2016 Cdc Guidelines For Prescribing Opioids For Chronic Pain (Page 8)
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Hey all fellow patients out there, did you know the CDC has published a list of their proposed 2016 guidelines for doctors who prescribe opioids for chronic pain? That includes oxycodone, lortab, percocet, hydrocodone, opana, suboxone, morphine, and any other drug that has an opiate ingredient in it that so many of us count on to lead normal lives! This affects all of us and the comment period ends on January 13 2016! That's about a week from now! You know the doctors are going to have to follow whatever federal rules pass so if you are worried that you might not get the care you need please go to the gov web site for the office of the Federal Register and submit your comments to them before it's too late! "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announces the opening of a docket to obtain public comment on the draft CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain (Guideline). The Guideline provides recommendations regarding initiation or continuation of opioids for chronic pain; opioid selection, dosage, duration, follow-up, and discontinuation; and assessment of risk and addressing harms of opioid use. The Guideline is intended to be used by primary care providers (e.g., family physicians or internists) who are treating patients with chronic pain (i.e., pain lasting longer than 3 months or past the time of normal tissue healing) in outpatient settings." https://federalregister.gov/a/2015-31375 Editor's note: Please note that the above statement "You know the doctors are going to have to follow whatever federal rules pass" is technically correct but may be misleading in this case because the CDC draft says that it is "not a federal regulation" and that "adherence to the Guideline will be voluntary." Editor's note # 2: The title for this discussion thread has been updated to reflect the topic most effectively.

188 Replies (10 Pages)

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Jenny, they want to reduce it to 90 mg, it is already 120 mg according to the FDA Guidelines.

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CDC main page will be listed opiod guidelines basically they want to cut meds to 120mg combined long and fast actor total amount. And in make medicaid only give kadian or Embeda... if not it your state yet it will be they trick to pass a.bill then they stop coverage of everything else. Now they are going after V.A. and it will be same thing only covers 1 type medicine... next is medicare since they want you to believe it's a benefit not what you paid for all your working life. Then private insurance will follow along to save money.. needs stopped now =/

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I just don't understand how anyone can comment on this drug topic without reading the regulation. I can't find the content of this anywhere, on comments. Where can I find the text of the new guidelines?

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Amen to that.I've has 25 back surgeries and severe chronic pain.There are days I don't know how much more I can take it.It's been going on for 36 years now.On the correct pain medication I have a functional life.I take pain meds because I have too , not because I want too.

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My 1rst amendment is shot. I am a 61 y/o in perfect heath except my back is broken, my thighs are broken, ankle compound broke 4 knees 4 surgeries, all because the women's olympic dr in virginia insisted on a cardomed 360 degree total knee replacement non fda approved. The knee goes out to the right and i go down now if I do not feel pain. I do not fall. I have sleep deprived siezures. A friend of the extended family stole my meds. We had the same psychiatrist so he called the pain dr. I had been suicidal my entire life so my right of life liberty and pursuit of happiness if I can't walk I will lay in this condition till I die crying. My youngest girl was killed on 7/9/14. The oldest girl died 12/13/15. So benzo are needed. My tonic. clonic siezures are bad. Lose bowels and urine and I am going to die of a broken heart. Also I have PTSD FROM BEING BEATEN, RAPED, etc. My mother knew 5 years 7-11, then during Katrina we lost 2000 people. No one would help us. Now 2 of my 3 girls died. After my seizure the ems took me. I was a confused person post seizures. You will say anything with withdrawal dementia. That dr.'s diagnosis was suicidal addict, so I fell in the hospital with the mentally ill. I complained about the seroquel. It made me woozie in the am. Staff painted our nails. I went to get a matching shirt. My knee gave out and broke both femurs. I do not want to die. I have 1 girl left and 7 grand babies. They would feel like I do. HELP. BLESS YOU.

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In the book, The Opiate Cure by Dr Robert Cochran, he states: "patients do not trust their doctors. We treat them only to our level of comfort and not theirs. With pill counts and U/A's we make the patients lie to us. They have to find multiple doctors and buy off the streets. We make them do that. Could it be that we could solve abuse by prescribing MORE generously? Look up Dr Robert Cochran. He was a good pain doc here in Nashville. Unfortunately he was forced to resign since he listened to his patients and actually helped them. When I was looking for a pain doc, a school administrator gave me his info and I found he quit the previous month. He has a couple books out about opiates--he knows what they are able to do-in a good way.

