2012 Oxycodone 30mg Shortage In Florida (Page 51)


My spouse, who is in severe, chronic pain, has been a customer of Walgreens for many years. We live in Pinellas County, Florida. Everyday this week we have driven from Walgreen's to Walgreen's trying to fill his prescription for Roxicodone 30mg, to no avail. I cannot get any help from his regular pharmacy. I know that it's dangerous for them to tell a total stranger which store has them in stock, but I don't understand since they know him, why they can't call around or give us any assistance. I am at a total loss as to what to do & would appreciate any information that you could provide. It is so hard to see him in so much pain. Thank you.

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Your absolutely right about the reason they don't want to fill the 30's oxy's. They don't make any money on them and they are not worth taking the risk of giving them out. They don't want to end up with the DEA up their ass. It's just not worth it to them. So they have just stopped ordering it from the distributors. Just don't want to be on the hook, like Walgreens. So anyone on them has to stop and get suboxon to help with the withdrawals. I heard it can take months to get it out of your system and have you body back to normal and not craving it anymore. Scared.

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Flatom, it's always the most ignorant people who can't string together a coherent sentence that call others stupid. So ironic. And anyone who claims some guy that moves furniture knows more than a med student and addiction counselor about drugs is a moron. By the way, you can save your energy writing all that crap. I read the first sentence and do t bother with the rest because it's written so poorly it's unintelligible. Go back to school. And try stepping out of your furniture moving world- you have ZERO education on the subject and can't even google the average age of oxy Abusers, so you're clearly far too unintelligent for this conversation. Try going through three years of med school, then maybe we can have an intelligent conversation. You have to learn how to put sentences together first though, and get your head out of your butt. only a nut or an ignoramus would suggest a guy who moves furniture knows more about prescription medication addiction than someone a year away from being an MD.

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By the way Flatom, I'm not from the south,nor did I EVER say no 18-25 year olds have problems with rx meds. You're the last person in the world I'd want to put words in my mouth. Also, you worked with, what, maybe 10 kids in that age range?? Yeah, I have worked with probably near 200. And the average is taken out of hundreds of thousands. If you still don't get that you are clueless, then I can't help you and YOU need to seek "metal help". And not only have you only worked with a few kids, but the people who normally move furniture for a living have little education, no real work skills and/or have criminal records, all which makes them more likely to abuse drugs. So, clearly, your ridiculous "focus group" is totally worthless as far as gauging the average age of Abusers. The FACT is that the average oxy abuser is older than 25 by several years. And I'M not getting that number from my own experience like you are- it's a simple, researched, surveyed FACT. Stop whining about your horrible circumstances and blaming others for your pain. Pain meds don't take away anyone's pain completely. No one feels sorry for you and no one wants to read your novel of complaining and gibberish.

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Thank you lawlady. Those that know the least, seem to have the most to say. I think most intelligent people know addiction can affect anyone at any age. I'm familiar with several young people who have become addicted. I also know several older people who are addicted too. Anyone @ any age, & from all walks of life can suffer from it. If you don't know what you're talking about, or are a judgemental jerk, no one wants to hear your garbage.

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@flatom Wow! I never said anything about your furniture business & the junkies YOU chose to employee. That was another poster. But while we are on theW subject...onder why that is? Maybe you payed them in pills, maybe it was a perk of being the boss...they knew they hook up spot! Yea not as stupid as you think huh? What respectable business owner highers nothing but pill heads? And don't say you weren't aware, because obviously you were well aware!
Another thing, respectable cpp don't go to pill mills with the other junkies, they go to board certified, accredited physicians & JVK is right you need a referral from your primary, an MRI & most pharmacies require insurance to fill scripts. Maybe you choose pill mills because they are the only place you can go where these things aren't required & you can get as many pills as you like. My Dr. is responsible, limits the meds he prescribes both in type & quantity.
I never meant to start a revolt against you, but you are just so ignorant (meaning without knowledge) You rant & rave because of things you have seen, obviously you have put yourself in these positions. Again, who hires a crew full of known junkies? Unless of course there is something to gain by this!! I can tell you this, if you step out of junkie town there its a whole world of legit cpp who follow the laws, prescription directions & wouldn't know who to sell their meds to even if they wanted to. I know pill addicts & how they operate. Its secluded little world where everything revolves around getting their next fix. They will steal, lie, cheat, beg & borrow to obtain a pill. Where I live its a damn epidemic among 35-45 year Olds. Most of the people I know however are now treated with suboxone or at the methadone clinic. Thus occurred when the DEA stepped in & closed down many Dr's offices & pharmacies. They are making a difference. I see it with my own eyes. I also however see the occasional seeker in the pharmacies so I am aware the problem still exists, but it isn't even close to as bad as it was about a year ago. I have suffered the repercussions of these people as my doctor will no longer prescribe oxycodone because of the stigma that surrounds the medication. It was a miracle drug for me. Now I spend my days exhausted, nauseous & lacking decent pain relief, but I am still very grateful for the relief I do get, I am not bitter because of the actions of some people who can't control themselves & would be addicted to something regardless. I do understand your point flatom but there are other ways to go about getting it across. I wish you wouldn't be so judgmental. You don't know me, I am not @$!#ing stupid as you so kindly suggested. I happen to be fairly intelligent both streetwise & bookwise! I am empathetic to your pain, but your harsh, rude, judgmental character make it difficult to sympathize with you.

