Abdominal Pain After Cipro And Bactrim
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I was given two different antibiotics, over the phone) before seeing my regular doctor. (Cipro and Bactrim). Dr. thought my symptoms were urinary tract infection. Antibiotics didn't help They sent me to a urologist. He put me on vesicare for over active bladder which helped my bladder but still had pain in left side. I finally went to gastro doctor who said I had diverticulosis. I had read that this would not cause as much pain as diverticulitis. I wondered if the the strong pain I had could have been diverticulosis and was helped by antibiotics?
4 Replies
Re: Shari S (# 3)
I second your recommendation on probiotics. I've dealt with rounds of antibiotics before and found the probiotic Florastor to be extremely helpful. It is more expensive, but can be taken in conjunction with antibiotics and can help to spare your digestive system. {aff link added}
Be cautious of broad spectrum antibiotics.
I was given one for a monster bacterial sinus infection, and it killed all of the good bacteria in my stomach, and caused me to get C.Dif.
I ended up in the I.C.U. at the hospital.
Be sure you are taking good (third party lab verified) probiotics while taking any antibiotic.
Many of the best ones are refrigerated.
C.Dif. can kill you. I lost my job and home over it, and it took 6 months to get rid of.
You have to use bleach every time you go to the restroom, spray down the shower, and keep your bottom covered well at all times. Only bleach kills it.
It is spread by spores, which can float in the air.
Google some photos, it is awful; it can destroy parts of your colon (I saw tissue mixed with blood in my stools). Please research this, it ruined my life. All over a sinus infection.
Hi D Vest, I too was diagnosed with diverticulosis when I had severe pain in my left lower quadrant. It took me threading to stick a knife in my body for them to do exploratory and found my Fallopian tube enlarged and ready to rupture! Also found I have abnormal amount of adhesions that stick body parts together. PLEASE be your best advocate and if you think it’s something more make your doctors listen to you!! I had a team that ended up apologizing to me and vowed to listen better!
Yes, and yes, it can cause severe pain, and it is commonly treated with antibiotics, as well as dietary changes, and hospitalization, if necessary.
I have a friend that has it, and the whole way he found out was due to the severe pain landing him in the ER.
Cipro, and Bactrim may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea.
How are you feeling, now?
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