A 51 30mg Oxycodone (amneal) - Turns Yellow/green When Wet


I have some A 51 30 mg oxycodones and noticed that they turn a yellow/green when damp. I know one of the inactive ingredients is D&C yellow #10 so that may be the cause, but I wanted to check to see if anyone else has noticed the same thing and make sure that it is normal. Thanks for any help in advance.

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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I spilled a little water on 1 of my A 51's and it changed color too. Is there a reason this happens?

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Hello, Mike and Jen! How are you both?

Moisture can affect the shade, color and tone of virtually anything, including pills. Depending on the specific type of water, you may see different colors at different times, due to small chemical reactions. For instance, you may see a different color from tap water, than from purified water, since there are chemicals in the tap water. The same might be true due to the minerals in well water, or mineral water.

Even a white tablet will, at least, darken if you get it wet and may get a grayish, yellow or brownish cast to it, just from the water. You may get more colors, depending on the inactive ingredients used in it.

That said, it would really be best to keep your medications away from water. They should be kept in a cool, dry, dark place, until you're ready to take them, because heat, light and moisture causes degradation, which can cause loss of efficacy.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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The Amneal brand is one of the first new breed of oxycodone IR that have some kind of abuse blocker in it. I've researched this to death and have tried some. You will NOT feel any of the normal opiate feelings. You will get a slight stomach ache, depending on how much you try to do. I've seen this (personally) in the A 51, and the A 48 (30mg and 10mg). Don't waste your money unless taking them orally.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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This is such bs!!! I just had these today and used 2 of them and got no bad side effects from them AT ALL!!! I still got the euphoric feeling and everything was just as usual with the other brands I have tried!! I really think people are saying this to scare people away from using them which is fine if you can save yourself then do it!! You're better off never touching these things! But don't LIE!!! These are no damn different!!! It takes certain colors to make the color blue ad yellow and green are color dyes used in making the pill!!! There is no damn blocker in them so people plz stop saying this bs!!

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actually ill give your the correct answer. the reason it turns neon color when wet and I am right its like a highlighter colored it right? well the reason is so you know they are real .. no one can replicate them and if they do and u lick it or wet it a little it wont change color.

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So they come from the pharmacy and turned yellow I have one liked it it turned bright neon yellow why

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Do you no what the A-51 looks like I got mine and it has it's darker blue with speckles never had these ones and not sure about themthen

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What are you talking about??. Post any references to support this false BS claim. First of all they're not going to invest extra money into adding additional ingredients to a generic tablet. Second, there's something called AB ratings and complex approval processes... no generic manufacture is doing anything to alter the tablets in anyway from the original brand name product... if they were they wold have to file for a NDA (New Drug Approval) with the FDA, giving it a new name and making it a new product and not a generic.

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Well pharmaceutical manufacturers will jump through a million and a half government hoops to get their product on the market because it's so ridiculously lucrative, simple understanding of cost benefit analysis will show why, so i reject your first point.

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not sure who you are talking to... as this forum apparently doesn't do anything to show who the person is replying to even though you click on a specific person and not a general reply... but if this is to me, I'm not sure what you are talking about either. It seems you are thinking I made a statement saying companies wouldn't invest money into producing generic medications when that is not what I said. I clearly was saying they wouldn't invest money into further development and adding additional ingredients to the pill, and then follow up that this is a mute point anyway as this would be illegal & can only be done through an NDA

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Yes that's correct when wet it does turn yellow green color .A51 is oxycotin 30 mg. Hope that helps you out!!!!!

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Yes that's normal to turn color green or yellow when wet. I would flip out if I didn't know it changed color when wet. Hope that helped!!!!!! 1

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Re: DANIE (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

uhh... yea I think they moved on as it seems you're actually replying to the original post which was two years ago.

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Re: DANIE (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Danie, so the A51 are suppose to change color like highlighter yellow greenish..meaning theyre real ? Friend of mine says they were fake but im not sure what to think anymore

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I don’t know why people don’t like these, unless they’re abusing them, they work just the same for my crushed disc as all the other genetics do, I do prefer the Mallinckrodt generic though

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

LOL "is there anything else I can help you with?". You really didn't help in the first place, so anything else doesn't even apply. 30 mg oxycontin's are one of the most widely copied, cut and or re-pressed pills on the market. Your bland response of, "water can change the color of just about anything, even if you're in different places, at different times, with different people, for an array of reasons" was not needed.

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OK I was given a white round pill that apparently had blue speks in it and when it gouty from spit it turned a deep blue any idea what it is?

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Re: Tracey (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I have the same question but mine are turning red lol perc 7.5mg

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Re: Cheeks (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I have perc 7.5s that are turning red when licked as well and I've never seen this before so it's worrying me. Did you get yours straight from a pharmacy and is the imprint T913?

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Re: Jessie (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I do get mine directly from the pharmacy and yes, imprinted T193. Weird. They still seem to work really well tho. Not sure why they would turn red when you put them in your mouth-makes no sense.

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It's been known that A/51 oxycodone do turn a yellowish/greenish in color when wet, and that is how you know that they are 100 percent real

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Where do live and who is ur Dr.. ....that just means that they r real!!!!!

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Re: The mermaid (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Close, but also wrong.. they JUST approved the blue dye deterrent, which will now need to go through many studies to prove its effectiveness as an abuse deterrent; as of now it is being viewed skeptically, as there is no proof it will help, as addicts almost always work around a roadblock... Hense the continuing crisis, and another deterrent example, the gel response when crushed oxy. That was the first abuse-deterrent attempt, which albeit annoyed the s*** out of the addict community, ultimately was too little too late, and did not help to stop the already out of control opioid issue from spreading rapidly.

Most of the reputable sites I have checked have said that although it may be impossible to tell without lab testing, some give-aways or signs to look for when questioning a pill are to check for uniform color, size and imprint. As well as texture, and color change to yellow upon wetting a pill indicating a fake. Easier said than done, but be super careful, and when in doubt... There is a reason you are second guessing it... maybe skip it... at least Pay close attention and be safe!!

PS, if they are from the pharmacy and prescribed to you then there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't call your pharmacist and ask if you think the pills you got are off somehow... (In reply to the person who said they grabbed their script but were just wondering...).

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Re: Paladin (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

You are wrong, the above response is absolutely correct. And multiple reputable sites related to addiction rehabilitation state that these pills turning yellow actually indicate they are fake. Be careful what you guys post here!! Have something to back up your response! You are playing around or trying to calm your own anxieties, chancing someone taking a potentially life threatening pill so you can run your mouth?!

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Re: Getreal (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Ppl say that stuff to try and dissuade ppl from abusing em

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Re: Mike (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Hah right?!? Detail detail detail. Guess this is no blog. What am I doing here

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Re: Ryan (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

This is incorrect. It has a dye and it turns to gel if you try to get it prepped for IV use!

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Re: Ryan (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Look it up. Percocet turns blue when wet. They did add a new ingredient to stop drug abusers. It can stain your hands and face blue and turns into gel when wet. Also, they are changing them to extended release.

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I have always needed to dilute my meds, including the Oxycodone with liquid to be able to ingest it without my Pharyngeal disorder, which much prevents me from swallowing anything normally. I am health conscious as well, and the fact that these new meds that I was given are turning into unnatural jelly like colors are very disturbing. What now is this new blue, blob like goo that it had become? I am not seeing the company listing all of the ingredients that may cause this unnatural effect in something they expect us to ingest into our body, or am I completely missing something here in my research?

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The t194 10mg percocet pills. They are light yellow and yellow speckled. Turn bright yellow when licked. Does that sound real or fake?

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