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I Rember my old friend my original DR in Rustburg Dr Stephen Thompson who passed away after a long courageous battle with ThroatCancer he was and in my mind Will ALLWAYS be what a Good DR Should be a person who could truly tell if you were in pain. He would have helped me and not abandoned me and anyother Cronic pain patient he had in practice I do not belive he would have stopes takeing new patients I say this because the last few times I saw DR Thompson I could tell my Friend Was In Great Pain hisself I Asked Why Do You Not Enjoy The Time Left My Dear Friend told me that was what kept him going was helping His Patients. They do not make DRS like him anymore I'm very sorry for that and it's very hard when you have had a First Rate DR but I say again that the DEA has NO BUISNESS IN A DOCTORS OFFICE I DO NOT WANT TO BREAK THE LAW BUT IM going to do what I have to do to have as good a life as I can I'm not judeing anyone we have been put in a Bad Situation We Have To Deal With Daily We Are All Stuck In Wore Out Body's and if I could I'd quite happily let the good ole folks who think they know what is going on with our situation trade places I'd never let Them Out Of My Body if you Could trade places And I'd Give Them There First Bottle Of Tylenol. I Wish You All Good Luck With Your Drs And Your meds GOD Bless You All.

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My DR had no problem telling me to NOT come back on September 8th 15 and I have Reyes, several mussel relaxers. they made me very aggressive. I do not want that as I'm a alpha male and I try hard to control my temper. it can be rough when my candle is lit. My old Dr knew this. she had a male with her till I told him he should leave. I don't want to be a training aid SOO just my DR and me for a visit. I still think the World of the DR I had in Rustburg VA. she was very kind and understanding till the DEA GOT ON HER. SOME people lack the fight to do the Right thing But a DR works awfully hard to become a Doctor so I Understand from her stand point but I still am in a lot of pain. I'm not trying to be messed up on my medication. if I were that type of person I would be in a very bad way I have some medication put back. I saw the righting on the wall. We Should Not Have to be Stressed out worrying about our meds. We All should be upset with the DEA. in this country the government is our servant not our Master. I have but one Master and it's No Person. I'm 60. I saw the hippie movement when I was a kid. I don't want a Buzz. I want to be able to walk a little and if it's a nice day I would love to ride one of my Harley Davidson motorcycles just a little. Not much just a little, they are what I want. some quality of life. I think some of the old meds work just fine. my crummy insurance will pay for my valiums and the Opana works. so did the oxycontin. I think we have a Right to meds we need to do the things We Enjoy. I'd as soon be Dead as I have no life so I'm going to do some things to stay on my feet.

I Don't think we should be held accountable for other folks Not Raising there kids Not to Steal or use Drugs. Not There's that is a failing of the parents. my Daughter is 41 yrs old and she was taught these things by me and her Mother but it seems young people are Not getting this. they seem very spoiled and entitled to me. well when the dust settles the Chronic Pain Patient is Going to Hurt And the young people who have stolen, bought or how ever they get the meds they don't have A Right to have are going to meet the Dealers in on the South of Atlanta and on Old National Highway. They Are Plentiful. I watch the local News. never been there don't want to ever go Either. I think we need to Expand Medical MARIJUANA. IT WILL HELP IF YOU GET THE RIGHT STRAIN. I HAVE THE BEGINNING OF EMPASENA. I know my spelling stinks sorry, but if you read you understand what I mean. I'm Not Going to be pushed anymore than I have been. I'm sorry our Governent got in the DR business. that's what makes me mad and if the Great State of Georgia will include Chronic pain to be able to have MEDICAL MARIJUANA I WOULD NOT NEED THERE OPIATES OR DR'S. I KNOW WHEN I NEED A SPINAL PROCEDURE IN DEC I WENT TO TAMPA FLA TO A PLACE CALLED LASER Spine Center. I had a lower back and a neck operation. I sold my coin collection to pay for it and I lived in a 8 or 9 pain all the time. I'm in a 2 all the time now but any exertion and I pay Dearly. But I Am A Man and I can't let my wife of 42yrs lift things too heavy for her. she has RA and is a tough little Woman. like I said its QUALITY OF LIFE. I DO NOT WANT TO EXIST. IM GOING TO THRIVE. STAY POSITIVE. DO NOT LET THE SITUATION YOU FIND YOURSELF IN GET YOU DOWN AND PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR LIFE TO EASE YOUR PAIN. I BURIED MY LITTLE BROTHER IN 92, the DAY BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. YOU WILL BREAK THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU AND I HOPE WE ALL CAN SAY WE HAVE LOVED ONES SO IT REALLY ISNT JUST US. ITS ALL OF THIS AND MORE. IF YOU THINK NO ONE CARES I CARE FOR ALL WHO ARE THE LAST OF THERE FAMILY. IM THE LAST OF MY LITTLE FAMILY WHEN I NURSED MY MOTHER THRU CANCER. I HAVE BEEN ALONE EXCEPT FOR MY WIFE WHO'S MY BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDENT I HAVE TOLD HER THINGS ABOUT ME THAT SCARE ME. She ALWAYS understands and is supportive. I hope some of what i have shared can help You. IF YOU ARE ALONE I CARE FOR YOU AND YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. I HAVE SEEN SOME THINGS IN LIFE THAT HAVE HURT IN AN EMOTIONAL WAY AND I CAN TELL YOU EVERY THING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. WE JUST DONT SEE IT YET. HAVE FAITH IN GOD and tomorrow and keep on Keeping On.

