30 Mg Oxycodone Vs 30mg Morphine Sulfate (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Which is stronger, 30mg Oxycodone or 30mg Morphine Sulfate?

60 Replies (3 Pages)

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I am so sorry to hear of your pain. Most people don't really realize what constant pain does to a person. I went through all the meds you have listed except the lyrica (too new for me) and the dilaudid. Nothing I tried worked, if it did not for very long, then my tolerance would go up and up went the dosages. I've found the only thing that works every time (I don't want to offend anyone) is medical marijuana. It is the only thing in the last 20 years that has kept me on my feet. I've got so many issues I told the doctor's to just put a zipper up my spine so they could open me up over and over. So medical marijuana.....Don't use one with a high thc count, in fact something with the lowest thc count. You want the highest cbd count. The cbd goes right to the central nervous system and works, for me, with only two or three hits of it. I smoke it cause I don't get the quick and constant effect that eating it in something gives. Eating it in cookies or whatever takes much longer because it has to go through your digestive system and it also looses some of the potency going that way. You can purchase cbd items through amazon and several other places. Again there is no thc in it, if there was it couldn't be sold by amazon. Cbd really is the miracle that so many people, children and even our dogs use for pain that prescriptions just don't. Just a thought and my own opinion. It is worth a try, you've got nothing to lose except maybe a $20.00 bill. There are many info sites for research. Good luck. My recommendation comes from 23 years of prescriptions that didn't work and 23 years of a few puffs on a good cbd smokeless pen that has kept me on my feet.

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For the nerve pain you dont need a narcotic thats the wrong medication you should ask about a somewhat high dose of gabapentin. Its worth a shot anyway,it was developed for exactly what you have.

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I've been in chronic & severe pain for years. After being in a marriage where my husband beat me so badly. I was also in an automobile accident when I was 17 years old. Ive had several head injuries. I can't even begin to tell anyone the pain I'm in. Also, have had 12 surgeries. I have chronic adhesions. I'm also hypothyroidism. Oxycodone is making me ill. It's driving me crazy. From everything I've read my thyroid if running on the high side. It's like I'm over stimulated. I use to take mepergan. The doctor is going to put me on 30 mg of morphine 3 x daily and take me off the 5 oxy's I take now. I don't understand why she didn't catch this problem. On my own I had the lab tech to send me a copy of my thyroid panel. Lord & behold it's running on the high side. I've been nervous, irritable, crying. Felt like my brain was vibrating. Now blood is coming from my nose. You know how one gets moisture in ones nose? I think the oxy is drying my sinus's. I told my doctor how my head gets sore. I have throbbing migraines, on my forehead. I have pain in my left eye. I also have these bumps in my throat. My doctor thinks it's gerd. I sleep with my head in an up-right position, so I don't have to take acid meds. They do not agree with me. I'm having memory problems as well. I told her I don't need any kind of stimulant pain meds, along with taking thyroid medicine. I've done my own research. I could over dose. I'm like a live wire. When I took the mepergan, I never felt the jitters or hyper, like I do now. I can take 5 -- 10 mg of oxy a day for pain. The most my body allows is 4. I don't feel so jittery if I only take 3 but, the pain is so bad, I take at leat 4 daily. I'm taking my doctor the ones I haven't used. I feel like 30 mg of morphine is not going to be equal to what I'm taking now. I read where 45 mg of morphine is equal to 10 mg of oxycodone. Any suggestions?

I know morphine is longer lasting. She gave me 10 mg of morphine before, to see if it would do okay. Like I couldn't even feel any difference, in the pain. She had me on a 25 mg fentanyl patch. Which I had her to take me off because it kept me awake. I DO NOT sleep well anyway. When one is in chronic pain, they do not get quality rest. I use tens units, heating pads, ice packs, xcetra. Besides the back pain and chronic pain with that and the chronic pain with adhesions, in my abdomen, secondary to hysterectomy. They've gone in 6 times already because of adhesions bounding me up. My bowels even. I also suffer front Fibromyalgia. AND, other diseases. I have nerve pain. Feels like a bee sting. Electric shock. Now, l have burning in my little toe. They tried me on neurontin, but, it affects my heart. I wised I lived near where I could drive myself back to the pain clinic. My muscles are rigid. I have muscle spasms. I get relief from muscle rubs. I mean, it puts me to sleep. It feels like heaven. That is what I need on a daily basis. I can't drive to any rehab places on my own. Have no family. Son lives out of state. I'm on disability. I wonder why my doctor can't get me a social worker? I'm in my sixties. Well enough said. Didn't mean to say so much. I'm in much pain and miserable. I have no life. I do know this: any doctor who gives their patients pain meds that is a stimulate, like oxy, shouldnt. If they take thyroid meds. So morphine is more like a downer. They gave me something in the hospital. Dilaudid. Anyway, my doctor says she can't give me that but, can give me morphine. I just don't understand. Morphine to me, is a potent pain med. I know it's longer acting. I would rather have the morphine instead of the oxy. At least it won't hype me up. Any advice would be appreciated. Maybe a doctor will read this.

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I believe u are right oxycodone are better .....i can't find a doctor to prescribe me them.....is that bad thing???? I have bad back problems and i am just looking for someone's opinion

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My doctor switched me from oxycontin 30mg ER to morphine sulfate 30mg ER... I also went from oxycodone 10/325 to morphine sulfate 15 mgs and I don't feel as much relief as I did before, so he said we would try this combo for a month. If they are equal why do I feel more pain?

