Absorption Of Ecosprin Av 75/20


The colored portion of the ecosprin av 75/20 is extremely difficult to dissolve and passes in stool as such in tablet form. I do not know if the colored portion is aspirin or AV. Does anyone know which portion of the digestive track the component is suppose to dissolve and gets absorbed.
Not only this misleads physician as he thinks you are consuming the drug but actually it is not absorbed, but is literally a wastage of money.

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I found that the colored portion is aspirin and it has a tough gastroresistant cover. But still I don't know why it passes through.

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That is just an outer shell, it is used keep that part of the medication time released, so it helps with your condition over the full time period, rather than having all of it be released and absorbed at once. It is entirely normal for you to see that shell/coating in your stool, but I can assure you that all of the medication is absorbed.

The NIH lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and stomach irritation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I am sure it is not only coating because I crushed it and found white powder inside.

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