Accutane Is Amazing!!
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I am currently a 17 year old male and senior in highschool, and suffered from acne for over 5 years. In 8th grade acne started invading my face. Freshman year it continued, and would not go away. We tried creams, pills just about anything you could possibly try. My sophmore year is when it erupted. Acne started forming on my back and chest, and I literally had boils on my back and chest. It was very painful. I also play football, and it hurt very bad to put on my shoulder pads, and the embarassment to even take my shirt off in the locker room after practice. It caused me a lot of stress. It hurt to take showers because the water would hit these boils. I had cystic acne. I had over 15 large pimples/boils on my back and chest both. This continued for another year. As I still tried creams, and pills nothing helped. Finally me and my mother went to the derm and they perscribed me with accutane for 6 months. It was the best decision of my life so far. In the first 3 or 4 months I didnt notice anything, but eventually in my 5th and 6th month it started clearing, and when i stopped the medication it never returned. Its a year later and nothing has returned. I still get the occasional pimple on my face, or chest. But NOTHING compared to what i had. Accutane has harsh side effects, but I promise you that if you stick it out it well help you.

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You are right it will help you at first ,but then it comes back for payback with its side affects!! You are not out of the woods yet.Your side affect can manifest at anytime ,it may be 3 years from now but watch out for them because they are coming.Look for stomach issues,bowel issues,joint issues ,back pain,or anything else it can cause an array of things to your body.My advice is to read some of the 74 pages of peoples complaints of issues they have had and some have only taken the drug for 3 months!!! Good luck and get yourself informed!!!!

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I'm glad that it worked for you. My ex-husband used to get cystic acne like that and the boils well into his 30's, so I know how miserable it can be. It's also nice to have someone posting about a positive experience with the medication.

Learn more Accutane details here.

The main issue that many people have from the side effects, however, is that some of them suffer permanent damage and problems. It's sad when that happens, so people do need to make sure to research the information and discuss it with their doctors, in order to make a full informed decision, before taking it.

You'll be graduating soon, right?


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