Accutane And Infertility (Page 31)


I took accutane almost 14 years ago as a teenager. I am now a 32 year old woman who has just been diagnosed with infertility that they believe is linked to autoimmune issues. I truly believe that accutane is the cause of this; from the research that I have done it seems that accutane has been linked to other thyroid-related diseases, but that they have not yet been able to prove a link between accutane and infertility. There are, however, actually more people like me out there than I originally thought. Being diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction has been a horrific, horrific blow. And while there was plenty of information about accutane and birth defects, no one ever mentioned a possibility of future infertility. I was a teenager! This is a tragedy and I believe something should be done about it. If you too have been affected diagnosed with infertility and have taken accutane, please email me. There are plenty of suits against accutance. If there are enough of us, we can come together to do the medical research and get the help we now need.

635 Replies (32 Pages)

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I also took Accutane as a teen. I am now 25. I have not been diagnosed yet but I do believe I am infertile. I didn't think this could cause that but apparently I'm wrong ?? ugh

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Hi, I took accutane as a teen, never in combination with birth control, and once I began taking the accutane my periods became very irregular; I would get between 4-6 periods a year until I was 21 and got on the pill. The pill did regulate my periods but now that I'm off birth control (and trying unsuccessfully to conceive) I am having 8-9 periods a year. I am 27 now and so unfortunately I have to wait a full year of trying before my gyno will refer me to a fertility specialist. This has been such an awful process, I said for years that there was something wrong and no one believed me, not my parents, doctors, boyfriends and now I worry that it may be too late. I've had two irregular Pap smears in the last 12 months and have been doing everything I can to get pregnant, I feel like a failure and I'm so regretful that I took accutane. Besides these reproductive issues, I now have all kinds of digestive issues as well (IBS, hernia, hemorrhoids). And those I could deal with, the infertility is too much sometimes. I dread looking at that single pink line and I have gotten to where I hate my periods. Please keep posting on this issue.

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I took a low dose of Accutane for 1 year in my early 20's. I am 39 and was recently informed by my Endocrinologist that I could no longer have biological children. I never thought of Accutane until I came across a chapter on Accutane in my textbook. (I'm a clinical Esthetician studying for state exams in laser hair removal). Just thought I'd let you know.

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Similar story as so many before me! Accutanr at 14, ovarian tumor at 24, unexplained infertility at 25. 2 years of fertility treatments and finally IVF was able to give me my son.

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I have a family member who took accutane in her late teens / early twenties who has had several I think 4 miscarriages over the last 5 years and is now only 32. She was told her eggs are old. I firmly believe that a drug that was originally intended as chemotherapy and is known to cause miscarriages while taking the drug could also cause long term effects! Unfortunately it has not been studied for long term effects so nobody has proven this to be the case. Infertility doctors should include this question on every case because we need proof of a correlation. The brand name drug has been discontinued but the generic is still out there and without studies on the long term effects on fertility people cannot make an informed decision. I don't believe anyone would sacrifice infertility for acne if they were informed of it. A long term study of patients who took accutane and infertility is needed but no one will do it because of the liability and legal suits! If you are thinking about accutane, don't take it!

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Ive been saying this for years and your post sounded exactly like my own thoughts. Im going through all sorts of procedures just now to find out whats causing the infertility but ive been adamant its been accutane all along. I done the accutane treatment twice! Now im on the contant struggle of saving up for ivf which may not even work while worrying everyday anout how old i am getting. I hope if they find a link they will stop giving this to anymore kids. Or at least provide fertility treatment on nhs for those who have been ruined for life

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Hi my name is Sarah n The same has happened to me I also took the same medicine when I was 19 n now when I'm 30 I'm unable to conceive due to unexplained infertility

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My son took Accutane he was asked if he had a vasectomy. I am devastated no grandchildren, he is our only child.

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I'm an advanced practice critical care nurse for many years. To the women that are in grief and shock at the horror of infertility I don't think anything I say here can lesson the pain. However, I'll say this in case some find some measure of optimism. I'm old now and my Aunt has passed away at age 80. She and her husband tried for years to get pregnant. They didn't have ivf back then, so she adopted. They were able to get through this pain of not having biological children and my Aunt, I recall so clearly, said it was the best thing that happened to her . Otherwise she would have never had the joys, and life events and plain 'ole life with her adopted boy and girl. She couldn't imagine life without them. The love was visible.

