15 Year Old Trying To Get Off Of Vyvanse
UpdatedMy 15 year old son has been on some form of stimulants since he was in the 1st grade. He is currently on 70 mg vyvanse. We are trying to get him off of it, but he is having really bad withdrawals so much that it interfering with his school work. Should we try giving him 30mg or is that too low a dose after 50. Any suggestions?
3 Replies
Tapper him down, if you have the capsules an hes on 70mg's, start by cutting the capsule in half and power the powder on the table, now split it into 7ths and give him 6/7ths of it for 3 days then after those 3 days give him 5/7ths and etc...
Have you consulted his doctor for assistance?
After being on these types of medications for such a long period of time, a slow taper is definitely the safest and easiest way to go. However, it is going to be very difficult to do on your own, without medical advice and assistance.
I have been taking vyvanse for over a year and half and I decided to get off of the med this week. I have been off of it for a few days and haven't had terrible withdraw symptoms , and I think I know why. About three months ago I started drinking a little more than a pint of orange juice a day, and around that time I started noticing that my vyvanse wasn't working as well. I did some research recently and I found that vitamin C directly effects vyvanse's effectiveness. I believe that because I was taking the vyvanse for three months in a severely diluted form that my body got used to the diminished effects my body hasn't adversely reacted to me being totally off of the drug.
Hope this helps
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