2012 Oxycodone 30mg Shortage In Florida (Page 5)
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My spouse, who is in severe, chronic pain, has been a customer of Walgreens for many years. We live in Pinellas County, Florida. Everyday this week we have driven from Walgreen's to Walgreen's trying to fill his prescription for Roxicodone 30mg, to no avail. I cannot get any help from his regular pharmacy. I know that it's dangerous for them to tell a total stranger which store has them in stock, but I don't understand since they know him, why they can't call around or give us any assistance. I am at a total loss as to what to do & would appreciate any information that you could provide. It is so hard to see him in so much pain. Thank you.

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Hi Tudor, I'm sorry you are suffering but hey, if marijuana is making a dent in the pain and cutting your need for rx pain pills, keep doing it! It has been a life saver for many in pain, and shouldn't be illegal for that use in any state (my opinion). Anyway, Fentanyl patches can still cause constipation, but taking an all natural stool softener will really help, and it won't have negative side effects. Narcotic pain meds in general all have that constipation factor for most folks. Your doctor can also write you a script for a stronger laxative if you need it, but generally the drugstore OTC stuff works just fine.

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I live with severe chronic pain for 3+ years, degenerative disc disease, cervical spine. Life is at times and quite often, hell. I don't know how else to describe it and the worst if the constipation from the percocets.
Are the fentayl patches a reasonable alternative to percocets? Do they cause constipation? Should my doctor consider prescribing me patches to try ?
Cannabis by the way has helped me reduce my opioid intake my 75%. Do a search for beyondthc.com and find out the facts.
Unfortunately my pain is more severe and so a combination has helped me do this major reduction however the constipation is still a problem. Help!

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Yes, it is illegal for any online pharmacy to fill any kind of narcotic medication, especially the controlled II pain meds. Unfortunately, oxycodone is being slowly done away with. It's more than evident with all the so-called shortages, pharmacies wanting cash money, and insurance companies no longer helping to pay for them There has been so many major isues with oxycodone in particular; crime, addiction issues, robberies, and even homicide and suicide surrounding the use of this drug. While ppl may not want to accept that this is happening it is, indeed. I was on oxycodone 30 mg for over 3 yrs, I also lived in Pinellas County and had the same issues in trying to obtain my prescription for oxycodone way back starting in late 2011. I moved to North Florida to a small town and none of the pharmacies here carry it all anymore. It's unfortunate as many ppl very much need a strong pain killer for major problems. For others who don't have severe pain issues and maybe have become dependent on oxy's should maybe consider being taken off this drug or just stopping it altogether which is what I had to do bc of not being able to obtain them anymore. It wasn't pleasant but I did it and have been off of them for almost a year now. It was well worth what I went through to get off of them so as to not have to go through what everyone on here is going through.

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@ academicpaindoctor: finally, someone who knows their stuff! That's exactly what I've learned recently as well. Pharmacists are constantly judging patients based on their dosage and actually telling them they don't need that much, when in fact they haven't been trained in diagnoses and don't know things like this.

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Often a cancer patient does not develop tolerance, a natural phenomenon, because of the time course of the disease. Higher doses are needed at times in chronic non-cancer pain. The dose of medication does not by itself indicate a problem.

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You need 150mg of oxycodone a day for full bulging discs? That's more medicine than my uncle was prescribed before he died of bone cancer. No wonder you can't get it filed. No one but an oncologist should be prescribing that much pain medicine. Sounds like you and your husband have a serious problem.

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that's true, if you are in pain, you don't feel euphoria or get high from painkillers. I wish more people would realize this,, also, i am getting gouged every month because even tho i;ve had no problem filling up until 2012 at cvs,, I tried mail order but they sent back saying i don't have insurance, ( i wrote the member # group # of my florida discount card in the place of insurance card, like most places would do,) my question for anybody,, isn't it unconstitutional or discrimination if they don't fill for people without insurance? thanks

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Something is definitely going on in FL! I've gone to the same Doc. for 30 years, been on same meds. for 6 years, gone to the same Walgreens for 13 years same dose and amount and all of the sudden NOBODY in N.E. FL has it! (Morphine Sulfate) What really pisses me off is, WHY can't/won't they just give me an answer that is not complete B.S.?? I'm just SO sick of being in pain, being treated like an idiot or worse, a drug addict/criminal! I'm gonna go withdraw for a few day's and pray for God to take me!

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NEWS FLASH:WALGREENS: If you have been on oxycodone for a long time, they will NOT fill, thats the new rules from the DEA. In in NJ, They say go on something else or get your problem fixed!!!!! I would be more worried about the NEW patients!!!!!!!

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Here's what's really going on, Winn-Dixie stores carry both the oxycodone 15's and 30's, however they only get a certain amount so they have now started to refuse people who aren't already on their patient list because they don't have enough for everyone. I went to the Medicine Shoppe and she was negotiating a price of either 4 or 5 dollars a piece finally settling on 5 dollars a piece, and she cut my script in half. I am prescribed 150 30s every month and she only had enough to give me 100 so my prescription cost me 500. Its almost the price of buying them on the street!! It should be illegal what they're charging people who don't have insurance!! I don't sell my meds, I have 2 fractures and 4 bulging discs in my mid back and neck area so I really need my medicine! My husband gets his filled, I wont say where, but he gets 180 15's...he only pays 110.00 for his entire script. I tried getting in there but again was told they only have a certain amount so therefore they cant bring on any news patients. Alot of pharmacie's are going to start doing this so if you werent " grand-fathered" in in time then youre going to have an extremely hard time getting them filled. I have 3 seperate ones I try each month and one of them always has it for me, its just the price they charge me is just incredible...my SSI check barely covers my meds let alone all the bills I have to pay. I'm just so mad at how they treat you and how they can get away from price gouging people for those meds. They need to be reported!!!

