2172 Hydrocodone Acetaminophen-actavis/walgreens Complaint (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I too had my RX medication refilled (again) at Walgreens, but this time (When I did not take my RX Tylenol with it, like I always do) I noticed, that I have been given a different Brand of medication (A Generic Brand/MFG by-ACTAVIS). My "Norco-Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen 5-325/TB" did not work as prescribed or even when I took 3 pills at one time (because 1 nor 2 pills didn't work/relieve my pain). I believe I have been given FAKE NORCO/Hydrocodone pills (white/#2172 on them) from Walgreens Pharmacy. Today I contacted the DEA & FDA via email and requested that they investigate my complaint as soon as possible.

81 Replies (5 Pages)

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I believe Placebo is the correct name for the fake Norco's, correct me if I'm wrong instead of nothing said, nothing done, business as usual? Meanwhile the majority of Pharmacist's are playing Dr no 2 as they question you and even sometimes actually call the Dr you just came from to question his practice process while some Pharmacists obtain all types of fake crap (and it is going around on the streets) and simply trade them in upon arrival at work:( Let's be real in these desperate times! Thank you.

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Re: tony (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

The problem is the re-engineering of the pain medications. For years manufacturers have been allowed to put 20% less active ingredient in their medications and now the manufacturers have reformulated the pills to not only have 20% less active ingredients but they have also removed 70% of the oxytocin’s in the medications in an attempt to remove the addictive properties of the pills. The problem is that when they removed 70% of the oxytocin’s they also removed the pain killing properties along with it. This is why you read about so many people saying that there is no pain relief in the newer medications. Unfortunately, this is the wold we live in right now. Do not blame one ideology over another because when I first noticed this problem coming to the forefront it was 2009. People all across the political spectrum is advocating for the abolition of pain medications altogether. The pendulum is just starting to swing back the other way and things are becoming more centered but it is going to take time. Anything screwed up over several years will not be centered in a couple of years. I am just starting to read articles by pain specialists saying that chronic pain patients should not be punished for the sins of the abusers but, however, we are. At least for the time being.

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Re: Mejane (# 58) Expand Referenced Message
Too often people believe they are losing their minds because what the manufacturers have done is not published generally (it is published in the Doctors handbook—PDR—- but not to the general public). This is why many have switched manufacturers on several occasions with the same results. The effectiveness (in an attempt to remove the addictive qualities) has been removed for the most part.

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Re: cliff j (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Mr Patel was involved with my rx and he knew me for 4 years. I got a lawsuit going against Walgreens and Patel as advised by my attorney. Bad pharmacist.

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Re: John H (# 68) Expand Referenced Message
I hope you have the financial resources to go through the litigation. This has always been an issue. Large companies have a legal office and deep pockets while regular people run out of money too fast. This is the strategy the large companies employ. Sometimes they offer a small settlement and then demand a non disclosure agreement. In the long run companies will stand behind their people especially when they have been given “unwritten instructions” by their superiors. Only if an employee is egregiously wrong will they not support them.

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Re: Mejane (# 75) Expand Referenced Message
This talks about pets. The research I did on oxytocin’s does not address this issue at all. Did I overlook something?

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Re: Mejane (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

I just looked it up and it seems promising. If I can find it I will try it. Thanks for the info.

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I feel the same about Actavis 5/325 that I got from Walgreens. Do you know the website to complain to the FDA?

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I too was given the same pill...and I go to Walgreens to fill my meds... and it's like talking baby aspirin... When you have pain so bad that you hurt to sweep your floor... It gets really sad to a woman knowing she can't keep her house the way she wants to... when they start you on 10mg. Then drop you to 7.5, then drop you to a 5mg... and that would be ok...if it WORKED ...but sadly it doesn't...I think because some people abuse their medicine... We all are going to have to suffer.

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The last two norco 10/325 I got from Walgreen's did not work. That was in August-September 2017 but that's when the media called chronic pain patients dope heads... Sad. We had to suffer for others. One bad apple spoils it for others which is not fair. I got on norcos just to deal with it my way.