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Thank you Lisa, taking care of my family is difficult due to my medical conditions. Giving my 6 year old daughter a bath & washing & conditioning her hair is extremely painful, bent over the tub kills my neck & back. Sweeping, mopping, dishes...all extremely painful. Sometimes it hurts so bad I can hardly take in a breath. All if this while on pain medication, if I had to try it without I'd just give up & my marriage & family would fall apart. My point its that there are people my age (35) who need this medication to have some quality of life. If you looked at my body, just my physical body you would never imagine I suffer so much on the inside. One should never judge the need for pain management based on looks & age alone. I don't walk around with my medical file, x-rays, blood tests & MRI stapled to my body. Just because I'm not missing a limb or.dying of cancer, God forbid, doesn't mean I don't deserve to be able to be comfortable playing with my kids & performing my daily tasks. I'm not rich, had to work fur everything I have & yes flatom my husband & I owned a furniture moving company. Just us two, no help. So I have worked & worked hard, just like you! But if you looked at me, I'd just be another undeserving junkie banned from pain relief. Thank God flatom & his "opinions" don't dictate who deserves meds & when they should be allowed to get them. I think a lot of us would be screwed!!

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@941Btown, I understand all to well where you're coming from, not all of us look like we're suffering. We manage to keep it all inside, work hard, & care for our families. There is so much ignorance all around us. People who obviously know very little, to the pharmacists who think they can judge a cpp by looking at them & deciding if they will help based on looks alone. How sad our quality of life is in their hands. My apologies for going off on issues that might belong on another thread. When you're suffering needlessly, & feel alone, it sometimes gets the better of me.

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@JVK absolutely no apologies necessary :) I think we can all relate. Living with pain can be very frustrating & more often than not leads to depression & even anger. Especially when you can't get your meds & you desperately need them while others are paying upward of $700 to crooked pharmacists them turn around and either full up a spoon & needle or party for a few days then sell the rest. I've always said imo if someone is paying that kind of cash for their medication they must be selling them. who can afford that? I once had a pharmacist at one of those small mom & pop places tell me that my insurance wasn't enough, that he had my meds in stock & would fill my script, but he would run my insurance & I would have to pay $500. Out of pocket cash!! I was in shock! Surely this was illegal... Apparently its not! I told him, I wasn't selling my medication & that I would simply go to Walgreens where my insurance covered 100% of my script & they didn't practice shady business & play games with patients! I also knew a girl who was pulled over & searched. She & her boyfriend had 3 different types off pills on them & a junkie kit containing needless, spoons & i don't even know what else.... She said she thought fur sure they were going to be arrested, but that because their scripts were legal & there was no law about how to self administer your meds, they were free to go!!!?? Thus was about 3 years ago when illegitimate docs were rampant & you could go into a pharmacy & ask fir specific brands of oxycodone, pay the pharmacist tons of cash, get a bag of needless in with your script & be on your merry way. Thus was a HUGE problem. I'm glad the DEA stepped in, but the system us still flawed. Those who obey the laws & respect their medication can't seen to find a pharmacy to fill their scripts while people like the aforementioned bribe mom & pop places & walk out to a car full of waiting sponsors. It can be maddening! I understand your anger. My issue with flatom is simply the ignorance in his rants. It drives me crazy! He sounds selfish & narcissistic like no one under 50 should be prescribed pain meds unless they are dying. Its just an ignorant statement. One in which not much thought was put into. That makes me angry because to many people think like he does. I know plenty of 50 something pill addicts, like bad off. Abusing & selling their meds while I sit at home following my doctors orders suffering daily because he's afraid to write the only med that ever truly worked for me because of all the hear surrounding the oxycodone. Instead I'm forced into choosing between nothing & morphine. I hate the morphine. It stops working effectively rather quickly & makes me tired & sick. Iread that its but meant for long term use... So yes I understand your feelings & hope you do mine. Have a wonderful night, God Bless

