30 Mg Oxycodone Capsule With Sweet Taste
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Wondering if the powder from a 30 mg oxycodone capsule is supposed to be sweet to the taste? ...It has no medicinal or bitter taste. It is similar to a powdered sugar taste.
4 Replies
Your question is not a yes or no type answer. "Maybe" would be more appropriate.
Are there any that are sweet? - Probably so. Yes, even REAL ones. There are dozens of generic mfgrs of this drug. Each has their own formula of inert fillers plus the basic 30mg of oxycodone. Oxy itself is NOT sweet.
Fakes, or bootleg tablets can be made of anything from gypsum dust to bath powder. Licking or tasting a tablet that you do not know anything about is not a good idea. What if it was a dewormer pill for the dog?
There was an investigative journalism story done a couple years ago about the importing of "fake" pills from China. The undercover reporter managed to purchase a hefty bag (100,000 tabs) of fake viagra tablets for pennies each. IIRC the lab report came back as gypsum, the stuff that sheetrock is made of...
The blue 30 mg tablets I found in my granddaughter's room are sweet and very easy to break, seems to melt when licked. Is this what oxycodone tablets do? Are there any that are sweet? Can I get a straight yes or no please?
Hello, Kiki! How are you?
There are some sweeteners that are approved for use, by the FDA, in prescription medications, as inactive ingredients.
What are the markings on the capsule? That is the information I need in order to check for you and verify what these capsules contain.
The FDA classifies Oxycodone as a narcotic analgesic, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
No, it should NOT. You have a bottle full of saccharin tablets like I got.
BTW... capsules are 2 piece gelatin halves that slide together to contain the medicine. You have a TABLET that is WHITE, SOLID and has 114 printed in one side. The proper description IS IMPORTANT so others will know FOR CERTAIN what they have and IF it is a bad or defective medicine as these ARE.
I know exactly which pills and which mfg you are talking about. Mayne Pharma. That particular product is as useless as Lips on a Wood Pecker....unless you are having Tea.
I got "burned" with those pills ONCE and I told my pharmacy NEVER AGAIN! They did NOTHING for my pain and they caused me to have the worst month I've had since being in a PM program. I complained to everybody and nobody could believe that these pills were as BAD as I claimed. I honestly believe these pills to be FAKE or switched either at the mfg or somewhere between the mfg and the distributer. Someone swapped REAL meds for sweetener tablets. I even felt withdrawals from these 'new' pills.... To give a clue,.. I took 5 within 2 hrs and felt NOTHING. If they were REAL....I SHOULD have been face down in the dirt near an overdose. I was NOT...Not even close. They DID taste like saccharin tablets....."sweetener" that comes in small tablets.
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