2011 30 Mg Oxycodone Shortage (Page 17)
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I am a 51 y/o who lives in Florida, suffering from chronic back pain, and have been prescribed to take up to six 30mg oxycodone tablets a day for over two years by my Pain Management doctor. However, when I went to fill my prescription almost 4 weeks ago, my pharmacy told me their distributor had stopped shipping oxycodone to Florida pharmacies. Since then, I have personally visited about 100 pharmacies but have been unable to find them in stock anywhere. As a former paralegal, I attempted to research the situation, but could only confirm that the DEA has yearly quot on all controlled substances (for oxy's is 98 million grams in 2011). From I gather from the Internet, it appears that the ENTIRE state of FLORIDA is not getting any shipments of oxycodone 30 mg. from distributors, but are other states having this problem as well? Also, can anyone confirm whether (and HOW) the DEA is pressuring distributors to avoid Florida?
DEA HAS TOO MUCH POWER! Cannot AMA put on some pressure? (Apology for expressing any doubt as to your status as an MD- your tone just seemed too naive). I see now. Why has AMA defaulted SO much power to DEA? They tell y'all how to treat your patients. Of course they oppose the trend to avoid the depression and despair of chronic pain via adequate painkillers. I mean... SOMEBODY might feel TOO good. I know you recall or know of the old times of "the last 3 days of life" being the standard for opioid prescribing as well as the myth that they would "stop working" when a practically infinite dose can be tolerated. Take my word- I hold the SF General record for tolerating painkillers when I was being treated fort Sx secondary to Rado-Chemo after many many years on methadone. Approve or not- patients are individual and cannot exist under DEA mandated maxima for each controlled substance.
Sorry about the typos. I responded using my phone.
In response to pcrwriter. First, having studied the law changes in 2010 and 2011i have not seen limits placed on shipments to pharmacies. Second, a to how the DEA pressures distributers, I have seen examples.about 18 months ago the DEA determined that Harvard pharmaceutics of livonia MI was sending medications to pain clinics and that they should have known that something was wrong with the quantities of pills (oxycodone) ordered as compared to the number of ordering physicians. The DEA had the power to pull their license to sell controlled medications nationwide. Harvard pharmaceuticals is the 5th largest distribute of all medications on the country. They are just now regaining their rights to sell schedule II medications. At the same time the DEA Shut down Sunrise pharmaceuticals, and penalize/fined Paragone pharmaceuticals.
After I posted to this blog last night I went on to the FDA website to see if there was a registered shortage in the state of Florida for oxycodone..there was not! Therefor this shortage is not ethical. For those patients who suffer from life long illness, cancer, Fibro, Lyme or any other terrible disease or condition that causes pain that tylenol or motrin does not relieve and are prescribed oxycodone for pain..in a nut shell this unethical shortage is not right!
I like most went through months of 'lets try this and lets try that" to get the correct combination of medicine to at least bring the pain down to a level that was tolerable and one could live with. When you wake up in the middle of the night from pain that makes you cry and your afraid to move because you know with each movement the pain will only worsen..Or you suffer from migraines and in the past have taken 4500 mg's of tylenol or motrin and have liver enzymes that are 300 from it..oxycodone is the least of a person's problems! If your licensed anesthesiologist pain management physician has prescribed oxycodone, a patient should be able to go in to their local pharmacy and fill their prescription!
Dear "Dr. Jack:"
While my previous experience as a paralegal who worked exclusively for Florida criminal defense firms naturally leaning towards verifying an individual's claim of earning a doctorate from a recognized college or university, our collective need to concentrate on the problem at hand teaches me to welcome your input and advice.
Fortunately, today I was able to successfully return the script for oxycodone that I was issued the day before before Thanksgiving and exchange it for a script fora comparable number of 8 mg. Diluadid, which affect my pain differently but surely beat nothing.
Amazingly, I had absolutely NO PROBLEM whatsoever in getting it filled at the local pharmacy with NO HASSLE WHATSOEVER. However, that experience LEADS me to once again question why the ENTIRE STATE OF FLORIDA is no longer an adequate supply of oxycodone 30 mg. tablets at the pharmacies. Can anyone provide me with verifiable information regarding the 2011 Florida Legislature's enactment of legislation limiting the amount of pills that each pharmacy can order per period, or credible information as to how the DEA may be pressuring distributors to NOT ship to Florida?
In the Struggle --
I've had severe back problems since 2001 abd ended up having surgery 10 2004.
I was on 40mg Oxycontin three times a day for a very long time. On one visit the doctor daid that by law he could give me no more then two pills a day since it was a 12 hour medication.
With-in a day or two I started to de-tox when it was time for my 3rd Oxycontin. I don't remember how long I was de-toxing the other eight hours in the day, but I can tell everyone that the pain you experience makes you wish you were dead {no B/S}.