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941Btown and jvc: I think you both show a great deal of strength and neither of you should ever be looked down upon just because you are not elderly and need medication to control your pain is that you may live normal lives. Flatom really dug himself a hole, saying all if HIS employees were drug Abusers, didn't he?? I mean, he knew they were into illegal activity and didn't fire them. So HE'S a criminal too! I'm sure we should all take the word of someone who hires junkies that ruin it for real pain patients...

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@lawlady Thank you, its nice to know there are some people out there who don't judge someone simply on age alone. I agree with you add far as far as flatoms hurting choices as I stated in a previous post. Hope you have a great day! :)

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Thank you Lawlady & 941Btown. You're both encouraging & kind. God bless you :)

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@941Btown, I had same problem w/ morphine. Sleepy, nauseous & not good pain relief. The opana offers more pain relief, but still feel sick & lethargic. My Dr will write RX for roxycodone, but we all know it's not worth the paper it's written on. If I knew this new pharmacist better, I would ask if 15 mg roxycodone would be possible. I'm so afraid to roll stones, & lose ability to fill opana. I'm already getting nervous about calling next WK to order for me. In the mean time, I've had to cut back what I'm prescribed so in case the bottom falls out again, I won't suffer as much as I did last month. Praying everyday for so many like us.

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@jvk what sucks for me is that I actually could fill the roxycodone, some months took a few days longer than others, but I had a good relationship with the pharmacist where I had been filling for over 3 years & he'd hold my scripts & fill when available. My Dr. stopped writing them for all of his patients & switched everyone over to morphine (ugh)! I fought it for add long as I could until it was no longer an option. They did the same thing with the Oxycontin many years ago, it was labeled a junkie drug & they began phasing it out. It's still available all these years later, they just had to go through a reformulation process. That would be just fine with me because I do not misuse my meds so nothing to be concerned about there. I just want the most effective relief I can get without all the dreaded side effects. Oxycodone did that for me. All I can hope for is that one day this will all be behind us & we can move on....

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well for one I had no clue they were on anything until i caught them doing them an they were let go on the Spot-Mf let me tell you all something you do not know nothing about me or what I have been through in the last 6yrs of my life-I run my Business alone until i blew my back out an had to have emergency surgery an 3 months after it blew out again because I was lifting in less then 2 weeks because of idiots ruining my furniture -so then for the 2nd time in less then 2 yrs I had surgery again an then was told to get up 5hrs later an after the surgeon cut me open 6in an stapled me together I got up an felt something tear in my back when I laid back down the pain shot down my right leg an my lower back -it took 6 months to be able to lay on my back or side-after I had plates an screws placed in my neck-I took oxycottin 80mg 4x a day an 14 30mg oxycodone an it still didnt touch the pain-then all the young -so then the pill mills come along an then no one ever had no pills cause of the pill mills giving so many out to kids an others-so you can run your big Mouth all you want-I got your criminal swinging B,like I said before you say you treat Drug addicts if thats the case why are you so worried about where an why people take pills an where they get them lawlady-you say you treat addicts what you treat them with morphine an oxys -I guess you must since your on Here you want to talk like you know it all an you know nothing.