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Robert Raper, I'm sorry I don't understand why your insurance company only paying for certain medications cost you your dr. If your dr thought you needed the medication she had prescribed she could have done an appeal. Some insurance companies won't pay for medications like Valium if the patient is also taking opiates, without the patient being prescribed other mucsle relaxers to see how well they work. Some insurance companies also require Prior Authorization for some medications and that is extra paper work on the dr and some drs won't do it.

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Yes I already have that site saved and am aware of the requirements and how it goes-I was venting about where the heck they find people who seem contrary to most of the intractable pain sufferers I know or who regularly post and so forth.

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I'm Robert Raper I was on oxacotin 40 mg the insurance made the DR switch me to OPONA40 mg 2 a day for both when I got them FIORICENT WITH CODINE 30mg 6 a day as needed VALIUM 10 mg 3 times a day for muscle spams.

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SandyM, Jan 13, is the last day that the Federal Registery will take public comments. No one is saying that they won't prescribe opiates for chronic pain any more. They are just saying that those that have chronic pain and need opiates also need to try non medication and non opaites drug first. They are also saying that a dr shouldn't go above 90 mg Morphine/90 mg Morphine Equivalent Daily. There are also other things in the proposed guidelines, you can read all of this info at the link Roy provided in his initial post to this thread.

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I also posted this info on another thread. Here is a big concern on comments on the page, this is suppose to be comments for treatment for chronic pain guidelines only.. Not the addicts page. those need to be ruled out.. I watched a documentary they had out and really hit me.. most over us most likely over 30 for sure. the kids and the parents addiction groups are being treated way off. No wonder. First of all the kids all had been in massive accidents.. now think back when you were 16 or maybe 18 most kids that age think they know it all and at that age too good for our own good, and later if only I listened to my elders... could you imagine a kids mindset when they are treated like a druggie just to get the medicine for the pain they suffer? now think about being that young... "screw the system I will go elsewhere why not???" It's the society and family not understanding it around them that think 2 pills are a lot?? no wonder the kids are running. I am glad I had good family support and wasn't treated like that at that age. Where are the documentaries on real patients the is hidden. then really thinking there were calls to dismantle the DEA a few years ago they were not relevant.. now there is a heroin epidemic?

The CDC is critical, congress passed to follow what ever CDC recommendations were without reading that 11000 page document so these rules have backing of our lazy politicians.

While researching I did find another site... they are not my signed political affiliations however they are chronic patients.. this is not a political issue its a human issue they have 1692 signed as of writing this and need 2000. http:/­/­petitions.moveon.org/­sign/­let-doctors-prescribe/­

I did send email to the woman that started this petition since they are only sending to DEA. I let her know it needs to be sent to multiple different places to make any waves. We may want to sign it as well.. I did I just erase any spam that may come or set a new email to just take spam.. we need to band together

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To whom this may concern I'm trying to understand of which were trying to say that no longer that they're going to be serving us people with chronic pain narcotics for our pain? How can this happen?. Also I'm curious to know on 13 January is this how it's going to stop what exactly is going to be going on after the 13th please any details it be helpful thank you

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Robert Raper, do you mind sharing which pain meds you were on and the milligram ?

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Yes, Thank you Roy for starting this current Thread Re:CDCs 2016 Opioid guidelines for Drs. I Pray they listen and change these insane rules so people who are in severe pain can get the meds we need.

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I belong to a Cronic pain group and I know that this is being done all across our country. My DR told me in September 8 2016 that I no longer had a doctor she said she would not lose her Lisence for me or anyother patient I never asked that of my DR I suffer failed back syndrome 4 back 2 neck and more shots in my back that never helped me at all. The pain my old Dr knew I live in does not matter to our wonderful DEA I didn't know they were DRs

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"i ended up going to a pain management dr. over 70 miles from where i live. he gave me percocet to last until an appt to get an inj. in my back, which thank the goddess was immediate pain relief,"

Nancy did he give you cortisone? I was offered this by one of my doctors. He didn't say cortisone but I assume that's what he meant. Do they shoot this right into your spine? That has to be painful and I wonder how long did the pain stop? My back is so sore in the morning an it's hard to get out of bed.

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Spyz, if you're referring to Clinical Drug Trials, I have put a link below. I don't know what drug trials may be going on now, if any, for pain medications. When the Trial is for something that is an Opiate, your dr usually, if not always, has to recommend you. When you volunteer for a Clinical Drug Trial you have to go by their rules. For example, with many of the trials they use a placebo and the actual medication. You don't know if you receive the placebo or the actual medication for sure. You agree to not take any other medications without getting their approval Before taking it. For obvious reasons if you're in a trial for a pain med and you don't get any relief from what you're given, you can't take something else for your pain. Studies have age criteria, diagnosis criteria, etc.

Clinical Trials.gov-

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Thanks for the info on the conference, however, I waited on hold twice for over 30 minutes each time?! What's up with that?

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