Ablation Flecanide (Top voted first)


A year ago I had a catheter ablation . Been on Flecanide for 20 years after the op they cut my dosage to 50 mg twice a day . I recently had a weekly heart monitor fitted and the result being a 7 second occurrence which has made the doctor tell me to stop the flecanide right away as it could cause sudden cardiac death and to dial 999 when my heart goes out of sync again Is it me or does this all seem very contradictory

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Hello, Paul! How are you doing?

Your doctor didn't replace it with a different medication?

Yes, that seems very contradictory and odd. Is there any way you can see someone else to get a second opinion?

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Hi since I've stopped the flecanide I have been blue lighted to hospital twice with episodes of AF . Whilst in hosp I was informed that at 58 I am to old to be taking flecanide / propefanone group of meds , my daily dose of bisoprolol has been increased to 10 mg . Apart from that it's seems as though nothing else can be done and I have to live with it until I can have another Ablation. Easy for them to say this but I wonder if they realise at times just how disabillatating AF is . On a passing note as I left hosp your on Warfarin it's not life threatening , the next time just sit down and relax ....... Really Paul

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