A Peach Pill With 3605 On One Side And V On The Other (Page 4)
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I have a teenager and i found an oblong peach pill with 3605 on one side and a V on the other side - help

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Get over yourself!!! GOD isn't the reason all good things are good. You ever think maybe things change or get better when the person themselves decide to change them. Why are all you Bible Thumping I****s running around saying "Let go and let God" all the time. You are all f***ing invalids and I wish you could hear how ignorant that sounds. A persons choices result in good or bad results. That has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of higher power. It's just life.

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You should NEVER EVER EVER flush medications down your toilet. Those medications get into the water supply and can cause major problems. You should wait until your local news advises of a medicine turn in day. You can take in old medications and they will be disposed of properly.

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You should take your time and read for an understanding before opening your mouth. She didn't say she was interested in taking the pill she wants to know what her child has in their po session....

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I am with you CMA. I too am an addict and went back out after discovering my husband had lung cancer. He let me take some of his pills for other reasons but the truth of the matter is that I did not want to have to deal with his dying without some type of relief. I know this sounds very selfish and it was, but I made the choice and am still making that choice today. It sucks and now I am at the point of fear from withdrawals. Been there and it sucks!

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OMG TRISH she never said anything about the person to leave it alone, learn how to read. she was just stating in general if you find a pill thats not your dont take it is easily addicted. so what high horse. so just walk away from them and dont touch them.

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i get what your saying your not saying for her to leave the pill she found in the room alone but in general to leave pills alone that are not your because they can become easily addicted. gosh people took this wrong.

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Women can't have a combat MOS and therefore are not considered "combat veterans." you're just a veteran.

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Never flush! Turn in to your local PD.

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Yes, because narcotics were so easy to get a hold of its turned many to H when they could no longer feel high, overdose, and die. The rates have more than doubled the past year. In Michigan, its becoming nearly impossible to get narcotics due to doctors over prescribing, and losing their license. I currently take percocet for pain, and has been a difficult journey living with pain, even after major surgeries because doctors are so scared to prescribed because of those misusing them when legally given to them.

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Lortab has TYLENOL Dumbass! Not aspirin! What do you think acetaminophen is!?!

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Jeremy, I'm not trying to be rude, but I've never heard of those being used to ween people off opiates. I've attended a clinic for years and the only ones I'm aware of only , offer Methadone, Suboxone, Subutex, and/or a once a month shot.

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Hello i have used them daily for about 3 three years yea i am addict along with a lot of other ppl. I know encluding my x. An. Both sons .i know they are so damn hard to get off from my older son gas lost just about everything even his job.he pawned about everything he had at his place of employment.so my message is to every one on here is to pray for all of us that are attics.

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I found a peach oval shape pill with 3605 on one side and a v on the other can u tell me what that is

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Flushing pills is in proper disposal. I work in the med field. You can't just do that. Dissolve them in dish soap or coffee grounds mixed with some hot water.

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Many people who take prescription medicine like to judge others and call them drug addicts but most likely the reason they are pointing the finger is because deep down they feel addicted. If you have taken opiates for longer than a month it is more likely your body is already addicted but the truth will come when it's time to get off! It maybe the withdrawals or the habit that becomes hard to break but it is then that you will know if you are what you hate the most? how many people have made jokes about crack heads? go ahead and say it's not the same... If you don't know if addiction runs in your family don't mess with fate! I have seen nice people be consumed by their addiction and they are good people from the rich to pre school teachers. I was a USMarine for twelve years. I did four tours in Iraq/Afghanistan I was severely burnt and my leg was injured so I had to be on medication for six month, when it was time to get off! For a week withdrawal almost kicked my ass but after I was done. I was lucky but I soon found out that some of my close friends didn't beat it and they are good men that have made a difference, so I think it's time to stop pointing fingers and stop making people feel ashamed so its easy for them to seek help without forever being labelled in a drug addict.

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Sad that people think the worst in others without knowing all the facts! Take me I've been on pain pills everyday for last 5 years am long with out RX by my DR. I take the pain meds cause a few reasons pain in legs is so bad it will make the biggest tough sob cry and when I take a few it less the pain to where I can play with my kids. I 3 yrs I will not be around . Ppl say OMG bill takes 5-6 7 a day but that is because I have pride not to tell the world why! They will all know the same day, I call it dead day. I might stick around to hear what the trash takers say then

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I have been addicted to pain pills for a long time. I was clean for a year and 10 months. Then my best friend was murdered in cold blood 5 months ago and I started using again to ease the pain of everyday life. Anymore I have to take 6 or 7 to keep going it feels like. Last week my grandmother who raised me also passed so it seems like the world around me is falling to pieces. I don't want to continue relying on pills to get me through life, I just don't know what to do or how to cope with life anymore. I'm 23 and wish I could just speak up and say something but I know my family woul judge me. My advice if you find pills in kids your room, bags whatever... Get them help because this is a battle I feel like I'll never win and it's the worst feeling ever.

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The pills are not the problem! If they were then everyone would be addicted! Some of us have addictive personalities... I am 7 years into recovery from everything... Meth, booze, pills etc... Only by the grace of God and a lot of help was i able to get my life back!

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Ur drinking water out of a reservoir, fish crap, ppl pee and all the other gr8 pollutants in the water. Ignorance is bliss. Those with septic tanks don't you have a run off into a gully or small stream for liquids? Have it analyzed. U think that these "water treatment plants" get every ounce of filth out of your water? If so I've got ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. Oh yeah and ppl can't catch lung cancer if they've never smoked in their life too, I suppose. Well to those with the addiction, to anything, I hope it can b kicked, but you really gotta want it. To those that are just plain stupid, sorry there's no help for u

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That is a hydrocodone 7.5mg pain killer very strong

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