(2) 15mg Oxycodone's Vs. (1) 30mg Oxycodone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My doctor prescribed me (60) 30mg. Oxycodone's. But my pharmacist gave me (120) 15 mg. pills as a substitute. My question is will (2) 15 mg. pills have the same effect as (1) 30 mg. pill?

63 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: j (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with 15 mg has noneffective at all military tried half of a 30 mg I felt no pain for several hours

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to have a real comparison, you must break the 15's in half when you swallow them to breaking 1-30mg in half.

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From experience, i think that two 15mg are better than one 30mg. BUT only the A214's. The Mblocks and the ETH's suck. Only thing that will help me is the V's and A214's. It just varies.

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Please stay in Florida...and don't beat your kids to hard for spoiling milk!

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This person claims to be DEA haha he can't even spell posision did he mean poison or position? Man he needs a chalked up roxi 30mg to the dome sauce haha jealous pussy.

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A Roxanne, you are the voice of the essence of the problem on our planet, you will in your lifetime never evolve past the low brow consciousness you so uneloquently display. Its to bad little monsters like yourself exist, and to everyone we must be able to identity these scum, and that they lie in wait in many facets of our country, don't listen to them they are the in evolved truly in human.

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My husband doesn't have cancer but his doctor has him on 4 yes 30mg and 2 25mg of roxicodine for a tumor called a tarlov cyst on his spine it's so big and has his nerves to his legs in cased in the cyst do some research not everyone is a dope head that has these questions working in the coal mines doesn't help with his pain but he does work everyday damn day he can it's people like you that have NO clue what people on this medication go thru..The pain he goes thru everyday is horrible..I HATE when people that haven't got a clue talks down about people..I truly hope you never have to go thru the pain these people go thru and need the medication or wait do I ? Maybe then you would understansd..

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Is they both made for tha same Ingredients do They have the same thing in them

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You would have to see a pain management doctor this are prescribed to people with cronic pain of course they do prescribed to people with other issues but can only get from pain management doctor.

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It is the same as to the amount of Oxycodone, you will be receiving 30 MG of Oxycodone.
However it comes down to POTENCY-!
The 30MG is 2x the strength of a 15.
This is exactly why others here are trying to say but they do not understand why 1 (30) works way better than 2 (15s).
It does because it is more potent.
My Dr made take an opioid class before he would prescribe me them
Look at it this was, 800mg ibuprofen.
So if you take 4 200 MG ibuprofens are you get 800mg of it, yes you are getting 800mg of ibuprofen. So if that's the case, then why do you need a prescription for 800mg ibuprofen, you need a prescription because now you are get 800mg potency of ibuprofen not 200-!!!!
Hope this helps, any opioid specialist will tell you the same exact statement-!

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Yes it is the same depending on what brand because different name brand has different amounts of fillers.

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they slightly hit faster, because of the smaller dosage being metabolized by your cyp3a4 receptors at the same time however with the half Life of 3.5 hours is when I notice the biggest change... because a smaller mg upon half life even though it is two pills does not equal the same plasma bioavailability... so it's not the same... go to a different pharmacy

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Same here! Taking two 15mg morphine sulfate doesn't help. Taking one 30 mg does. I tried to explain this to my doctor but he wouldn't listen. Two 15s add up to 30. In his mind that's all that mattered

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Quoted From Post #15 (Roxanne): "You people should be ashamed of yourself taking all this dope which should only be prescribed to people dying of cancer of with other intractable chronic pain syndromes. We have decided to attack this from the demand side, which means users, which means you. When all drug addicts are locked up then the doctors can get back to doctoring. Here at the DEA we aim to shut this mess down one addict at a time. We are already moving in Florida, other states to follow. So instead of comparing two 15mg pills to one 30mg you people can get jobs and get lives instead of gloating over the fact you got meds you have no business having possession of in the first place."

Roxanne - listen here. First off it's none of your business what I, or anyone else in this world takes as medicine. I don't think you're in the DEA but you may be because they are filled with stupid ass **** ******s that sound like you. You're not a f***ing doctor, obviously your not intelligent enough to become one. You probably don't even have your high school diploma because you sound like an ignorant b**** from your one post. I honestly hope you get in a severe accident and it causes you horrible pain for the rest of your life like some of us. Hopefully you really injure your back or any type of chronic pain injury. And I hope you get a horrible piece of s*** doctor who feels like you do right now about pain patients. I hope he just recommends physical therapy that just makes the pain worse. Then you try spinal inj's. that do absolutely nothing but cause more pain. And the doctor only gives you Tylenol 800mgs and you have soo much pain you take bunches of them. And all the Tylenol you take ruins your liver. Then he recommends back surgery to fix your issues. You have the back surgery and it ends up making you paralyzed for the rest of your life and all that you can feel is pain. And finally, you end up dying due to all the damage the Tylenol did to your liver. That is exactly what you deserve you low life piece of s***. I usually say I don't wish my pain on anyone, but I do wish it for you. I wish it on you because stupid ****s like yourself that have no idea what it's like to live with chronic pain everyday run their mouth about something they have no idea about. People like you want to make it damn near impossible for me to live a somewhat normal life so I can work. You want to make it impossible for us to get our needed pain medication. So yes for you Roxanne, I hope you get in a horrible accident tonight. I don't hope you die, I hope you suffer with chronic pain. And die in terrible pain from all the bulls*** people like you have caused in medicine today. Goodnight.

