40mg Opana Generic (Top voted first)
9 Replies
Yes they are and already started senting them out. Check Impax web site and call them. They will tell you. You may need to have your pharmacy order them. They are much cheaper.
A lot of it is going to depend on when the supplier for your local pharmacy can get them in.
Learn more Opana details here.
Every pharmacy can only order a limited supply of each controlled substance each month, so if they've already stocked up on the name brand, they won't be able to order in the generic for you, yet. Under the new laws, there is nothing they can do about it.
So, it may take a month or two, before they become available to you.
Are there any other questions or comments?
Has anyone had their oxymorphone ER by Impax filled in Florida yet?
I received my generic today at CA. 40 mg round orange tablet w/ G74 on one side.
Generic Opana 40mg are available now. Today when I received my prescription for 90 Opana 40 mg I called Walgreens to make sure they had them in stock before I drove there. The pharmacy tech asked me if I wanted the brand name or generic. Unfortunately, my insurance formulary does not include the generics yet so I had to get the brand name. The generics are available though.
does anyone know of pharmacies that carry generic opana er near Athens ga
Get immediate release, the cost nothing, why are people so bent on ER meds really?? A immediate release Opana 10mg is .35 cents at pharmacies. Come on people use common sense
I was told that a 40 mg Opana ER equals 180 mgs of morphine . Is this correct or does anyone know how they determine this ??
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