2 Morphine Er Scripts Doctors 8 Days Apart
UpdatedHere is the deal.
I have a herniated disc and degenerative disc disease. I have had physical therapy, chiropractor and epidural steroid injections.
I am a Kaiser patient. I am taking Morphine ER 15 mg 4 times a day with percocet 5 mg 3 times a day for breakthrough.
I ran out of meds early last month because i went camping and lost the bottle that had a weeks worth of meds inside. I don't take the entire bottle with me when I travel, just what I need while I'm gone.
I did not tell my doctor that I lost the meds.
My doctor gave me a script that was dated for 6/25 (tomorrow).
Last week I was out of town for our annual week long vacation. While I was there (in the same state, but 3 hours from home) I went to an urgent care with my empty script bottles and the urgent care doctor gave me a script worth 20 days of my meds. Well over what I needed him to give me.
I was going to go fill my regular script tomorrow, but now I am worried that my regular doctor and regular pharmacy will somehow know that I saw someone else. I'm worried that they will not fill my script.
The script was filled 8 days ago.
How early could I fill my dated script (dated for tomorrow) without it raising a huge red flag from the script I got that was worth 20 days?
If I go tomorrow, it would be 12 days until the 20 day supply runs out.
I don't want to wait the 12 days because then my regular doctor will wonder why I was able to stretch my meds out an extra 12 days when really, I can't do that on a regular basis......
Any suggestions on what I should do? Should I wait even just a few more days? Or should I just wait the entire 12 days and not risk getting red flagged, but then risk my doctor lowering my meds? My doc will not accept that I lost a weeks worth of meds, she is very strict with that kind of thing, granted, it has never happened before and I have never filled my meds early....so it's not a habitual thing. It was just a freak accident.
7 Replies
I should also mention that I am NOT on a pain contract with my regular doctor and I have never been to another doctor since being treated by her, beginning in January.
The issue here is that since Morphine is a narcotic, which is a controlled substance, all of this will be reported to the government, so it will eventually get back to your doctor and may cause you to be flagged, anyway.
Everything is tracked by computers now and reporting to the government is mandatory.
Learn more Morphine details here.
Thus, your best bet really is to come clean with your doctor and tell them what happened.
Are there any other questions or comments?
It's not worth risking the rest of your life's comfort, she may drop you if you fill it. Give her the script and tell her you were in unbearable pain but you wanted to maintain a good relationship and went to the other doctor in a moment of extreme pain but then realized you would suffer rather than risk losing her trust. Give her the script, that will go a long way but let her know you have suffered beyond anything, etc. She won't lower your dose if you tell her how bad it was and show her how bad your pain is. If you walk in like normal, she might lower your meds, if you are in extreme pain and are very honest and nice she will likely help you. Be honest, tell her that you lost your weeks worth of meds and you didn't know what to do, you didn't know if she would help you. I really think if you do not fill that RX she will help you. If you already did, give it to her and tell her the story. Just my opinion, they want to trust their patients and have a lot to lose by treating addicted patients so just be careful and I'm sorry you are suffering. I don't EVER carry my full script either and I always hide my remaining meds very well b/c pharmacy techs tell their friends who get these meds and they will rob you, etc. so you were very smart to do that, could have been a lot worse and you could have lost all of your meds.
Do not tell your doctor.
It doesn't matter that you got another script. It was from a different doctor. Just as long as it was a different doctor, and different script, and different pharmacy you can't get in trouble. My advise is save the ones from the ER for days that it is unbearable. That's what any good doctor would tell you.
Best of luck, and p.s. try not to ever loose your pills again, for you won't ever get this lucky again.
i have ddd, spurs on my spine, pain frm top to bottom. nerve damage in two nerves,fybromyalgia, torn rotator cuff, tenosynovitis in left hand.right arthritic hip. osteoarthritis everywhere. need to find a pain management center who has not seen me, i broke two contracts with. but i'm still in severe pain to where i can't even do house work,let alone anything else. there has to be a sympathetic dr. out there who would be willing to help! i live in greenville s c. my email: {edited for privacy}
Honesty is the best policy. She may understand if not then you did not lie.
I am in a pm program where I was given a 30 day supoly for hydrocodone for a crushed nerve in my neck. I was hospitalized for something totally different over the weekend for a hernia, hemmorids and bleeding ulcer. The hosp doctor gave me 10 Norco upon discharge. I filled them under a different pharmacy under different insurance not knowing Norco and hydrocodone are the same thing. With I get in trouble for what I just did
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