I mentioned to my pain doctor I wanted off this s*** and it had taken him four tears to lower my pain doseage from the 40mg Oxycontin 3 times a day down to 5/325 Oxycodone three times a day.
Then after 34 years of marrage I was left with no other choice but to divorce my wife in late 2001 ~ and could no longer afford any doctor visits and due to their high fees and started taking about 20 to 24 @ 500mg Tylonol each day.
This lasted for 13 months, and after still having 24 hour pain a day, ended up calling my old doctor up to ask for some 5mg's two times a day of Oxycodone (10's that I had cut in half to make a 5mg{to keep the cost down}) and he gave me a script for 21 days then come back, I was quite suprised when oon my next visit his reply was to either live with the pain ro have addtional surgery.
I an now seeking a Lawyer to see if I have any chance of a lawsuite against the doctor who read my recent MRI and couldn't locate the area of the pain. For anyone with backpain on this thread, the back pain fells like you were hit in the lower center of your back when bending over about 30 degrees (leaning over a sink, etc.) or standing on a ladder for about five minutes. I am now ready to give myself a 58 year old ABORTION if I want to end rhis back pain. I'm positive that i'm not the only person thinking of this.
*thanks to all that voted on the new health bill*
Thank you ChrisF and iwearsneakers, for responding to my posting. I did write it to have you to believe that I don't have a clue; but my practice is completely opioid pain management in Fort Lauderdale. I am a professor at the medical school in town so I am teaching as well. But my point is I can't see anything magic with oxycodone. And, I think I smell a rat when I see that everyone in the same family has severe chronic pain that requires high dose oxycodone. It becomes impossible to sort out who has pain and who are playing some sort of dangerous game.
As in some of the posts that I have seen on this blog; some people would rather wait until oxycodone becomes available again, going with out pain meds all together instead of working with the doctor to find another combination that works.
My patient schedule is low (12 to 15 patients per day) due to my very diligent screening and selection process. I believe that I can treat appropriate patients while a small number of inappropriate people slip through the cracks, and we have a good exit strategy to get those that are misusing their medications to the proper specialist for care. Over the last 3 years that I have focused on pain care at Medical Help Family Pracice, I have continued to learn and adapt my practice of medicine to achieve better results with more patients.
But like many post I have seen, I am very frustrated that at this time oxycodone is so hard to fill. Between limited availability and the DEA threatening pharmacies and distributors it has become a challenge to sort out facts from rumors.
I believe intractable = untreatable. Anyway, if you read any modern medical tracts or articles they will tell you that it doesn't need to be intractable; pain is to be shut out of the patients life, for reasons that a life spent in miserable pain is barely worth living.
As to Oxycontin- to be perfectly honest, the young users like it becaquse it feels more like good heroin than does any other opioid or opiate. It was aggressively marketed by the maker who claimed it had little addiction potential. Yep- just like Bayer claimed with Heroin. HOWEVER:
Oxycodone SR is effective and much safer. The morphine I have taken for many years for sciatic and cancer pain is also SR, and I stop taking it periodically to assure myself there is little or no dependency and there isn't. However my life is miserable without it and since modern MDs have finally accepted the facts that pain should be treated aggressively (and I agree, even as an addiction professional) if life is otherwise as bad as pain can and will make it.
Before this policy but after a serious sciatica developed in me it kept driving me to street drugs, helping a thriving illicit market thrive even more.
To be perfectly honest i do not see how, as an MD, you have not read the hundreds of articles that elucidate the policy that it is a violation to NOT treat pain effectively. The journals are there to read, not just to waste huge amounts of money on. Furthermore, continuing education requirements must have touched on this.
If I may be so bold- I'm a bit skeptical of your assertion that you are a doctor, at least of medicine. If I am wrong please accept my sincerest apology.
Dr Jake ..I wanted to address your question from my point of view. People who have been diagnosed as intractable pain patients are given a "one of a kind treatment" So for the person who said that she and her boyfriend have the same name medication and been diagnosed with intractable pain, you don't know if one of them has..say Lyme disease and the other Fibromylagia,
Intractable pain is as defined here,: is
constant, severe, disabling pain, which causes changes in pulse rate, blood pressure, and adrenal hormone production"
People who have chronic pain..it isnt a picnic!
in response to Eureka of Wednesday, 11/23/2011 4:02:16 PM
As a doctor, I thought that chronic intractable pain was rare. How can it be that you, your boyfriend, both take oxycodone on a daily basis? and even if you each are prescribed pain medications why oxycodone? There are other effective pain medications, i.e. morphine, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, and more. Can anyone tell me the big deal with oxycodone?
Once again- LOOK 'EM UP! You are getting the substance (oxycodone) mixed up with the DELIVERY. The little Oxycodones are immediate release. Oxycontin and whatever replaced it are SLOW release OXYCODONE!
