking this drug off would be like telling cancerous patients or flue patients or whatever that you are taking their drug off because some people get bad side effects or consider them not worth it. And I have a friend who died from cancer this past year who had body image issues and she said that her body image issues were all she focus on over her cancer even. And that the depression she had from them was worse than the cancer and tumor she had going through her skin. So yes people need to be able to make the decision on their own. We shouldn't take it off. But I really do feel really bad for people who get the side effects. I hope your son can find ways to enjoy life.

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HD, get an ultrasound of your liver / gallbladder & take milk thistle or Shisandra. Drugs can affect the liver, these help it restore itself after the damage. For anyone taking this drug! But don't take it while on the drug cause it'll clear it out of your liver too quickly, and make taking the drugs a little pointless.

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It's quite a notion for everyone to believe that Accutane is for sure the main cause of their GI problems. Many people have similar problems who never went on Accutane. Diet , lack of water, lack of fiber can be factors too, and antibiotics can cause significant gut symptoms that may be persist for a long time. I think there are a few people in denial when saying Accutane is EVERYTHING that created a problem for them.

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But! I am not saying it isn't harmful to your gut that is a fact. Just that in many cases things snowball if the gut doesn't repair which it is able to, but lifestyle gets in the way. No one to blame.

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I took Accutane when I was about 40 years old, as having acne issues since a teenager I was fairly motivated. The side effects were explained to me and I encountered some such as dry lips while I took it, but have not really experienced anything unusual. I have to say that after 25 years of spending a fortune on Dermatologists and over-the-counter meds, it was the ONLY thing that ever worked and permanently cleared me up. So, in that regard it was a miracle-- I had tried about everything, believe me. I am now 56, I have exercised regularly (but not fanatically) since I was about 35. I'm in decent shape for my age and really have no chronic issues (other than hereditary ones), except for one. The reason I searched for Accutane long-term side effects and came to this posting is because, in spite of my many years of cardio regime, and never having smoked, I have some weird cloudiness on my chest x-ray that is being called an 'interstitial lung disease'. They are not able to be very specific, but they have told me many things it is not-- for example, they did a biopsy (because it looks pretty weird on the xray), and no cancer. They also did other tests but can't really give me a cause. Shame on me for not having a benchmark chest xray around from when I was in my 30's or 40's to see if I've had this since then. So, I was just checking to see if any known side effect from Accutane may be some scarring in the lungs that show up in this way. I am not hugely impacted by this, but it is becoming more difficult to climb steps and exercise hard as I get older. But, I am getting older. I have to suppose that with the extent/duration of my acne problem all those years, that maybe the scarring in my lungs came from the disease, rather than the cure (drug). But, I do think about it and search for a cause-- as this is not a hereditary thing. Good luck to all you guys with these symptoms, but I caution that drawing a conclusion taking you right to Accutane as a cause (as opposed to heredity, diet, exercise, etc.), seems somewhere between overly-cautious and downright irrational. I admit I did not take it when I was young-- so the person that talked about stunting growth I cannot debate (but there should be other hard evidence out there if true). Also, the guy that started losing his hair but had no hair loss in the family?? naaahh, don't think so. But I'm no doctor. Just a bit older survivor of this problem with a 10 or 15 year history under my belt. good luck all. thx.

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I Took accutane 4 years ago and I am suffering from vertigo

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I have to laugh obviously you haven't read all three pages and the story of the father who created this thread, nor the mother thread on her son.
I have diffrent stories??? my story has never changed. Tell me what blood tests dr check for when it comes to severe osteopenia...What tests do they do for chronic dryness, which I didn't have while on accutane .Maybe you need to research the effects of high doses of Vit A. and Chemo....
Oh, and many on this board have posted on also....I will always warn against the use besides chemo and acne congblata. severe diseases it was made for....
I wonder why you woud even lurk on suffers sites and then post such nonsense.

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I was placed on Accutane around 16 years old..17 years ago. I feel very bad for anyone with horrific side affects. But I experienced the complete opposite result, I became happy, self confident and most importantly I became myself!

