30mg Oxycodone Tab Pictures E563
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e563 on one side 30 on other
14 Replies
I have filled my new prescription and there is the no. 30 on one side and the letters R/P on the other side the prescription is for my pain medicine. What type of meds are these.
Has anyone seen roxy 30 that are small round blue pill with M on one side and nothing on the other side?
its has abuse proof fillers and they're extended release
they suck i was givin them by my pharmacist because i was complaining of the one with vs on them which he told me they dont make anymore so he gave me them the next day i switch thy for th light blue ones long island
Why don't people like Oxys 224 compared to a215 or the ones stamped on the back with a M or V
its oxycodone and much better than a ms ir which is morphine sulfate youre mactualyy lucky if he gave you those instead because they cost 6.00 each in the rx and the msirs are only 50 cents each the oxycodone is a much better painkiller
oxycodone 30 are the best medicine for pain that most of us americans suffer from from moderate to severe pain
i just filled my script for roxycodone 30mg and they gave me pills that ive never seen before. they are round, blue, and stamped 224 on one side. is anyone familiar with these new pills??? im guessing that they are from a new manufacturer maybe???
I need to get Dilaudid in an injectionable form. What do you have to tell your doctor to get him to write a prescription for the liquid? I need it for pain and stress.
Amide is the best generic you can get. The real Roxies are a little better & cost twice as much with 199 on one side. Don't ever get on that's not blue, like Malencroft, they suc.
A 215 is Oxycodone 30mgs, a generic for Roxicodone.
Most definitely different from MSIR.
MSIR is an immediate release version of Morphine.
The ratio of Oxycodone to Morphine is 1 to 3, in other words 5mgs of Oxycodone is equivelent to taking 15mgs of Morphine. So if you were supposed to get 10mgs of MSIR, but instead were given 10mgs of Oxycodone, then you have gotten way too strong of a pill.
You may want to check with your doctor or the pharmacist first, if your pharmacist doesn't carry the MSIR, or if your insurance doesn't cover it, he may have called your doctor to okay the substitute.
I have a pill that is a small round pill and is scored with the letter a on one side and on the same side it has the numbers 215. on the other side of the pill it is scored and blank the color of the pill is a lite blue color I would like to know what this pill is. I think it is an oxy IR and I am supposed to be taking a pill called MSIR . I think the pharmacist made a mistake and I didnt have time to speak to my doctor because I was flying out of the state immediately if anyone can tell me what this pill is I would appreciate it thank u
narcotice pain medication
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