2mg Name Brand Xanax


If you are looking at a name brand xanax 2 milligram, if you turn it over to the right what way would the number 2 be facing?

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Depends which way you are facing?

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Eddy is right, it probably would depend on which way you are facing as well. Lol..

When I look at an image of a legitimate 2mg white xanax bar, the word "[x|an|a|x]" is printed horizontally, but the number 2 is always represented as being vertical (going long ways) on the opposite side. It appears to be facing left just as a normal "2" would.

I hope my description makes sense, but if you have any trouble picturing this, there are several images that can be found online using a simple search.

Best of luck!

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I have a bar labeled xanax with 2 on the other side but one I'd say is different than the other is it just pfizer printing locations

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Yeah have these same ones with variations w the two like the 2 is right on poit n so is the labelled xanax 2 is smaller than as pictured normally and xanax is more of a stick. What is this just a diff pfizer factories doing???

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