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@btown-for one I really dont care if you care how I feel-I do not go to pill mills-I go to a reg pain Doctor-an I didn't not know the Guys I Hired were on pills until I seen there eyes one Saturday whenj they come in an I ask them why there eyes were so Red an they said they smoked a joint-I wouldn't let them Drive my Truck an then I seen them both go to the Bathroom an I walked into see them crushing a pill an they were both let go at that Min-I ran a used an new store an its really Hard to find good help now Days-Same as when I ran my painting Business-you can get people to work an pay them by the Day-But I knew I wasn't suppose to lift heavy Furniture no more an after working my entire life since 12 an going to serve my country an working 6 to 7 days a week then all in 2min it ended an it rips me apart each day not to be able to stand straight cause of Idiot Surgeons who cut you open 6in when the first surgeon cut 2in,the first one I could run after it was done the 2nd one I couldn't move in the bed an it got ten times worse when they told me to get up an walk an something tore in my back an they just walked out of the room then 2 weeks later sent me to a f hip doctor which he said its all in your back-to come to find out the tear is something that cannot be repaired-so I am left with a leg that is tingling an numb 24/7 a back thats screwed for life an 2 arms thats weaker then Hell an hands that go numb all the time-I force myself to get up an do something around my house,an pay for it for the next week or two,now taking pills for depression cause its not the way i want to leave my life an so many times I just want to end it all,but to be told by people that the main bulk of people who take pills are in the 30's i know better-I am 54 an not the only person in pain but I do know I am not going to sit an let people like ladylaw run her big mouth on me when she dont know nothing about me an thinks I am not aware of how many teens I have seen run into Walgrens to cut in line to get there scripts filled so they can go sale them-I watched them outside talking on there cell telling someone they would call them soon as they left an hook them up-I seen all from 18 to 35 going in,an the 30yr olds had to start at a younger age to be where there at now as addicts-Like I told all the Kids I seen on pills your doing nothing but ruining your Life-cause if you had no pain when you started taking them you will surely have it after you start them an then not have them the pain will be there from all the opium in your Body from the pills-an I will guarantee you in the next 5yrs if they dont shut the pill mills down you will have to move out of state to get pain meds-people who got them through mail order can no longer get them now because the all the drug problems in florida-if it was not for pill mills you nor no one else would have no problems filling your scripts,Funny How Florida is the only State that will allow pill mills to open an get Rich for handing out scripts to any age just so they can get Rich an I am also sure the DEA gets a pay off from them to allow them to remain open,while shots an elec abalation will help people alot having it done at a real pain clinic that your Doctor will send you to-but now that pill mills are here you dont have to go through a reg Doctor to go there you just go pay them an get scripts to take rather you been seen anywhere or not-they will give you or anyone that is of age pills to take-then you hear that they are at least 10 teenage Deaths a year from taking all the pills they give them to take an they Drink on top of them an don't wake up,now its all over the world but people come to florida from a bunch of states to get scripts from pill mills to take back an sale or to take for a High an ruin there life,I wish I didn't have to take none but that will never be again until I Die,you say I am Rude an other things I guess if you listen to others tell you that you know nothing an the bulk is 30 when I know how many kids from 19 to 25 that I fired for taking pills -I ask them before they worked for me if they were on any type of drugs an i dont care if they smoke Dope but not on my time,but when it comes to pills then that wont happen-I take them for pain not to get High an no one around me is going to take them an work under me,an when people say I pay them with pills I get very mad an would rip there heads off if they were to say that to my face-being behind a computer there mouth can run an say an talk all the s*** they want-but when someone trys calling me out then your right I will be rude an not give a s*** what I say to them-Like ladylaw someone who says she treats addicts an the bulk is 30-well I cannot figure out if you say you Treat addicts what the hell you doing on Here-to me if your treating addicts you treat them with other things not oxys-morphine-opana-you treat them with a completely different pill to get off-but when I joined this site it was when I couldn't find no pills a year ago an I finally found a place that i hardly have no problem filling them until this month-so now for almost 2 weeks I have nothing to take an its getting the best of me with not being able to leave my bed-all because of f pill mills being allowed in the so called Sunshine State-as far as I am concerned Florida now has become the Teen an 20's an 30;s Drug addicted state-I do understand there are teens an others who have a good reason to take pain Meds but then you have 60percent just getting them to get High with or sale so they dont have to go out an get a real job to support there lazy asses-but I would Love to have one sale to me cause i would set them up an get them off the streets-