I know, it's ya, ya, we can always adopt. But don't think of adoption as a bad second choice. It's not. It is a fine way to have children and raise them and have a family you've always wanted. The genetic thing is just that. Proteins on chromosomes that make tissue of a newborn from the egg and sperm. If you think of it scientifically, and spiritually, that we are really all one, perhaps the pain can be less with some optimism for you and be the end of this long time trying to have biological children. Bless you. Happy lives to all of you. Rob

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You know I've heard that a lot, Rob, and the main issue here is that adoption is costly. Some couples will spend tens of thousands of dollars and if that's not something you can afford than it's not a practical solution. I think the whole point of this forum is to share our experiences and gather information as to what the next steps might be in perusing compensation from this drug company. Maybe if we are successful in filing a lawsuit then we can afford adoption.

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I took accutane in the late 90's for about a year. I was told to use birth control and extra protection, and was throughly warned about the associated birth defects. I was also required to submit a blood pregnancy test administered at the clinic before my dermatologist would renew the prescription each month.
However, over 20 years later (and 2 marriages) I have been unable to get pregnant. I have clockwork menstral cycle and above average yearly checkups. The thought of accutane has come into my mind time and again. If it is the cause of my infertility, how devastating it would be to find out a decision made when I was 19-20 still haunts me all these years later. At 43 years old, I'll not continue to try for pregnancy due to my own personal feelings (cheers to new mothers in their 40's, the risk is not for me.) But I am left wondering with the "what ifs" link to accutane.

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Re: Charly (# 610) Expand Referenced Message

I've been doing tons and tons of research on infertility, not just as it relates to Accutane but in general, as I'm quite desperate to find something that may help. I contacted a doctor who was part of an Accutane study back in 2000 and is a current professor of medicine. He informed me that his data concluded that, in the short term only (as that was the only data they were able to collect) fertility rates increased in women after stopping use. As I said, that is only in the short term, I guess we may never know the long-term effects. On top of this, I found that the outcomes for male fertility are much more dire in relation to Accutane and there is a proven link between Accutane and male infertility. My research has also concluded that heavy soy intake drastically effects fertility in all mammals, not just humans, so I've decided to cut all soy out of my diet (yes, it is hard because soy-based oils and proteins are in just about every processed food and more so if you happen to be vegetarian or vegan as I am). I'm keeping all you struggling women out there in my thoughts and I will continue to post any new information I am able to find out.
So far, my doctor has persistently denied any link between Accutane and infertility, which I find suspect as the link between male infertility and Accutane is already out there. Google Scholar is a useful tool for anyone seeking more information on the male infertility link.
Best of luck to you all!

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I too have taken Accutane in my 20's and have struggled with Infertility for over 10 years. I believe Accutane is the cause of it and that patients are just now putting 2 and 2 together. I also agree with Sara, about a legal suit and that we all need to come together to get the help we now need. Please let's make this happen!

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Re: Megan (# 613) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I agree. I took accutane as a early male teen. And I'm just now finding out I'm infertile. I know it was the accutane. But I've reached out to law firms and know one wants to help or even gets back to me. Please keep me in the loop for any updates with suits. Good luck to you and I'm sorry for your situation as well.

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Re: Curtis (# 614) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Curtis, I'm sorry to hear about your experiences with Accutane. If you are interested in learning more about the effects of the main active ingredient in Accutane (which is Isotretinoin) on male infertility, there are myriads of scholarly sources on the subject. I've been researching this topic for months as I struggle with my own infertility and I'm surprised by how much information I was able to dig up on the connection to male infertility versus how little I found in connection to female infertility. It's a super frustrating topic because very few doctors I've spoken with will give out any information about a possible connection to Accutane. I've finally gotten an appointment with a fertility specialist in Colorado and I'm definitely going to bring up the information I've gathered and also the information shared by everyone on this board. Best wishes to you.

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Re: Charly (# 615) Expand Referenced Message

Thankyou so much charly. I really appreciate it. Good luck to you as well

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Re: Mike (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I took Accutane and 2 years later had my normal son. 22 years later he tells sterile! ...?

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Re: Cherub (# 611) Expand Referenced Message

I also took Accutane (3 times in the late 90's). I found out in my early 30's that I have very low ovarian reserve (almost out of eggs....way early). I strongly believe that this was due to taking Accutane.

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I have exactly the same problem. Doing IVF now :(

{edited for privacy}

I'm the same age as you and was prescribed this around fireworks years ago.

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Re: Carol S (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Carol, I have lost my baby too due to CDH. I was on Accutane in 2016 for almost a year. Got pregnant in sept,2017. On the 20 weeks ultrasound, found out baby has CDH. All the tests on baby came out negative with no abnormalities. I also think Accutane has played some role in this genetic dis order. My advise to anyone planning for pregnancy is to please don’t take this medicine until you r done with all ur pregnancies.

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