Abilify And Chronic Pain Relief
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Has anyone experienced a relief in chronic pain while on Abilify. I am convinced it is this medication that relieved my chronic neck pain. This has given me the idea it might help my mother who is on a daily dose of morphine. I want to bring this up to her Dr but don't want to sound crazy. What do you think? Is it possible?
10 Replies
Re: Robert L (# 3)
I’m taking Abilify for depression too. I believe the good is outdoing bad!! I’ve already been taken available for about two weeks. Maybe the side effects will disappear I hope.
Antipsychotic use in people who are not schizophrenic can cause psychosis. I wouldn’t use this for pain. Leave your mother alone if she is ok on her pain meds. You realize there are dangerous side effects to this medication right? My mother committed suicide on an antipsychotic and she wasn’t suicidal prior to taking the medication.
I guess it does. Been injected with 400mg time release dose for about 2 years. Im not a pill fan. Schizoeffective 40 year old skilled male.
Re: Robert L (# 3)
It is in the dosing of the 2mg. To high and bad side effect's
Many if she asks her Doctor they usually won't listen to anyone else at all.unless u no them very good.
Has anyone stopped Abilify for months/years and feel like you're back to your normal self?
Aripiprazole is one of the drugs used for chronic pain management. Not just by mouth, but, is also available transdermally. It can also be in a pain cream to be used topically.
Yes yes yes! I am taking Abil. For depression, and suddenly noticed that my sciatic problem that caused back pain and numbness down my whole left leg is gone, I hear bad stories of Abil. but I really think its in the dosing, I only need 2mg and I feel like a new person
I think I'm going to mention it to her Dr. next time we have an appt. Worst they can say is, "no" right?
Thanks for your reply.
Hello, Mila! How are you and your mom?
It is not a recognized effect of Abilify, so such use hasn't been approved, but yes, it is possible. Most psychiatric medications have been shown to have an affect on some types of pain.
I can't say whether or not it will help your mother, that depends on what is causing her pain, however, there is a chance it could help.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
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