Abusers (Top voted first)


All of you out of state people coming to florida just to get these pills is ridiculous my wife has been on these pills since she was 16 and way before these fiends started showing up at the clinics making it difficult for legit people like my wife to fill, ANY ONE WHO IS NOT FROM HERE AND IS ON HERE LOOKING FOR ADVICE KINDLY F*** OFF. And anyone actually giving these out of state junkies information is actually hurting yourself.

3 Replies

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Sorry to hear about your built up anger towards these people. I'd imagine if you were in a similar out of state position that you may feel differently about it.

I understand your angry, but this site is specifically used for advice and information on prescription drugs, where anyone from Florida, to California, all the way to Sweden could come to seek info (junkie or not).

If you're going to be mad at anyone, you should really turn your focus towards the entire pharmaceutical industry for turning temporary patients into life long addicts. No one should have to take pain medication for years on end. Cancer patients don't. People on their death beds seldom do. Why should anyone else?

If we look at the bigger picture, Big Pharma is the one calling the shots on putting addictive, mind altering chemicals into these tablets. "Don't blame the dog for barking and squealing, blame it's owner for abuse."

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I live in tampa and u could not said it better.I hope theDOC's say let me c your I.D. and make sure ur a florida resident if not go bake home and toalk to your own DOC's we dont have weed legail but we rnot going up to CAli,Colarodo.wyoming, jsut name a few,so if your state dose moonshine then f***in drink it. (HOW FLORIDA REALLY FEELS ABOUT)

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I am trying to ask advice on what to do with some new knowledge I have stumbled upon revealing a severe drug abuser, possibly putting others in danger. Where to I post this?

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