2 Megestrol 40mg Tablets, Twice A Day
UpdatedI was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia stage 3 - stage 4 is cancer. I had a D&C around november by gynecologist and was referred to robotic oncologist who prescribed the Megestrol. Since I am morbid obese, I did not know about the weight gain with the megestrol and have gained about 20 lbs in two months to my surprise; so when requesting a refill, i was told by pharmacist these tablets were for people who have trouble eating (not for cancer treatment as I was told by robotic oncologist). The oncologist is planning a hysterectomy around June 2015 because he wants me to loose as much weight as possible from a proposed bariatric surgery because the OR table has to be slanted in a certain position which makes my weight press on my chest making breathing hard for me. I do not know whether to continue with the oncologist or visit a second opinion. I don't need any more weight on me. What are your suggestions?
1 Reply
Hello, JD! How are you?
No, the pharmacist was not correct.
Megestrol tablets are approved by the FDA to relieve the symptoms of advanced breast cancer and advanced endometrial/uterine cancer.
There is a liquid available that's used to treat loss of appetite, severe weight loss and malnutrition in people with AIDS.
It's actually a synthetic version of the hormone Progesterone. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and weight gain. Your oncologist knows what he's doing. :-)
Is there anything else I can help with?
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