250 Mg Twice A Day Unheard Of?
UpdatedI take an older antipsychotic and in addition have sleep apnea. Nuvigil 250 mg 2 times a day makes me feel like a new person, yet most doctors are too timid to prescribe anything beyond what it says on the box.
I feel it's actually way more dangerous to be sleepy and driving around saying and doing dumb things, but I can't seem to get any MD's to think even a little bit 'outside the box'. Off-label they can write for whatever strength they want.
5 Replies
Based on my research, Nuvigil is a federally controlled substance because it has the potential to be abused or lead to dependence. (250 mg) is the highest dose of Nuvigil and is usually prescribed for oral administration once a day. Since the dose you're comfortable with is 2 (250 mg) pills a day that probably makes doctors nervous because they wouldn't want to lose their license if something were to happen.
The only thing I can recommend would be to create some sort of document that you would sign to ensure that you take full responsibility if you were to become dependent on this medication. I'm not a lawyer or doctor so I can't say for sure if it's even possible to do something like that, but that's all I can think to do in your situation.
You can learn more about this drug on the page for Nuvigil Details
Anyone else have any advice or information to add?
My doctor just put me on 250mg Nuvigil once in the morning and one at noon due to severe OSA. They said my OSA is so bad its causing me narcolepsy symptoms. They actually got it through my insurance. I start taking 2 a day today. I also have a VERY hard time sleeping at night, even though I'm on numerous sleeping pills (this the doctor is aware of) they say i cant sleep cause of my OSA being so bad as well. So i guess it's not unheard of as much now. and every time i try to get it filled anywhere they've ran out. I guess its getting very popular. I was on Provigil 100 mg once a day and it didnt do anything at all. But the Nuvigil has made me a whole different person, and I have absolutely no side effects besides dry mouth, which isn't constant. I think you'll be alright. I got my Nuvigil through my Neurologist. My primary doctor gave me the Provigil. I hope this helps you :)
Thanks! Big help! That's what I figured. I think for me it's basically stigma. Being awake equates with being psychotic. If I'm sleepy, people feel more comfortable and less threatened. But thanks so much for your input. Maybe I need to get another sleep study.
I actually just had a sleep study done two months ago and they put me on a bipap machine. It's much better than the CPAP machine too. And you're welcome. I'm actually on antipsychotics as well and depression meds that make me SUPER groggy. I'm on Invega Sustenna 234mg and Abilify 15mg and Pristiq 100 mg, then I'm also on Xanax 1 mg 3 times daily, which makes it all the worse lol. So I'm absolutely loving the Nuvigil. Keeps me a lot more awake than I was before :)
I take 250mg of Nuvigil when I get up ang 150mg around noon. Most of my 30+ pills I take a day say "may cause drowsiness" and they ain't kidding. C'mon doctors- take a handful of these pills and see if YOU NEED NUVIGIL!!!
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