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You out to be ashamed of YOURSELF!!! There are many if us that pain meds have truly improved our quality of life.people w/ sciatic pinched nerves bulging disc osteo arthritis need these types of meds to improve the quality of life at least in my case 70 to 80%
.Like my pcp told me when I was on that damned fentanyl patch he said its an opiod and dishonest or non-sincere people will always find a way to abuse their meds.which in one hand I can see what he is saying but IF you are legit about your pain then all you want is to find a way to lead as normal life as pissible.It means the differance of being able to actually go to walmart for everything you need not speed shopping as fast as you can because your back and legs are burning numb and next step you find yourself dragging your leg just to get through not only shopping but standing in line in one spot waiting to check out it is a painful situation that has almost brought me to tears and before legit pain meds i had to stop shopping go back to the car and have my wife or someone else complete my shopping.I am sure there are worthless piece of crap junkies that use whatever method they can to feel (high) but those people conducting themselves in that manner are just living on borrowed time..There are a HUGE amount of people that are legit play by the rules and pain meds have truly given people productive lives.The proof is in the x-ray and MRI reports.If you go to a legit PM doctor or clinic those doctors do not write any narcotics unless you have recent records and MRIs that warrant the treatment.I am not speaking of the cash only pill mills that popped up in rural america especially in the south like Florida,kentucky,west va,and other states that have not made the news.So,DEA or not there are many abusers out there I am sure but there are many people out there 40-80 that depend on their meds so they can go to the store,or go to their kids baseball games,or go with their boys scout overnight camp outs.You dont sound like a DEA agent because a true legit one knows all these facts and are not so aggresive.I imagine there are older DEA agents that need meds perscribed by their PM doctor or for that matter a family doctor can write them to as long as you are legit and not an abuser. So,in closing you really need to think about the naive DUMB crap that you write because as long as there is severe chronic pain that can be proved by an MRI there will always be pain meds.see,I dont want pain meds that take away all my pain because you always want to know what your body is doing.what a pain med is made for is to take the edge off and make the pain less so you can cope with it.if you are taking stronger meds than hudrocodone or oxycodone it mask your symptoms so much that all you are doing is just tearing your body up and you dont know it.many people take pain meds to avoid back surgery or wait as long as they can before they have a major back surgery because the percentage of people getting back surgery that truly improve are about in general 15%.so 85% of the people that get talked into a possible botched back surgery are much worse than they were before and then there is ALWAYS followup surgerys.Now,in this whole conversation i have spoken about legit doctors running legit practaces in no way shape or form do I think that these cash only pill mills are legit.If a clinic sont take insurance or from what i have heard some especially as i mentioned before in the south work out of trailers.rhose doctors obviously are not in it to help people they are dangerous and borderline legal at best.If I ever see one or get refered to one i would fire the doc that refered me and run the other direction.I am sure I have not given you any insight or made you have any compassion for the people on these meds but I gave you many legit scenerios you cant deny.As long as there is people in pain legit people there will always be good doctors willing to help them no matter what you want or think.its a problem in the USA but it is also mandatory that these meds are available and they always will be as long as you comply with normally a signed contract and you must be seen every 28-30 days at least for what I get in my State.I hope you have opened your mind somewhat to the need and realize that pain meds are here to stay.the sooner you accept that the better you will feel about your job.one other thing other than in the cases of bad car wrecks,or botched surgeries as far as i am concerned anyone under 35 has no reason to be perscribed these meds.

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As a Man with Real Chronic pain,fusion surgeries in my neck that failed to help,and several shattered discs in my back. Well it sickens me that so many i****s abuse pain medicine. I wish I never had to take pain medicine but I have no choice. All of you out there abusing have no regard for those of us whom are literally suffering. Also I spent 6 years defending our country in the Army and to think men like myself would sacrifice our lives to protect a bunch of addicts makes me even sicker..Find GOD. And realize there are people out here that NEED pain medicine just to somewhat function. Whats wrong with you people?

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Theres no difference, why would you not add 15 plus 15??????

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Theres no difference, why would you not add 15 plus 15?????? Oxycontin differences.

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yes it will. I have found that XOLOX 10/500 is the best pain reliever of oxycodone and only like $1/tablet

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no, that means you need to take 8 every two hours......of course its the same....

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