Accutane And Infertility
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I took accutane almost 14 years ago as a teenager. I am now a 32 year old woman who has just been diagnosed with infertility that they believe is linked to autoimmune issues. I truly believe that accutane is the cause of this; from the research that I have done it seems that accutane has been linked to other thyroid-related diseases, but that they have not yet been able to prove a link between accutane and infertility. There are, however, actually more people like me out there than I originally thought. Being diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction has been a horrific, horrific blow. And while there was plenty of information about accutane and birth defects, no one ever mentioned a possibility of future infertility. I was a teenager! This is a tragedy and I believe something should be done about it. If you too have been affected diagnosed with infertility and have taken accutane, please email me. There are plenty of suits against accutance. If there are enough of us, we can come together to do the medical research and get the help we now need.
When I was 20 I became pregnant with my 1st child. In my late 20’s I took acctuane for roughly 6 months. I was married at age 30 and at 32 found out my fallopian tubes were blocked. Nothing in my medical history shows a reason for this blockage. While no studies are found, I worry it was due to the accutane.
I took accutane twice (ages 18 & 28). I am now 32 and have been trying to conceive for 2 years. I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve...I've discovered two pud med articles from 2014-2015 saying accutane/isotretinoin cause a significant diminishing of ovarian reserve. They then put out more recent articles saying a "low" dose will lower FSH LH ovum volume and AMH while on it but will "bounce back" 18 months after being on's physically impossible for your AMH or ovum volume to go back many they mean the LH and FSH and hope that people are not smart enough to dig deeper. Anyways, I feel a legal suit is appropriate.
hello, I used roaccutane for 6 months at the age of 15-16. While using it, a cyst formed in my ovary and I saw it. I have been married for 3 years. I have 5 made. We had IVF. There is infertility for no reason. I do not get pregnant for 15 years after using it. Do not use
Re: Jane (# 513)
If you have a lawyer I’m willing to write the first $100K check to make sure there are nine figures in damages.
Re: Mike (# 14)
Hi Mike, I'm so sorry to hear that your sperm count is zero. My son was on accutane as well during his teenage years. He now has a lovely girl that he would like to marry and have a family with. I don't know if I should tell him to have a sperm count before trying for a family to save a lot of angst or just let them get on with it and see what happens. I would like to hear from any male accutane users that have been able to make babies please.
Accutane ? Is there a relation ship to
Depression in later years
Just witnessing this and wonder of a notable connection ?
I'm about to be 30. I took Accutane for 5 months when I was like 18-19. I got pregnant at 21 and lost it at 7 weeks. Unexplained infertility since and I have quit ovulating within the last year. I haven't been to a specialist yet, but I know in my heart and mind I'm not going to be able to fix this. I firmly believe Accutane and maybe the help of Gardasil has caused this! I'm torn but I'm learning to accept it.
I’m currently in the middle of all the “fun” fertility testing and I recently received my AMH level of 0.77. Awaiting all my other tests but it definitely has me worried on what else could be wrong. I had normal periods all my life and while on accutane. Two months after completing my accutane my periods have been 14-20 days in length, my progesterone level is so low 0.4 that my doctor says I’m not ovulating. The plan pending my ultrasounds is to induce ovulation but I’m so worried about not being able to conceive. I truly believe accutane has caused this havoc on my body. I did find an article on PubMed that years 82 women of reproductive age with acne who were treated with accutane. The results of the study demonstrated that oral isotretinoin had a significant negative effect on the ovarian reserve. There has to be something we can do about this! Anyone know of any class actions being filed?!
I took Accutane when I was in my early twenties. I am now 48 and have no explanation for not being able to get pregnant. I recently met a lady who is similar in age who took Accutane. She had to adopt. Doctors had no explanation as to why she couldn't conceive.
I took acutane twice as a teenager, 15 & 17 years old. I am now 35 and am undergoing IVF due to low ovarian reserve. I believe acutane impacted my fertility.
Re: Kristen (# 207)
Hi I took roaccutane in my late 30's, I was told at the age of 41 that I was going through early menopause, has anyone else been told this?
I agree with you. I took Accutane when I was 18 and I went through menopause at 38! Every doctor I have seen cannot figure out why . All my labs look good and my thyroid is fine .. they all same that I am an interesting case .. well I think it was most definitely the Accutane .. that drug was poison and toxic! I read that is was used as a chemotherapy drug .. that makes a lot of sense considering that can do a lot of damage to a woman’s reproductive organs. So just wanted to share that now I’m 40 and have completed menopause and currently on hormones .. sucks ! I just know Accutane was the cause of this ??
Re: zaheera (# 622)
I too was prescribed Roaccutane twice, at age 17 and 24. I was diagnosed with unexplained diminished reserve when I was 34. I’m now 35 and paying privately for IVF as the NHS have refused to treat me as my reserve is too low and doesn’t meet their criteria.
Re: Megan (# 613)
Hi. I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve at the age of 27. I had 2 rounds of IVF without success and onto my next one next month.
Would also like to make a claim.
Hi Sara,
It all starts with stress factor.
1. Reduce your stress. Its number one reason for all diseases. Relax, meditate, yoga, workout will help.
2. Pls check the warning labels on the tablet cover or box. You cannot take thyroid medication unless you have addressed adrenal exhaustion or insufficiency. Have a good amount of protein to get over adrenal exhaustion. For thyroid, if you are hypo then don't take any form of soy, millets, gluten n sugar in your diet. Use lot of virgin coconut oil in your food. Cook at home. Remove all processed foods. Go completely organic. At night for thyroid. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with warm milk or if you don't like milk. 1tbsp coconut oil, 1tsp honey n 1pinch Himalayan pink salt.
Food is medicine, medicine is food.
Pls change your diet.
Re: Carol S (# 38)
Carol, I have lost my baby too due to CDH. I was on Accutane in 2016 for almost a year. Got pregnant in sept,2017. On the 20 weeks ultrasound, found out baby has CDH. All the tests on baby came out negative with no abnormalities. I also think Accutane has played some role in this genetic dis order. My advise to anyone planning for pregnancy is to please don’t take this medicine until you r done with all ur pregnancies.
I have exactly the same problem. Doing IVF now :(
{edited for privacy}
I'm the same age as you and was prescribed this around fireworks years ago.
Re: Cherub (# 611)
I also took Accutane (3 times in the late 90's). I found out in my early 30's that I have very low ovarian reserve (almost out of eggs....way early). I strongly believe that this was due to taking Accutane.
Re: Mike (# 14)
I took Accutane and 2 years later had my normal son. 22 years later he tells sterile! ...?
Re: Charly (# 615)
Thankyou so much charly. I really appreciate it. Good luck to you as well
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