Accidental Double Dose Of Atenolol (Top voted first)


My grandpa is 77 years old and he accidentally took 2 tablets of Atenolol 50mg at a time. Will any serious injury occur in regards to his health? Please advise.

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I accidentally took a double dose of atenolol, which my normal dose is 100mg; so I took 200mg... Should I be worried about my heart rate and blood pressure?

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Re: Tracy p (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I have done the same thing before a couple of times and so far I’m still alive LOL

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Doubling up hasbeen known to cause someone to experience more severe side effects, according NIH reports, which may include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Given his age, that could also make them worse. Thus, it would be best to consult his doctor to be safe.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Not sure if I accidentally took a double dose of atenolol or not, which would be 75mg with the mistake, instead of 37.50 mg normally. Will I be alright if I had taken a double dose?

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I accidentally took a 100 mg dose of atenolol instead of 1/2 pill about 1 hour ago. I take it for tachycardia. So far no side affects. Should I be concerned? Pharmacy changed me from 1 whole 50 mg to 1/2 100 mg and I forgot and took a whole 100 mg. Tonight about 6:30

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I accidentally took two 50 mg doses of atenolol and my usual dose is one 50 mg pill before bed. I am 56, in pretty good health and not taking any other medications. Is this serious?

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I am supposed to take 25mg atenolol before bed, but I took a whole pill at 11:00. Will I be ok or do I need to go to the emergency room?

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I took 75 mg of atenolol instead of 50. Getting on a plane in 6 hours. How long before I know if it will affect my blood pressure?

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I am inquiring for a woman (50 years old) who accidentally took twice her prescribed daily dosage of 75mg of Atenolol for approximately 2 months. (The pharmacy changed the tablet size from 25mg to 50mg and the change was not noticed by the person administering the medication.) What, if anything, should the woman be concerned with?

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I accidentally took a double dose of my Atenolol 50 mg and it’s been about three hours now. Can anyone give me an idea of what side effects I could end up experiencing?

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I'm on 100 mg of atenolol a day for BP control. I accidentally took a double dose (total of 200mg/day). What can happen? Will I be alright?

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I took my usual 50 mg Atenolol a day around noon, then accidentally took another at midnight, 12 hours apart. Will it hurt me?

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