Likewise: Opana. There is Opana ER (Extended Release and Opana plain. THEY are two different delivery systems (or formulations if you prefer) for the drug OXYMORPHONE!
Opana= brand name
Oxymorphone= substance which has been around for many decades.
Oxycontin= delivery system for oxycodone
Little oxycodone's are the SAME SUBSTANCE but immediate release, lower doses (usually).
Please get this straight. After all- informed patients know what they're getting and know how to open a discussion with their physicians. Confusion is something that allows one to be intentionally or unintentionally misinformed. EX: Not 1 out of ten out there realizes that Percocet is 5 mg oxycodone with tylenol (acetominophen, or APAP), just as Percodan was 5 mg oxycodone with aspirin.
Harm Reduction cannot be accomplished without getting informed and staying informed. An informed ADDICT is a safer addict. It's better all the way around to learn it, learn it right and keep learning.
Really there is no excuse for misinformation as addicts are most often SMART people. But you can stay ignorant through laziness. There is nobody in this discussion board without computer skills which includes a working knowledge of Google. So Google your substances; you will hurt yourselves much much less. Patients too: Look UP your meds. Know everything possible about them so you can take an active role in your own treatment!
With self education you have ammunition against someone who knows nothing but accuses you of being a hypondriac when in fact you have fibromyalgia
or some other little known chronic pain condition.
Oh Lord knows this is absolute torture!! I went to my drs appt today in such pain from these herniations, but also in withdrawal as my 4x a day dose ended 4 days ago!! I live in broward and had to forfeit m
HALF my script last month-- the dr decided to put me on morphine!! I am really scared to take that!!
My pharmacist told me that the fla D.A. Has stopped all deliveries, sales , etc-- I can't believe what's happened to our country either & just watch this creep get elected again
Please allow me to thank everyone for helping me to gain a better understanding of the current supply and demand issues,and of course the regulatory issues that affect such.
Chris,I did find the website for the American Pain Foundation, and e-mail address for the leaders of Florida,as follows:
The home address is: painfoundation.org/
The State leaders are: Connie Leon, PharmD, CPh (HCP)
[email protected]
Orlando, FL
Donna Ratliff, PWP
Lithia, FL
[email protected]
As I best understand the situation, in addition to dealing with the fact that we are at the end of the year and thus facing the brunt of the DEA quota. it appears that as a result of legislation enacted by the 2011 Legislature, Florida pharmacies also have a limit as to how many oxycodone tablets each pharmacy can get. Donna is right, there is strength in numbers, but it is just too late to do anything this year.Does anyone know anything about the new pharmacy limit?
You can also go to the website of the American Society of HealthCare Pharmacists @: ashp.org/DrugShortages/Current/
Also, the are two professional organizations in Florida that SOMEONE needs to contact (I can't do it all!):
Amazingly, I now have TWO oxycodone prescriptions, but I am going to take the one I got issued last week back to the Doctor & get Diluadid or oxymorphone.
Don't do suboxon program . If your a addict then your problem deal with it . But if u need them like me I was parolized before from a broken back if I don't have meds I will not be able to work or anything else and I can go on welfare I guess. But. I heard if u do that detox program its on your record and if u go to the hospital or anything they will never give u pain meds because you where addicted. So be carefully if u need your meds to get by in life like many war vets or or hurt while serving our country. So if u do that program its on your medical record and if u go in for anything they will give advil or tylonol for pain because u are a adict.
Im reading alot about withdrawls, i don't know if this is true, but I read about a drug called suboxone, which I beleive is given for detoxing in the office, or an office like setting. If possible perhaps you could go to a hospital and ask about this, I know this is a bad situation but please don't hurt yourslef and withdraw at home. I am sure there is a detox or something near you. Go to a major hospital in your area and ask for help. If you get a decent doctor he will help you or point you in the correct direction
I sorry you all are having a hard time finding me.I think your looking on FB, no go to the web. A few others have found me.Go to search on the web, then add American Pain Foundation. It will take to the main page. Click on leaders section. It may drop down not sure. This will show a Country wide map. Click on your state(FL). You will then see me. I am Tampa area. I know how you feel. My doctor was closed and not there when I got there On Thanksgiving eave. I was just stunned. I calmly made a few a calls and by the grace of God, I got in to see a doctor the day before a holiday. All these kinds things are why You need to help APF. Just read my online web instructions. Hear from ya soon.
Hi Again Donna,
I Googled American Pain...specific to Florida, and there are many, many offices of the same. Many appear as internet pharms, or some sort of copycat pill mill B.S.
Might you have a hyperlink you can post here or e-mail to me, so that everyone in this forum can be certain that the help you mention, specifically for Florida, can be reached. Thank You Donna. Many thanks indeed.
Chris from Tampa.
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