210 1g
Updatedround yellow pill 210 on one side 1G with a line between them
6 Replies
I'll keep looking, but I cannot find anything in our U.S. prescription drug resources that has a 210, or a variation of that, with the IG.
There are several prescription tablets with the IG on them, so that leads me to believe it is a prescription item, however, it could be something they have produce outside the U.S.
Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? Does anyone else recognize this?
yellow round pill
279 0n one side
IG on the other side
small pill
It might be folic acid 1 mg. I have a prescription, and this month the prescription was filled with a different looking pill - 210 on one side and IG on the other. So for safety reasons, I am also looking to identify this pill.
thank you i believe it is folic acid i just found the bottle that they came in
I had the same question, I just called Walgreens to check and it is Filic Acid 1 mg- the manufacturer is West Ward and they changed the way it looks. My dad previously got the flater pill with 248 on it and he is now getting the IG 210.
On the West-Ward Pharm website search under "products" for folic acid. Click on the "product insert". See the last paragraph on second page titled "How Supplied" for description.
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