54_411 Vs M 924 (Page 2)


I've been on Subs for a while and i just received the Mylan 924 for the first time... I've been with Roxanne 54_411 for some time now... Does anyone have an opinion as far as which manufacturer is better. Or what's your opinion personally?

38 Replies (2 Pages)

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I get the m924 pills at cvs pharmacy here in salt lake city, utah. I am not sure if all cvs pharmacies are the same or not.

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I definitely agree with this, I have been on subs for about 2 years and just recently they hardly had any affect on me whatsoever , which made me take more and more... When I discovered these I took my normal amount and the difference to me, was huge. I hate when I fill my script and get the 54/411 anymore. I do less taking the M924 and the feeling is very close to when I first began this journey. Everyone is different, but with a tolerance as high as mine, it's just insane to me that a lot of people prefer the others. It's worth a shot if you haven't tried them, you won't get sick, it will still do it's job.

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Does the m924 have different ingredients then the 54 411 ? When I take the Mylan brand it seems as if it doesn't last as long as the Roxanne 54 411. I can take one of those and go days without and still feel decent but I can't even really go one day without taking the m924 doesn't make sense to me anyone know?

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My opion get off of the stuff if all your going to do is complain if one big pill is better or worse then the other big pill!!subutex is subutex,suboxen is suboxen!!GESHHH and ppl call them self adults lol..

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Kmart has them I know some one who got them there..the m 924

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Wow, to thanks for posting! Got a lot I need to learn & keep an eye out sounds like. My doctor is sending me to a pain clinic & never even asked, just showed my injury & the deformed looking area. Week later I get forms to fill out & an app set for Sept. Those places must be pretty busy to set a new patient over 3mths away. Know nothing about these pain clinics but do know the more ya take of anything, the less I helps over time. Do pain clinics give small doses instead of all the big doses I hear about like Percocet 15 & 30, or oxycotins. I don't need a big dose, 5mg & 7.5mg works for me & sure don't wanna go if they only give high doses. Kinda afraid to even go but exception & advil no longer work &: can't don't know what else to do. Know I'm gonna pay close attention to all of it thanks to you. Have heard that bout Florida, pitiful! Government puts all these bad drugs out cause they no folks will get hooked & they make a fortune. Government has pharmaceuticals on their back pocket. Thanks again for posting this. Really gives me a lot to think about & consider.

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U might think subutex is subutex but honestly different manufacturers it does matter to some..maybe u personally don't and that's fine but that's what this forum is about in case u didn't know or need reminded..I've been on them 6 years I've had all of them including the strips and I will be the 1st to say it does make a difference so I'd rather read about the difference people have rather than u mentioning something we already know which is we are adults! So u might wanna go to a different forum:D

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I go to CVS in Virginia and get the 54-411s so it depends you just have to ask what brand that they carry

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Hey Brie I get the same ones you get and they work great for me. I don't know where I'd be if I wasn't on subutex. I get 60 a month and there the M 924 ones. Thanks

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Injecting the M924...did you? I was with the 54-411 and went great but the m924's aren't that good and after, my arm feels sore.

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Just injected the m924 for first time and my arms doing the same thing! Aching and burning! Never had this problem with the 54's

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a lot of people like the 54 411 better then the M 924 but look up all images of subutex and you'll feel lucky to get one of those two even the M, because I've had quite a few different ones and the two are the best and last the longest. Check out all the images and you'll see. Some I hacen't even seen before.

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Interesting post!! I believe it!! Thanks for all the info..much appreciated and very true!!

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Ay bro, as to the garbage m924s, I find they are just as good if you're taking them as prescribed.

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I'm ready to just go to pain management and get put back on Percocet30 and get them to lower me down becouse they are taking advantage of people trying to get help and when I was on percocet 30mg at least the price don't jump from month to month. It's a shame but there is nothing you can do. I was going to kmart and getting all my meds for $213. now you go and it's $400 one month and 213 the next time. to me that's wrong. I would like to get off of it because it's a bigger problem than I had before.

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I think personally the M924 are just as good as the 54411 but the m924 are better to take if u are going to be working at your place of employment the 54411 seem to make me nod if I'm not active and all I take a day is a quarter piece and some days not even the whole 1/4 thank God that's all I need my next step is to stop taking them all together and also if i take something one day and happen to leave my dose at home the next morning rushing to get to work on time I'm fine all day and at times want bother taking anything till the following day

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Re: the end of lies (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I find it hard to believe a rant like that came from sobriety... You sure you weren't on something when you wrote that? lol or maybe you NEED something...

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Re: mandy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Can u please tell me why I get sick after I take the 9411

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