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Re: Susie (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely mine too. The pharmacy freaked out when the media turned chronic pain patients into dope heads. Pharmacies don't care about us. They just cut us off to avoid litigation and some docs prescribe to people who don't need them. That's where the epidemic came from, not us.

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Re: Susie (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

As far as I can tell the manufacturers and pharmacies that peddle these awful formulations are going to be protected by the politicians who are grouping all opioid pain medication users into the drug addict/fiend group. It does not matter that you have taken your PRESCRIBED medications for YEARS as prescribed. Do NOT try to cast the blame on one group or another. They are all EQUALLY responsible for the mess the legal and responsible users of pain meds are in. Too many companies are getting sued frivolously. NOT because a group thinks they can win at trial but to cause the manufacturers of opioids that are used legally to withdraw and just agree not to make them anymore. The manufacturers just are not willing to spend millions to defend themselves. If they win the losing side generally is responsible for the expenses of the winning side but if it is a group suing that has no assets then the losers spend millions defending themselves with nothing but an uncollectable judgment to show for it.

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Re: w john (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

So I guess chronic pain patients will be left alone to suffer as a result of the epidemic. This is wrong. Weed out the ones who don't need the meds and doctors that prescribe to them, instead of hurting us.

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Re: Susie (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

I so agree. I have written to every elected official that has ever broached this subject and have never received any reply. To have EVERY chronic pain patient lumped in with street users and addicts is so hurtful. When the political climate (and this is everyone in both parties) is so bad that you cannot even find a way to approach your Doctor and discuss your situation then the issue has morphed way past misuse into an area of abuse by the authorities that is just flat out wrong and unreasonable. Talk about throwing out the baby with the bath water. I have seen the pharmacists' looks when a prescription for ANY opioid-based medication is given to them. They look at you like you are a common street addict and their treatment of you is awful to say the least. Even when you have had a history with them for years and they have filled the prescription on many occasions. Walgreen's is doing everything possible to drive away their pain patients by selling the worst pain medications available. If you don't like what they sell you then that is just too bad.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Watson brand is still pretty good at relieving the pain

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Mine was phony went into withdrawals awful sorry Walgreens they don't care

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Re: w john (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Who are you sir response opioid epidemic at walgreens

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Re: Susie (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I do not understand your question. IF it is who am I to respond to the opioid epidemic at Walgreen's. This is very simple. I had a relationship with Walgeen's for over two decades. I filled all of my prescriptions there. In January 2018 they filled one of my prescriptions with a generic manufactured by Actavis. This was the most awful generic I have ever received from any Pharmacy. I can comment on Walgreen's because I have dealt with them for over 20 years. I see what they have done because of the "opioid crisis". I told Walgreen's at the local and corporate level that I would move all of my prescriptions to another pharmacy if this was the best they could do. They basically said TOUGH. I moved every prescription out of Walgreen's to another pharmacy. "IF" your question had to do with how I could comment on Walgreen's it is because of my long experience with them as a customer.

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I changed my pharmacy I advise you do the same they on cymbalta 3 different manufacturing companies norcos I got was bad

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Re: RobinE (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

Please note that "Watson" brand bought out the "Actavis" brand a couple of years ago. It says on the internet (if you Google "Watson") that Watson has discontinued the Watson brand on all but a small handful of generics and, then, those are only distributed in certain areas. If I read the post correctly "Watson" is no longer manufacturing generic hydrocodone. There could be some of the "Watson" brand hydrocodone left in some stores in some locations but when they are gone there will be no replacements. Remember, stores like Walgreens has over 1100 outlets in the United States and there could be some Watson generic hydrocodone somewhere. IF a pharmacist cared enough they may be able to locate and transfer in some of the Watson brand generic hydrocodone but most of them would rather tell you to take a hike then put in the work to find what you want (if it is available). If you think my information is incorrect then I would love to know where I can find the correct information.

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