10 Panel Drug Test (Page 2)
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I took a ten panel pre employment drug screen ... It came up positive for high levels of prescription drugs she said. I took opana the day before and the day of and they want a copy of my prescription from Dr which I don't have. Can I pass off my hydrocodone script for the opana.?? Or do they say exactly what it is? If it just says opiate then I thought it might work... Please let me know. Freaking ....

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Thanks! That makes more sense how they can break it down to "which opiate", rather than what i was told. They know HOW many you took. All went well I freaked myself for nothing. Hope your program goes well and your goals are reached!

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Yes the 10 panel drug test shows which drug you have taken. They can break it down to determine say, which opiate u have taken. Just FYI as I am In a drug court program and it happened to me.

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I'm really confused if someone can please help me. I said I take 4 norco's a day, but in reality I take 6. I just took a drug screen (10 panel urine), can/will the drug test show AMOUNTS I've taken or will it just show up as positive? I have a script and the lady never asked to see it.....shouldn't they have? What's done is done, I just want to be prepared for questions when the test comes back. Last time I took any was yesterday 1:10pm, took test today at 12:15pm or so. Does it show the AMOUNT taken?? Thanks for all replies, responses, and suggestions(whether they're neg or pos). CPS was told I am prescribed the meds, so do they check amount? I DO NOT take any while child's in my care (daddy and my brother are always around)

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red, it turns into hydromorphone. To find out more about opiod metabolism, here's a helpful link: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2704133/

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to the person who doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to what vics show up as... youre misinformed. Vics DO show up as opiates... they show up as hydromorphone. Opana is oxymorphone and that's what it will show up as. I am prescribed both dilaudid and op's, but back when I was strictly on dillies, if I ran out before a dr appointment (which usually included a drug test) I would take vicodin a few days prior because it would show up as hydromorphone. Tried and tested. Just saying.

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Yes, dilauded and Percocet will show up as two different drugs. Dilauded shows up kinda like morphine I don't know off the top of my head exactly what it shows up as, but Percocet shows up as "oxy" because they are the same chemical structure. Keep in mind that what I'm talking about pertains to 10 panel drug tests. I've been on probation for about 3 years now, I am also a pain management patient. I've been prescribed to OxyContin, Oxycodon, and Percocets they all show up as the same thing on a 10 panel because 10 panels are not very extensive. I was also prescribed to hydro codon, and loritab. Hydro and loritab are the same thing (same active ingredient/ chemical structure). It's important to note that while both hydrocodon/loritab and dilauded are both opiates, they are different chemical structures. (Again I don't really know what exactly what it shows up as, from what I've gathered it could show as hydromorphone which still isn't hydrocodon). So in response to your question, yes they will show up as different drugs on a 10 panel

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My husband is on 4mg Dilaudid and 10mg percocet and I am on 10 mg percocet...my pain can be really bad at times so my husband will give me a dilaudid....will a 10 panel drug urine screen be able to distinguish what opiate we took or will it just say opiate. Also what does hydrocodone show up as?

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I would not recommend passing off your hydrocodone script to cover up you taking Opana's. Yes they are both pain killers but hydrocodone (vicodin, etc) do not show up as opiates on a drug screening. Although they are reffered to as Opiate's, because hydrocodone is basically synthetic heroin, they are not made with Opium.On the 10-12 panel drug screenings hydrocodone and opiates are tested seperately. If you took Opana's you would test positive for opiates not hydrocodone. Hope this helped. Also, I am in recovery and soon hope you will come to your end and surrender. The fight gets worst, just give the s*** up :)

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It really depends on the specifics of the test they use and I have no way of knowing that, but there are some that just show the presence of opiates and some that show the specific opiate.

However, I think the clue here is that they specifically said prescription drugs, since there are also illicit opiates, thus I am guessing that they used the test that shows the specific ones that someone has been taking.

Many have been known to cause false positives for each other, but that also depends on whether or not they use a less expensive, non-certified test.

Learn more Hydrocodone details here.

Learn more Opana details here.

Are there any other questions, comments or advice?

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