5 Mg Risperdal (Top voted first)


I wanted to know if anyone in the forum is on 5mg of Risperdal or has a loved one that is. If so how has the drug worked for you or your loved on on 5mg? My 26 year old son is in a residential program he has been prescribed 2 mg in the morning and 3 mg at night. He's always tired and and I know that's a well known side effect. I am just wondering if that's to high of a mg his provider has him on. Please help as I don't know where else to turn.

2 Replies

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Is he happy with it other than the fatigue? That medication gave my mom SI and now she is gone, but if it’s not hurting your son it’s probably OK.

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How long has he been taking it?

The severe drowsiness, and fatigue are side effects that usually improve, as one gets used to the medication. Other side effects may include dizziness, weight gain, and dry mouth.

Ref: Risperdal Information

My ex-husband was on it for awhile, he had also started it while in a residential treatment program for severe depression, and it was just too much, he couldn't stay awake at home, and function, so he had to stop taking it.

It is also important to remember that once he is released from the program, and returns home, the prescribed amount, and twice daily dosing may change, higher doses are often given to patients who are in acute emergency status.

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