52747-250: Hylafem 2 Vaginal Suppository
Where can i fill a prescription for that medication? I have a prescription by my doctor but my pharmacy does not have it in stock.
2 Replies
Hi Maria,
I looked up the NDC you provided for "Hylafem Boricum Acidum 2x" on MedsChat's National Drug Code database (52747-250) and it comes up with the active ingredient being "Boric Acid" at a dosage strength of "2 [hp_X]/1" - Perhaps a chemist at a compounding pharmacy would be able to work with that information (given that you have a prescription)? They may be your best bet if regular large chain stores don't carry what you're looking for.
Hope this helps!
My pharmacy had to order it and only took 48 hours to receive it.
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