A Disturbing Side Effect (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I wonder if anyone else has had something like this.

I am 55 years old. After starting Androgel, my energy levels rose, my sweating episodes cease and my wife and I were both became very delighted with the return of our sex life.

However, there is a dark side. I have also become obsessed with pictures of naked men – specifically, their genitals. It’s like looking at a Playboy when I was 12. I find myself thinking about joining a gym just to go to shower room. Clearly all of this is very different for me and it is very uncomfortable. I am embarrassed to talk about it to my doctor.

Does anyone else have anything remotely similar to this?

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Hey thanks buddy. I will ask my doc about it, although I really don't want any more meds than I already take. I am really hoping that the T will do the job for me. Monday will be 2 weeks since my first injection, so it really has not been that long. I get my next injection on Monday.

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Sure thing, good luck.

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Thanks. I will post on here sometime after I see the Doc.

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Welcome to the club!
Dump her!

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well testosterone boosts dopamine. Dopamine antagonizes seritonin. Low seritonin causes bisexuality.

Take some 5-htp and tryptophan (5-htp is more effective) to increase seritonin and go back to pure straight.

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