10 Or 12 Panel Drug Test Plz Help!!! (Top voted first)


ok so i have been successfully doing a suboxen program for 2 years now. i am only on 4mg now and i guess this month i messed up..... ok i did!! i took 8mg a day and i thought i could buy some extra from someone else to catch up..well i cant she got cut off at dr. they are hard to come by so i was thinking about getting some roxies for the next week or so just to keep me from wds... ok so my question is.. does anyone think that if i take abt 30-50 mg oxycodone for a week then go back to my subs for a week if they happen to test me i would be ok??? i did cheat once b4 at the same dr.. i was being prescribed oxys and i took some hydros too and 4 days later it showed up...
im 27 150 llbs i have been on suboxen for 2 yrs and i was on opiates for 8 yrs strait b4 that... he does a 10 or 12 panel urine test. and often i test positive for morphine on the cup and they send it off and it comes back clean..PLEASE I NEED HELP!! i cant loose my dr by failing a test... he is a great dr. need answers asap!!! thank u!

2 Replies

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You don't know what ur talking about sub help ppl to go front without poison get inc in it won't be a money pit duh!!

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kelly31... get off the Sub., it does nothing for you except extend the time you have to wait for WDs. suboxone is a money pit... take time off from work and detox from Sub....please you are now hooked on Sub... and WDs are just as bad as actual pain killers. sorry...

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