A236 Small Oval White Pill Looks Like A Lortab


small to med oval white pill with A 236 on one side and nothing on the other.

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All Day Relief (Distributed by Albertsons) Naproxen Sodium 220 mg

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This is Acetaminophen 325mgs, Butalibital 50mgs, and Caffeine 40mgs.

A generic for Fioricet. This is most commonly used to treat Migraine Headaches.

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Zippysgoddess is correct about that. It is NOT Naproxen Sodium tablets, rather it is what she says it is. I cant believe it....finally, we agree on something!

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LOL! Guess it had to happen sometime.

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how about we try to keep it that way? Feel free to continue to post it if you think I have identified something incorrectly, but please dont aim it directly at me. Just post your opinion and I will do the same without aiming it at you. Together we can probably locate lots of mysterious medications out there. However, I am still getting more and more bothered by all of the narcotic and benzodiazepines looking to be identified. It horrifies me to see posts that talk about teenagers having these medications. I have a fourteen year old daughter and hope and pray she never sees these medications as a means to feeling good. Also, I have a nine month and an eleven month old whom I will probably be adopting (they are foster children.) Can you imagine how awful the drug problem is going to be when they are teenagers if something with these prescription addictions doesn;t change? It causes me to shudder!

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Yes, I agree with you, we are both here to help people, so let's just do that.

As to the horror, yes, I agree with you on that, too. Like I said, I do this at several sites, and that is over 90% of what people need identified, and most of them have been found on their teens, or in their teens room, backpack or whatever. Our son is only 11, yet I hope he never touches them like that, I am on some pretty strong meds and I am always honest with him about what they are for, how dangerous they are, what they will do to you and etc.

Kudos to you for taking care of, and worrying about foster children, awesome!

Yes, it is bad and looks to only get worse.

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By the way, with that much study of pharmaceuticals, there is a question I would like some advice on, but I do not wish to post it here, I would appreciate it, if you could send me an email at [email protected] so maybe I could get your input on it, before this drives me insane!! Thanks nenene, you know I really think if this site doesn't attack or make nasty assumptions about each other, and work together, we could be a good team and be friends in the long run.

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It's amazing what two people can accomplish together when they team up. NOw.....I wish I could get my fourteen year daughter to team up with me more often instead of always having an attitude! Part of the age I know, but I will not accept disrespect from her or any other child. Kids now a days have to work hard to combat the attitudes of their peers. Sometimes my daughter forgets that she is a child and that I am her mother. Is your eleven year old like this yet?

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Yes he is, he has just recently started that attitude, and my mother-in-law warned us that it is going to last for awhile.

I do have to admit one thing though, he does love to do chores around here, because he worries about me and my back, so he wants to make sure that he and daddy take care of most of the stuff, so he is good about that.

I meet so many other children who are disrespectful, no manners, and their parents just let them run with it, it doesn't wash at my house either. When his friends come over, they learn very fast that they will either listen to the rules and be polite and respectful, or they will not be allowed to return.

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Oh, I wanted to add, he does not, ever cop his attitude outside of our home, he knows to never do that to his grandparents or teachers. I get many compliments on his manners and politeness when he goes and visits someone.

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I found a small white round pill with imprint of a on the top and 236 on the bottom scored in the middle and nothing on the back it is a rather thin pill. I would like to see a picture of it rather than just hear say if you know what i mean

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