2012 Oxycodone 30mg Shortage In Florida (Page 4) (Top voted first)


My spouse, who is in severe, chronic pain, has been a customer of Walgreens for many years. We live in Pinellas County, Florida. Everyday this week we have driven from Walgreen's to Walgreen's trying to fill his prescription for Roxicodone 30mg, to no avail. I cannot get any help from his regular pharmacy. I know that it's dangerous for them to tell a total stranger which store has them in stock, but I don't understand since they know him, why they can't call around or give us any assistance. I am at a total loss as to what to do & would appreciate any information that you could provide. It is so hard to see him in so much pain. Thank you.

1050 Replies (53 Pages)

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Deep south, we get it, you get your meds filled every month. Good for you. I was with a small pharmacy for over a year, new owners took over, & that was the end of that. Don't be so confident you're safe, BC no one is safe from being cut off. I wasn't in a horrible accident, but do have degeneration of discs in cervical.& lumbar spine, in addition to 8 herniated discs. MRI shows a lot is going on. I worked hard all my life, & did a lot of heavy lifting etc. I'm prescribed 1 pain med. I found a chain pharmacy with a pharmacist who makes sure I get med filled every month. I've been there for 5 months now. We've developed a good relationship, & call a week nbefore Dr appt every month. It's been a blessing. The one thing I've learned since starting pain mgt 3 yrs ago, is nothing as far as getting meds filled is 100%. None of it. I've seen younger people go up to window with their.prescription's, & on more than 1 occasion they've been told they don't carry schedule II or even schedule III meds, & were turned away. I don't blame the pharmacy, I blame the drs who prescribe these last resort meds to anyone who seeks them. Y'all as you say, better be grateful, BC after 18 mos w/ first chain cut off BC they were overfilling. 1 yr w/ small pharmacy, new owners, didn't care about me. This is 3rd pharmacy, & although I know he goes out of his way to make sure my med is in stock every month, NOTHING is guaranteed when it comes to this situation. Why you're here boasting, many are suffering needlessly. Nothing in life is for sure but birth, taxes & death. My prayers for the rest. of you who are still going through hell.

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Had a problem filling 2 days ago. Spoke to pharmacist, said RX filled. I get there, another pharmacist on. The tech tells me nothing here for u? I told him I spoke w/ pharm a few hrs ago! Couldn't find the paper script. It was filled by mistake for someone else. The pharm in duty said sorry, he won't be back til next WK. They ended up doing it, but pharm on wasn't happy, & told me he'll never do this again for me. I was very upset, it wasn't anything I did, but I had to stand there & be treated like crap. Tech knows me well, I have @ least 10 other RX's filled non narcotic BC of so many health problems. So now, BC this happened, will I still get help next month? I have no idea. This is so unfair, to be sick & wonder when bottom will drop out again. I'm sick of it, the certain govt agency has made it a nightmare for drs, pharmacy & CPP. I'm considering weaning off 1bpain med. I sometimes wonder it would be better to suffer physical pain than going thru this mental anguish 1/2 the time. I wish no one harm, I only wish those self righteous agency suffer a few days of terrible pain, & not be able to fill a pain med. Sick if this to the 10th degree. An animal is treated more humanely than a CPP.

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I had the same thing happen to me. Went to the same Walgreens for over a year. The pharmcist knows I have metal rods in my back and since December has flat out refused to help me. They don't have them, don't know when they will have more and her best answer was. "you will have to try somewhere else". I informed the pharmacist that no where else has it and she just says sorry its first come first serve. They say to check back but can't say when and everytime I check back they don't have them.

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Forgot to mention I am also in Pinellas and have checked everywhere from St. Pete to Palm Harbor/Tarpon

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I am willing to try ordering online but do any of these pharmacies stock oxycodone 30mg? I also see that Walgreens is listed as a pharmacy that carries the VIPPS seal. If the physical stores do no have my medication in stock can I order online and have them delivered still? If you can point me in the right direction of what site to use to get my medication and exactly how it works that would be very helpfull.

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I definitely was not aware of this. Is this federal law nation wide or just dependent on what state you live in?

If you have any details or articles of information you can provide about this, that would be great!


generally, yes, you can have the pharmacy order the medication for you and have it shipped to the store to pick up. But as far as what molly just stated goes, you'd have to double check with your local pharmacy about these painkillers just to be sure, as I am not aware of these new laws.

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does anyone know where I can get my script for oxycodone 30mg in naples FL, bonita or port charlotte or north port? Please help. I have both legs broken and was sent home with this script and not only cant my wife go for me to fill it I HAVE TO WHEEL my way in to just be turned away as they dont have any. Please help with info. I also have insurance but am willing to just pay cash to get them and then submit to my ins co

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I've been having the same problem tying to fill my prescription for the last 5 weeks here in Tennessee. Every pharmacy I've been to, including my normal pharmacy doesn't have the 30mg oxycodone. I take a high dose for a bad disc in my neck, over the last 4 years. Up to 360mg per day (60-90mg per dose). I finally had to go back to my pain management doctor and tell him I couldn't get it. So he's changed me over to the time release version of Oxycontin 80mg (take 2 per dose). My insurance will only cover up to 120 pills in 30 days though, but my scrip was for 180 per 30 days. All I can do now is supplement with a lower dose oxycodone with the higher dose oxycontin. In some ways though, this oxycontin seems to be working better for me I think. Only been using it a week now, but it helps. It's the same medicine, as the immediate release, just in a time release, and a lot more expensive!

