82 Days Off Subutex
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Hi im 82 days off subutex. Has anyone experienced no energy still at almost 3 months clean. Thank you

4 Replies

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Hey, how are you. Im just over 6 months clean now. Still have days of no energy, but i started seeing great improvements at 5 months. I can clean now even if i dont want to, but before i just couldnt even move.

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Yes. 3 months and can't get out of bed hardly. That's why I'm on the internet searching wth is up with this zero energy.

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Hi thank you. Ive started taking l-tyrosine and im starting to get bursts of energy now. I tried exercise and could honestly not keep going. Starting to eat properly again. I just hope its a turn for the better now. Thanks again.

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Hello, Ameliapond! How are you?

If you were a long time addict and then had to use Suboxone treatment, it could take quite awhile for your body to fully recover and get back to normal.

But you should consult you doctor about it, to be sure.

Have you been eating properly? Taking in enough fluid each day? Getting proper exercise?

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