100 Mg Tramadol Tablets (Top voted first)


Ordered 100mg Tramadol tab from HAR pharmaceuticals in India. It works for pain. I just can't find from company web site if available in anything other than capsule form. Just wanted to make sure it's not counterfeit. The packaging is 10 tabs per package and states 100mg. Any reason to be concerned.

2 Replies

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Hi Bos,

I believe you may have meant to say "HAB" Pharmaceuticals, as HAR Pharmaceuticals doesn't appear to exist at all. "HAB" Pharmaceuticals IS based in India and from what I can tell they appear to be a legitimate drug manufacturer there. However, upon looking at their product page, the only photo they have of Tramadol depicts it as being a small white round 100mg tablet (NOT capsule); and it goes by the brand name "Top-Dol".

Ref: habpharma.in/product/top-dol

Could you have been looking at a different webpage perhaps? I also wonder if you could've ordered this from an unlicensed pharmacy off the internet that may not have been associated with HAB Pharmaceuticals period, since you mentioned that your pills were capsules, and not tablets as they portray them to be...

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I started with Neoslax 4mg tab at 9:30 a.m. and around 4 p.m. I started itching like mosquitoo bites on my arms.

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