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Same problem. Tried thirty stores in Orlando and no one has in stock. I have no insurance and cannot afford the high priced ER drugs. Help?

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Im having the same problem and found out that the distribution center for swFla had their narcotics license stripped and we now get our roxi 30 from Mississippi or Missouri but not until they take care of their own first

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complain to your reps and demand the cowards with the dea go after the real drug cartels and the banks that happily wash the money

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Hi Kat,Read your post and this is an ongoing problem.From what I know all pharmacies are limited by the DEA rules on how much of oxycodone they can order and have on hand at one time.I too live in Tampa and my doctor was in Orlando for the fact I have been seeing him for almost 12 years,I moved to tampa but still commuted to orland every day for work and it was best for me to still see him since everyday I was in orlando working and did not have to take a day off to see a doctor in tampa even though now I live here for almost six years.I dont know what doctor you use,but after I retired and was not working in orlando,was commuting once a month to keep my same doc.After a while with gas so high I finally got a mdoc in tampa and int the same building was a pharmacy on first floor called Kays and I never had a problem getting the oxycodone.They almost always had it,and the few times they didnt they ordered it and had it the next day and if you wanted they would even mail it too you.There are 3 Kays pharmacies that I know of,one on fletcher that is the one I was going to,the other two you would have to look up.Also my local sweetbay was great about having what I needed and if they happened to be out they would have it the next day.I hope this helps you and if you dont have insurance Kays prices were half of any other pharmacy that I had priced.Good luck.

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My advice would be to just be persistent,don't shop.around all day looking this just is a waste of time.if you have been goin to a pharmacy for a long time they will take care of you once they have them. I've been going to.cvs for two years and sometime they are not in stock but I go back everyday no matter what they tell me.I never wait more than a few days......good luck

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heard the same thing from a pharmacist at Walgreens about their shipments coming from Mississippi now. my appt. was monday and I still have not been able to fill anywhere. even tried the mom and pop places that I know price gouge out the ass... sad times!

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@UFC - thanks for the post. Next month has rolled around and I'm still having the same problem. Appt. was MONDAY and it is now WEDNESDAY. Last month when I posted, I had went to my main Walgreens during lunch and was able to finally fill them. Was hoping I would have some of the same luck as last time - however, now I am being told (by my main Walgreens pharmacy) that their location will no longer be receiving in shipments or filling prescriptions for the oxycodone 30mg. Pretty sad. I received a law suit settlement recently and I lost my job. SO for right now, I am un-insured and will be forced to pay cash. Walgreens (of course) is the cheapest place to fill - but I'm getting pretty desprate enough to try a mom & pop place and pay out the ass just so I can feel NORMAL again. I think I will try Kay's today - heard of them from a friend and think he had been successful filling is medication also. I really appreciate the tip. :) wish me luck!

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Try CVS and or wal-mart you may have to be persistent but patients and manners do still pay off

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all day seach here tell u ...county line rd. & burce b downs blvd. pharmacist there jill is the rudest person ever BEWARE and she had (anyone else havin problem filling methdone like really)but said it wasnt a long-lastin med. we all kn it is

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Cardinal Health, The distributor to 2500 pharmacies in FL and beyond has been shut down for two years as of May 15, 2012. That is the reason for the shortage. Call around and look for pharmacies that use McKesson as a distributor instead. Check out this link for more info:

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To verify some of the posts I read last night, let me add this. I saw my Dr. at 9:00 am yesterday morning. I went to the CVS in Sarasota that I've always done business with and presented my Rx. There was a substitute Pharmacist and sub tech, too.
The tech took the Rx over to the Pharmacist. They whispered a few words, then informed me that they had no oxycodone and had no idea when there would be any in stock.
I am not a conspiracy freak, but I felt that something was not "right".
Early this morning, before any delivery could be made, I went back to the same pharmacy and the regular Pharmacist was there and she knows me very well. She said, "Good mornin'," then took my 'script and simply told me I could pick it up in 30 mins.
Thirty mins. Later I returned and picked up my Rx of 30 mg. oxycodones.
I have no idea why the pharmacists are lying to people. But they do and it's disgusting.
She took the script

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Thanks Zira for the info. I had heard from my regular pharmacist this morning that someone else had lost their license. And Telecaster yes you are right!! I went to my regular Walgreens this morning to find my head pharmacist who had been on vacation ( he's is one of the very few here in Jax that does not lie) and discussed this situation with him. Well long story short one of his associates has been lying to people and I reported her today. I am sick of being treated like some crack head when all I am doing is trying to get my prescriptions filled. Also my whole family deals with this pharmacy, we shop in the store all the time and have probably between all of us 10 different meds that we get filled here THAT ARE NOT NARCOTIC!! Again as I told him this morning, we as a customer should be able to come in and get our prescriptions filled, no matter what they are

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