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Re: rickey (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

That means you have a problem. Unless you have been talking large doses of narcotics over a period of time, 150mg of morphine sulfate should be sufficient for most people. If you have a terminal illness maybe you should talk to your doctor about another drug such as methadone or Dilaudid. Good luck, I get the feeling that you are an abuser.

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Can one take oxycodone and morphine sulfate the same day? I have both but only take the oxy as the morphine doesn’t seem to work as well or at all. The oxy is 30mg and the morphine is also 30mg. Prescribed dose on the oxycodone is three times a day as is the morphine but dr said definetly not to take them together. I have been on the oxy for many years. Thanks in advance for the reply.pain lady. P.S. how about Kratom?

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Re: Whipplewarrior (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

No, it was developed for seizures and they use it for nerve pain. I was prescribed it and it made me feel strange, so no thanks doc. Where I live, I have to drive 75 miles one way to see my PM doc, there is not one doctor in my city that will write a script for pain medication, too scared they're all a bunch of wusses. All be damned if the DEA would be telling me how much med. to prescribe to my patients if I were a doctor. The government has NO business in people's medical records and how much meds they take but they're keeping track. Whatever happened to our privacy laws, HIPPA? I went to the ER one time with an abscessed tooth and my pain meds weren't touching this pain and this b**** doctor woman screamed out as loud as she could, AHA, you're get 120 of these, 150 of these, so everyone in that ER could hear, made me look like a complete drug seeker. I was so upset I was sobbing. I should have sued, I called the hosp. after I got home and told the Mgr of the place. I was never so embarrassed in all my life, totally made me look like I was seeking drugs. Has anyone had an abscessed tooth w/ the whole side of your face swollen up? You know the pain is worse than natural childbirth. I am so sick of the government controlling doctors now, it's pretty simple, if someone has an MRI or Xrays that prove what is wrong with them then help them to control their pain and their quality of life.

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Re: Pain jane (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Morphine sucks for pain, I hate it. I'd rather have Oxycodone any day but my doctor will only prescribe me 100 hydrocodone (10mg) a month. I was getting 120 and this crap barely touches my pain, been taking it for 8 years and of course my tolerance is built up but they don't do anything about. I have to drive 75 miles one way just for these. I have Spondolothesis, Scoliosis, Stenosis, Arthritis and a fracture all in my back and can barely walk. Both of my knees are bad too. Something has to be done about the government controlling doctors and what they prescribe to their patients. I cannot even believe this is going on, it's absolutely asinine. What doctors prescribe to their older patients who clearly have chronic pain has nothing to do with deaths of young people. There very well could be older people taking illicit drugs now too to control their pain as they're probably in the same shape as I am in, can't get the doctor to prescribe a decent medication and dose. I just see more illicit drug deaths occurring because of the CDC recommendations, so let them keep up with their ridiculous B.S. and see how many more have to die.

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45 mg of morphine sulfate er (extended release) is approximately equal to 30 mg of oxycodone hcl but lasts much longer due to its 12hr, time released formula. I have only seen it once but has anyone tried morphine hcl(hydrochloride)?? 60 mgs of it was more effective than 100 mgs of morphine sulfate....

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Hi, I took oxycontin starting at the lowest, I think it was 20 mg, but I know I went up to 40 mg, didn't work, then 60mg, didn't work, then 80mg, also didn't work. This was twice a day just like you. Then my Pain Management (PM) doc switched me to methadone and it worked. Hopefully you have a doc who realizes that everyone is different when it comes to pain and that you should start our with the minimal amount and go up from there until you can find what works for you. If you do not, then I suggest that you find yourself a competent PM doc. I was also switched from oxycodone to morphine sulfate immediate release (IR). That did the trick and then I got heavy into meditation and eating right and was able to stop methadone altogether and drastically reduce my morphine to almost nothing. But I am talking about meditating a minimum of two hours/day and you have to give it four to six weeks for results, but hey, it's better than being on pain pills. I still have pain and I am ok with about a 3-4 level of pain without pain meds. So I was just switched to 10 mg oxycodone 1 one every four hours prn (as needed) from my last rx of ms ir tha was 1-2 30mg every 6 hours prn. You just have to try different things. Opana and dilaudid DID LITERALLY NEXT TO NOTHING for me. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT and that is what a lot of doctors DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!!!! I hope this helps and good luck to you!!!

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Roxy and oxy are not the same med. Roxy is generic for Vicodin Roxy has Hydrocodone in it while oxy is Percocet and has Oxycodone and Tylenol in it , as does the Roxy( Tylenol in it)

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Oxy is NOT stronger than morphine. Don't know where u got ur facts.

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she will be high has mf and whene takes the regular dose she will be lacking

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I agree, for God's sake, you couldn't possibly have stated any better the first..... 4-5 times.

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Can you take morphine 15 mg sulfate with methadone 10mg

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30 mg of oxy is WAY stronger than 30 mg of morphine, 30 mg of oxy is equivalent to 75-90mg of the morphine. believe me, I know what im talking about. iv been plugging 90 mg of morph every morning for 6 months. that is, when I run out of my rx of oxy 30s

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i took 150mgs of morphine ER and its not working

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So is 30 mg of morphine the same as popping a 10mg oxy? Thank you

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generic roxicodone, 122 by Cara, made me deathly sick. I have been taking oxycodone for about 10 ye.ars. I have
had 3 back surgeries, and I have been taking oxycodone for years. I developed neuropathy in my left leg and foot I have constant pins needles nervepain. I have gone through several different formulas of this pain med, but not one made me as deathly ill as this .what could they have changed so much to make me this sick? I will probably have to change to something that is comparable? morphine is it totally different drug, would I go through withdrawals from the oxycodone?

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