30 Mg Methadone Daily Can I Stop? (Top voted first)


30 mg methadone per 24 hours for pain. Pain is being treated with a new procedure. I have not taken anyethedone for 15 hours. What should I do? I don't feel any terrible discomfort as of yet.

3 Replies

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Hello, Don! How are you? Did you end up experiencing any withdrawal symptoms?

Methadone is pretty notorious for causing them and it can do so for a long period of time, which is why many people who use it for addiction treatment end up on a lifetime maintenance dose.

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Hi--Thanks for tthe return mail. Yes!! After 24 hrs it was too much.
I started methadone at 45 mg/ day-- now I'm used to 25 to 30. My plan is to cut down SLOWLY for as long as it takes. Years if necessary. That stuff is brutal !
By the way-- Did you know it was invented by Nazis in 1936? Leave it to nazis to make the most addictive drug in the world.

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I know this is a few weeks old but just to tell you my experience I twas on methadone three times. First time I was on 55 mg and when I was done I went down 1mg a day and I don't remember having any withdrawal. The 2nd time I was taking it I just decided to quit cold turkey and ill admit the 2nd day was hard but it was over after few days. Had a hard time sleeping. That time I really had no choice in quitting. I had no money eye and no way to the Dr so somehow knowing it was out of my control made it easier. I was also taking a lot of vitamins. The third time I went to a higher dose 85 mg and I was on it for pain and it wasn't helping, I just transitioned to oxycodone and had no adverse effects. I know everyone's different. Good luck to you.

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