10mg Diazepam Actavis Uk (Page 12)
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In simple terms they are are actavis 10mg tablets. Markings C DC with a split line through the middle. Light blue, blank on one side in sealed silver strips, with 14 to each. They don't seem to be good.

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Scooby, yes there is. It’s always a 14 with uk meds like blues or yellow tablets.

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I have just filled my rx for 2 strips of 10mg actavis diazepam and they tested ok with an ez test kit. But my question is, why would they cut off the batch numbers and just leave the exp date on the other end of the strip? Surely if they were bad they would leave the batch numbers on to look more authentic. Also, they come without a box. Any ideas anyone? I have received these before from the same pharmacy, but the last lot they had the batch numbers on.

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I think Crescent are the worst on the market. My husband gets a script filled and our chemist dispenses them. He gets me to travel 8 miles away to get Actavis or Teva brand. He hates crescent brand.

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I've just filled a prescription for some 10mg Crescent Diazepam in the UK. 14 in a strip, as per usual.

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Yes, they will melt easily under your tongue. You taste a slight chalky taste with a hint off sweetness. If it melts like that then your fine. If it doesn't start to melt as soon as u put it under tongue then spit it out and especially spit it out if they taste bitter and horrible. No diazepam tastes horrible (as long as they're real). BE SAFE FOLKS.

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You're getting one of the best brands of Diazepam out there. Actavis, Teva and Crescent, all made in the UK and reputable.

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Yes. That's the same marking that are on actavis diazepam. But be careful if u got them from any other place besides a licensed pharmacy cause there's a lot of counterfeit tablets going about. Put 1 under your tongue. If it starts melting and tastes kinda sweet then it should be diazepam.

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