Aspergum - Where To Buy (Page 5)


Aspergum is no longer manufactured, but there must be some places that might still have stock.

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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I just saw all of the posts on the Aspergum.. I recently got that super bug and Ive literlly been sick for about a month now.. I just get over one thing and then something else starts... This last bout my throat was on fire and its been that way for about 9 days... Ive been to the Dr's and they havent given me anything to help it. My 80 year old mother told me to go and get some aspergum... I went to several pharmacies and they didnt even know what is was so I figure would look on line... So disappointed to find out I cant even get it... Well I improvised... Got some chewable baby asprin and gum... It helped me more then everything I've done up till now... Hope this helps someone in the same spot... Well I sent Insight Pharmaceuticals an email and asked them to please reconsider getting the product back on the market... If you come to this site and see my message please do the same... I think if they see that public interest in this product is still there maybe they might reconsider...

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My mother used to give me aspergum when I had throat infections. I am 31 years old now and wished they made it to this day. It was the best and fast way to get aspirin in your system, especially if you have tonsillitis. I just found out they did not make it anymore when I recently had a really bad infection and my throat swelled shut. This really sucks. If someone finds some let me know please.

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At what Pharmacy can I find Aspergum?

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in Edmonton, AB

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Aspergum was the best. I wish I could buy some. I went to 7 different stores and found none! After seeing this site, I know I'm not alone in my quest for this wonderful product.

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Yus childrens asprin with some chewing gum wrapped around it just might work /...... more that one way to skin a cat

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Do you have contact info for Insight Pharmaceuticals- did you ever get a reply from an individual?

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I had no idea aspergum had been discontinued. I have a soar throat because of sinus drainage and I thought about aspergum to sooth the pain because I don't like the lozenges. I couldn't find it in CVS and, to my surprise, I couldn't find it online. I really wish it would be made available again unless it is dangerous to consume it.

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I think if anyone still has it it's expired. They stopped manufacturing years ago. It was the greatest thing for a sore throat. The last time I bought some I could only get it online. When I ran out and contacted the company for more they told me they were no longer manufacturing it, they had to make cutbacks and that's one of the things they decided to give up.

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Aspergum was discontinued in 2006. The best way to duplicate this gum is to buy children's aspirin and fold a stick of your favorite gum around the tablet. You may chew this combo every 4 to 6 hours for a sore throat.

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Please bring Aspergum back!!!! It was a great product and really worked!!

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I am so disappointed that you can't buy aspergum anymore. It is the only thing that ever helped with my sore throat. I wish they would consider bringing it back!!!!

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i agree with you, I loved it , it helped so much and the orange taste was great, rather that then halls they make me sick.

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Chew your favorite gum and add a low dose aspirin. chew slowly. Repeat if necessary.

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How unfortunate...there are no other things that relieve a sore throat pain quite as well as Aspergum.
I do appreciate the homemade version idea. Thank you!

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I always chewed it when cutting new teeth....especially molars and wisdom teeth. It was the best!

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April 27, 2016 article on it coming back in 2017:

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You know it was discontinued because some nanny group thought children might get to it. Since drowning is the most common child death then California and all the other liberal dimwitted will outlaw water without an Rx and only then with an approved EMT on stand by.

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I had my tonsils out years ago and that was the only thing that took my pain away ,I couldn't eat for a week ,then was told about aspergum and I ate food for the first time in a week it was a life saverc

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As of April 27th, 2016 an article by drug store news was published discussing how Retrobrands USA is looking to bring Aspergum back to the market. According to Jeff Kaplan, president of Retrobrands USA, 2017 is the year they anticipate bringing it back.

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