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@flatom As much as we disagree I've never resorted to calling you names. I've also noticed some inconsistencies in your statements. If you don't go to these pill mills how is it you said you'd see all of these young adults there? If you don'tdeal with junkies how do you know how they are getting into these places & what they are prescribed at what quantities? Sounds like you know an awful lot about how it all works for someone who claims their knowledge on the subject comes from hiring & then quickly firing a few junkies immediately upon the discovery of said abuse. Wanna know how I know? Aprox 1/3 of my former friends & acquaintances are pill heads. I never claimed that there wasn't a huge problem with pull addiction, but #1 I wouldn't know what 18 year Olds are doing because I'm 35 & #2 My point was that you shouldn't judge ones need for medication based on age alone...My husband lost a buddy from Elementary School to overdosing. I am a devout Christian & when I see these friends they feel comfortable confessing their sins to me in great detail & aging for prayer. Although I am saddened by their addiction I don't judge them. "Do not judge, lest you be judged" I am sorry if you feel judged by me, it is not my intent. It seemed as though you were monopolizing the forum with your angry rants & because of what I have gone through being judged by folks such as yourself because of my age I felt the need to give you another perspective to consider. It seems though that you are not open to considering this issue from another point of view & rely on name calling instead to prove your point. I wish you the best & may God bless you with a reduction in your pain & an open mind.
Thank you.

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@flatom Emergency Surgery for a blown back? I've done research on this after reading that part of your comment. I can't find a single article about Emergency surgery for a blown back. Maybe you could elaborate. Was it herniation or did you break your back? Spine or back ribs? Just curious because emx surgery means surgery required to save ones life! Was your back injury life threatening?

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@Btown-I Blow it out an had severe stenois at L4 L5 an if I did not get emergency surgery I could have went parilized-my primary wanted me to go to theripy-look it up an see pictures of your back blown out by severe stenois -when you look at the pictures when it blows out the sack that is holding the disc from hitting one another blowed out an it was crushed sitting right on the nerves-but you can see what severe stenois is by looking it up

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@Btown-the reason I know so much about the pill mills is because 2 of my friends went there an told me I should go there because they write out scripts for you an give you enough to go without pain -I have insurance so I get mine paid for no matter what I take-if it wasn't for insurance I would be like alot of people an couldn't afford them,but when I was going to walgrens filling them I would get out of my truck an see a line with 30people waiting to get pills-as I said before i know that there are some young people who have serious problems an need to take meds for it,but then they are ones that have no Business taking them an getting them for all the wrong reasons,an the pill mills are the cause for everyone pharmacy stopping filling pills for everyone or shut down by the DEA like the walgrens on 52 was an they even took them to court-its a shame when the DEA will shut a Pharmacy Down cause they say they were handing out to many pain Meds when thats what there in Business for-But instead of going to the Doctors writing people 240oxycodones an other types of oxycottins an somas-valium -they close the pharmacy from selling any type of pain meds-they were just doing what they been doing for years an then this State an only this State lets pill mills come along an hand pills out to anyone who goes to them an ruin it for everyone who is really in pain an needs them-this is the only State in the united states that let them continue to stay open an instead of closing them they close pharmacys for handing out to many-I think if the pill mills are allowed to stay open they should only be allowed to except people referred by there primary period-not be able to just walk in off the street an have no primary Doctor an be able to get all types of meds to sale-Like a Sheriff friend of mine went on a call to a 21yr old girl an her 22yr old boyfriends home an there 2yr old had oxycodone powder all over his lips an they had him flown to all childrens Hospital-both the girl an guy had a bottle of oxycodes an they tested them both to see if they had any in there system an they did not have none in them so that just told Him they were selling them on the street-as we work our ass off husband an wife to pay our bills these kids go an sale them an make more then we do put together in 3months off selling pills-like I said there are people with Cancer an who have been in very bad wrecks or have another problem but then you have alot who just get them for the high or sale them an then everyone wonders why there getting so hard to get-an until they close the pill mills an make everyone go through a primary an then be sent to a real pain clinic this state will be done getting any pain meds-people use to be able to get them mailed to them until pill mills took over an now no one in the state of florida can get Mail orders because of them giving out pills to anyone who walks in there office-they get 125 to 250 off each person every month an make more in a month then i make in a year just for writting out scripts for anyone with or without pain an sooner then you think florida will have no pain meds to hand to people then everyone will have to leave an go to another state where they don't allow pill mills to destroy there State

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Flatom, you AGAIN put words in my mouth. When did I EVER say I treat patients with narcotics?? None of my patients are on any drug, with the exception of a few on suboxone. We do not provide narcotic medications other than that to any of our recovering addicts. And what am I doing on here? Trying to set you straight, that's what. And guess what? All of the addicts I help treat are over 25, with the exception of one 24 year old.

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