You see, severely bad and even moderate acne, can be life crippling! .... Example you're in middle school and everyone is starting to blossom.. except you, you get huge welts all over your face that you have to cake makeup thinks you're pretty, the popular girls talk s***, and you for sure will never want to attend a pool party or sleep over..fearing that moment u have to take your mask off. And believe me everyone wants to see what's going on under that mask. You go home from school crying everyday.. wash that cake makeup off that beat up, acne ridden face, just so you can cake on that 15 th acne cream meds that of course aren't working!! Your face hurts so bad from all the welts and white head go to sleep praying those huge boils are gone by cry yourself to sleep, but your tears burn down your face from all the med. Creams you've been using. That's my middle school snap shot in a few sentences.

Anyway.. after trying around 20 meds. I decided to visit this miracle dermatologist.. he said I was a perfect candidate for Accutane.. he went.over every side affects and made me go on two months of.other antibiotics before.I could.even be allowed to be prescribed Accutane.. after the two months was up and zero changes made from the antibiotic..I was finally ready to go on Accutane. Hundreds of papers had to be signed, blood work, pregnancy test..more paper work and being totally yelled at about the risk of pregnancy..I was finally on Accutane!! I blossomed and felt beautiful!! You now need to understand, this drug Accutane, yes CAN have severe side affects, but "I " and most of everyone after year 1996 should know all of the precautions! My mother and myself signed those hundreds of documents stating we knew!!

For myself it was worth any risk!!!! I was dying already.. I probably would have commited suicide with out Accutane. My only wish would be to have taken it earlier.. high school was a son of a b****!! So if you are being prescribed Accutane it's only because you exhausted all other means of medication to treat your acne. You seeked a solution. Solutions come with risks. But I also believe some of these claims are false. A money bandwagon. It's sad to see that our s***ty economic situation would turn people into computer searching legal suit seekers.. Not everyone posting is that kind of person, but you know who you are..

As for the truely affected people, that are really sufferings from Accutane.. I pray you get all the help and support you deserve. Let this be a lesson WE are OUR OWN best medical advocates. The doctor, the meds are not at blame. We signed those papers. Making false claims or going after a company that clearly lets you know.. HEY, This medication is so intense you have to sign your life away and get blood work to check your liver once a month!! Hmm.. I hope when my son hits middle school and his face is covered in huge red painful blistered bumps, that all these claims don't ruin it for him or any other adolescent/adult. That would be a damn shame

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I'm 20 I'm on my 4th month of accutane, I started at 20 and went to 40,60, now 80 this month,Im very active and workout and play ball a lot. I've had lots of dryness, and it seems recovery takes longer but I always heal. Really it's all about trade offs, the only thing wrong with my appearance is my acne which isn't terrible it just won't go away. starting 4 months in, my skin is looking better than it has in 3.5-4 years. I have just a few blemishes here and there but I deffinetly feel better about myself already. Before you take this medicine you ask yourself, is it worth it? The way you feel about your appearance directly affects your life especially in this day and age. If you treat your body well, your body Will treat you well, eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water. Not many people experience these health risks, but through my eyes clearing my acne is worth that risk, what good is a healthy life when you will always have that insecurity in your head? You just have to keep your head up and stay positive, cause honestly folks, what's the difference in putting this medicine in your body and smoking/dipping? At least this has a good cause! They make you aware of the side effects before you take it, risk benefit ratio

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They give you all of these warnings before you start the drug. The doctors are very in depth about what it could possibly do to you. You take it at your own risk. As for all the pain I ass will had it all. I took joint pills and creatine and it helped a great deal. It made me not able to work out hard anymore, I was in so much pain and this made it better.

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I am sorry for you and your sons misfortune, but accutane is a extremely controlled drug because of its side effects. If your doctor did not warn you of its side effects, and if you did not read the booklet and online forms you were required to sign before starting the treatment, then that is your fault because it clearly states on the forms you must sign, all the serious side effects, and the percentage of individuals who suffer short term and long term from these side effects. And if your son was having abnormal liver diagnostic results during treatment, his doctor should have immediately pulled him off of accutane. If the doctor knowingly kept him on the drug with those liver results, then it is an issue with the doctor not the drug. Otherwise you had to sign every consent form informing you about the accutane side effects, so if you didn't take the time to actually read them, it is your fault.

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