40 Mg Oxycontin Vs Ms Contin 30mg. (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been taking 40mg oxycontin 3x a day. My insurance won't cover it any more. My Doc prescribed ms contin 30mg 2 x a day. will it work?
Hey! Smartie pants! I am having the same problem with my teeth! Rotting from the inside out. I am in pain with infections which are extra serious for me because I have an autoimmune disease. And, I have never insufflated a thing in my life! I found out too late, after being on oxycodone for 5 years;60mg every 3-4 hours for chronic intractable pain, that the oxycodone changes the ph balance in your mouth and dries it out. It can be prevented, I think, with "Biotine" mouthwash, although I know people who claim they have to garlgle once an hour at least to get results. Next time, please research a subject before making incorrect assumptions about people who are not only already suffering with a painful chronic disease, but now have to deal with the whole teeth thing! I think the company or pharmacy should have to put a notice on the bottles telling people something like this, "Oxycodone/Oxycontin causes a drastic change in the mouth's PH balance, please take precautionary actions." If I had known this before, I would have asked my dentist what to do. Insurance won't pay to have my teeth corrected as they consider it cosmetic. Cannot get any of my doctor's to admit that this medication is what caused this. Therefore, they will not write me a note saying it is a medical necessity. Five different dentist's claim that they have never heard of such a thing and quoted me in excess of $40,000.00 to correct my mouth. Those suffering really need to get together and establish a group to fight back against this! I am serious. We need to be our own advocates here. Change starts with us! Anyone interested in helping me find a solution, recruit new members, start a petition and send complaint letters to involved parties should get in touch with me. ***Subject should read: Oxycontin/oxycodone damaged my teeth!
I believe that oxy does affect your teeth, because my teeth are braking off all over my mouth!!!!
Thanks, I'm on 30mg MsContin so a dilaudid #4 should be slightly stronger? They give me 10/325 Norco for breakthrough pain,I think they work better than the 30mg MsContin.
The problem with teeth is it gives you dry mouth. Use biotene and that will help you. The teeth grinding is a separate issue. You need a night guard from your dentist
Was prescribed ms cotin, never took before a little afraid. What's the difference in ms cotin 30 Mg than oxycotins?????
I have been on pain meds since I was 25 years old with back issues, at the age of 42 I decided to have a fusion of S-1-L-4-L5. Went back to work after 6 weeks, went back to patrol as a Code Compliance Officer and not even two months out of my back surgery a vehicle turned left In front of me and I hit the vehicle. Could not walk for 7 months then they finally went back in and had to refuse and put new hardware in. Messed my back up and my right side. Foot burns and have pain on my right side so bad. my hip hurts as well. I am told to stretch and was on Oxycotin 40mg for 9 years with percs 10/325 and the workercomp decided that they don't want to pay for the oxy any more and they are trying me on 30 mg morphine time release. Is this going to help me or am I going to suffer? I have a very hard time already and the oxy and percs helped but still had pain. I am a 50 year old female and am on disability. I feel for all people in real pain. We need to petition against all the Bullsh.
I took my generic (morphine) and it does not work at all. I had to take 3 tablets even to get any relief. So I believe that Oxycontin is a better pain medication than the generic morphine.
My workerscomp does not want to pay for my oxycotin 40 mg 3xday either so they put me on that crap 30 mg ms cotin and like you said, it is CRAP. I had to take four today for the first time using it just to try to get relief. So sorry to hear about your pain.
It does not work that is what they just did to me and I am fixing to get an attorney because my issue is through workerscomp and they don't have empathy nor sympathy for people with chronic pain.
It will help with withdraw and curves the pain for a while. If you have been on oxycontin for a very long time .Your Dr. can ask for a preaurthorzation ,but if Inc. Has taken it out of there formulazation.Ask Dr.about Opana ER .it is as close as you will get to oxycontin,basically same thing but much better than Oxycontin. Much more level headed,no drunk filling.But every bit as good for curving the pain.
for me I took morphine sulfate the long-acting 1 of 30 milligrams I bought it my insurance but in at a drugstore in a small town worked fine for me came to a big city went to Walgreens they gave me some pink generic found out had nosebleeds kitchen did not take care of the pain proper I don't know what was in it and I'm still looking for this pink pill online it's getting to a point I just don't understand the system anymore why would they give the people have good insurance the best pills and both under the government seem to get crap at some places and I think it's sad because it mean if your poor or middle class don't have good insurance they're prejudiced you get generic or the crap a doctor and Stanford told me how long time ago generic is not the same don't let them kids you
Dont feel bad, i am 39 years old and have been declared permanently disabled. I have degenerative disc disease where it have totally destroyed both of my knees, 3 disc in my back and my left shoulder. I also have rheumatoid and osteoarthritis arthritis, fibromyagi and neuropathy. I have been taking percocet 10/325 for a while now for break through pain relief. My doctor has recently added MsContin 30 mg and it has been working very well. I hope eventually you find something that works for you.
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