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is it is very strange that my post is not being allowed to be posted when I talk directly about a large pharmaceutical company who I believe is the reason all of this hoopla is around oxy IR

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there is no shortage, I'm not even going to start typing a long message.... if you want to blame anyone Purdue pharmaceutical, they are the one paying for Eforce I won't say anymore I'll let you be the judge of it just look back at the time when all of this started remember when the reformulation of oxycontin started and their sales plummeted because everyone had their doctors switch them to oxy IR I assume because they did not want to put those polymers and binders in their body and not to mention the small fraction of abusers could no longer abused the pill with Ease.....

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Ka Sul..They filled it in Jan of this yr. for the 1st time.. as i never did mail order. when i sent in the 2nd time.. i saw it was not being processed. and i called.... they put me thru to the phamacy. i have no names. pham. said they cannot sent sced 2 med.. out of state.. and to fill at a local pham... i recieved the script back along with a letter that stated the same... it was typed... and said the Right Source Pham

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This was @ the end of Jan. of this yr... i 1st started using Right Souce a month before.. even thou i have have Humana for yrs.. As i state, they sent it to me the 1st time i ordered...no problem.. then it was a problem.. i spoke to a phamasist..in their pham... he said that they can no longer send controlled #2 out of state & to go to a neighborhood pham... I recieved the scrip back ( all marked up.. with a big C on it in red) and the letter stating basically the same thing as ii just said.. it wasn't signed by anyone.. the letter was all typed and said the Right Souce Pham. at the bottom.. i gave the letter .along w/ the script to my Dr

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PLEASE, I have an active application with Humana/Rightsource, what exactly did they base their refusal on? If you kept the name or department who you dealt with I would REALLY appreciate the info. Also, how long ago was this??.

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I agree w/ Paula. Oxycodone treated my pain, and I was able to function almost normally. I now take an alternative med, and feel lethargic all the time. I'm not the same person, I don't even like driving while on this med. I don't take it if I'm going out. By the time I get home, I'm in tears. You're wrong about the euphoria you think we all feel from oxycodone. It gives me good pain relief without all the side effects so many of us have on other meds. Feeling like a zombie and nausea and vomiting almost every night has taken its toll.

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@40 year old pharmacist: I also applaud your apologizing, but I disagree that the only people who need oxycodone are people who are dying. There are many, many injuries and conditions that warrant very strong medicine simply to get out of bed. Read through these threads again. You will find hundreds of people writing that they are taking oxycodone in prescribed doses, have been for years, and never get a euphoric feeling- they simply feel normal. Once again, I believe you are trying to diagnose, and you are not trained to do so.

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I wish I was able to dispense the medication but honestly it is from all the presure that the DEA, local and state law enforcement and legislature. not to mention big pharma.... they don't want marijuana legalized because it will take away from pharmaceutical sales.
let's be honest let's say that you have a back injury and when you first heard it maybe you tube medical marijuana first and it worked 100 percent you could continue to take that everyday for the rest of your life and not have problems, but on the other hand if you have to take an opiate for more than a month to three months you are now physically and sometimes mentally dependent on it and that is why I believe so many people want this medication because maybe they have taken it for an extended period Of time and without a day do not feel normal I understand this the brain is the most complex organ in most important organ in the body and if you have been taking medications years and abruptly stop your brain goes haywire.
honestly I seen all of this happening back when Governor Scott was elected shortly before that Purdue reformulated there oxycontin and everyone stop taking it and switched over to the oxy IR Purdue's big money maker took a crash on the stocks because nobody wanted to put that crap in there body. around the same time Governor Rick Scott turned down the initiative to have a drug monitoring program and then when he came under fire he approve did with the condition that would be paid for by..... guess who Purdue!

am I the only one who sees this?

I work at a large chain pharmacy our distributor in Orlando wants to charge us close to 1.20 per tablet most insurances will not pay s no more than 80 cents a tablet and with are corporate office and Eforce not wanting us to accept cash patients it really puts us in a position to where we can lose our job or at worst be incarcerated in lose our license.

I too don't like what's going on but my hands are tied.

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40 year old pharmacist.....glad to see you saw the error of your comments. I understand that you disagree with the extended use of oxycodone. However, speaking for myself, the reason I prefer that particular drug is because other pain meds either make me feel nauseated or make me feel like a zombie or both. Oxycodone takes care of the pain and allows me to have a productive life instead of laying around feeling like a zombie. I have enough energy to be productive whereas when using other pain meds that is not possible. However, you do have a right to your opinion and I agree marijuana for medicinal purposes should be legalized. I don't believe I would use it myself because I get that same reaction...lethargy. However, I'm sure there are lots of people that would benefit from its' use. Thanks again for the apology. It means alot because most of us that use these pain meds don't do it by choice. We would much rather not need the meds to begin with.

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They have them, they just don't want to fill them... I have dealt with this for months, and they will use any excuse. I was even told what type of dr should dispense what type of pill (long story, I commented earlier), but I will say that the Governor IS the reason we are having issues. Pharmacy's cannot communicate, hence they won't know if someone is pill shopping from one to the next. Because of this, the "real" people in PAIN, do not get what they need. This isnt' about a right to privacy, it is a farce...

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