10/325 Quailiest Verses Watson Verses White Or Yellow (brand Name Norco)
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Hello Hydrocodone world:
My experience is this. You can not beat Name Brand scored NORCO 10/325. However, my experience is Watson is a softer compound, & works faster. Now, the other generic NORCO 10/325 (36 01) scored other side. This is made by QUAILITEST: many people say they suck, because in fact, it is a harder compound to digest/desolve, therefore not getting a good feeling,but the slight slower release makes Quailiest (NORCO) actually kill the pain more so than Watson (GENERIC) 10/325. The watson have the edge, however the Qualitiest last longer & are so dang close, only a Dog may know the difference. Personally me, & all the 4 companies that make generic NORCO can stick it. Your/My Dr. is going to request the yellow dye, I do get allergic reactions minor,but enough to b**** about. So I will be getting a lot of paper work, and I will end up getting Yellow NORCO, as long as the Dr. request patient has allergic reactions, not to the dye, but rather various fillers, as well. And me & My g/f have Identical insurance plans for meds. And the G/f got the real deal NORCOS. My Dr respects me & I respect my Dr. And dr.'s know the difference between spinal issues & hop heads or some of us have both. LOL (JOKE).
Now the HOT tip - NORCO Now makes two Brand name NORCO 10/325 , some will be yellow & or white. Watson makes NORCO ( BRAND NAME) wich are yellow. Also Watson now makes the 1/325 NORCO it is white.
Bottom line (brand name 10/325) you will start to see in white & yellow, as we are now seeing, allergic reactions to the yellow color dye. Also 10/325 NORCO are usually yellow, again they are moving to white tablets, and are currently selling both colored (WATSON GENERIC) norcos. Same goes for Brand name NORCOS, Yellow & white.
They are taking the yellow dye out both Name brand & watson brand NORCOS. You may see yellow & or white in your Watson 10/325 also Brand name 10/325
Ask your Dr for a over ride due to alergic reactions, most insurances will cover , if the findings of the request are found to be true. But now they are making the same company, same drug, Brand name & generic & in both white & or yellow (watch out for (CVS pharmacies) they carry s*** loads of s***, that is totally the s*** of all s*** & works like s***. Request brand name to your Dr & ask nicely & all the above will not apply. Watson's are etched in most peoples mind, however the Quailitest & watson are just how fast or slow the absorbtion rate/time to get into the blood stream. If you really want this Norco in your blood stream like instantly? LOL Check in to a 28 day drug rehabb & ask this? what is the fastest way to get any drug into my blood stream? Than youll be safe for 28 days, if they let you out. (JOKE).
Re: David (# 1)
I totally agree Watson brand of Norco especially the white ones SUCK. I have been taking Qualitest brand yellow but now that the yellow dye has been banned I hope I can try the Qualitest White because Watson brand does not relieve my pain!!
Re: David (# 1)
Hello, I agree, I, personally, would never pay, again, for the manuf: AUROB. White, flat 10-325's. I started taking them 2 nights ago, haven't slept one minute and the pain I am in hasn't gone away as when the last RX of Norco I received was made by Par Phar. Please check your bottles before leaving the store.
Re: David (# 1)
Hi there, this is just my opinion, I do like what you posted, it's pretty factual! For me, I am not looking for a desired feeling as some state, I look for relief from pain! And long term as possible. I have had to be in Pain Management for my condition now for over 2 years, and have been given different brands. I did alot of research, and when finally given Qualitiest Product, it provided longer term pain relief, without any side effects for me. I also take supplements to ensure my body is protected by any problems with having to take pain medication, I have an awesome pain doctor who also provides me with nutrition information that helps with inflammation, and other problems that can happen with having to take pain medication long term. Knowing I am a chronic and REAL pain sufferer in compliance with my Pain Management Group, I do all I can to help my body, like physical therapy, eat right, take probiotics and other supplements to process. As my condition is degenerative and will not get better! What i can tell you is without food pain medication, I would not be able to do physical therapy, or function at all in my daily life, trust me I tried without, I fought It! Now that I know I am in need of pain medication, like so many of us, we just want a good quality medication that relieves pain, as long as it says it should, without all the awful side effects that you get with the cheaper made brands, such as Malikroft. For me, it is Qualitiest Brand that relieves my pain, no funny feelings, lasts up to 6 hours of relief, and no bad side effects. And I am grateful that where I live, there is still one pharmacy that still purchases this brand for its customers, as there have been more than myself who have contacted the buyer for this pharmacy and voiced our opinion and plea to please do so. Some companies do care about keeping their customers (and their business of course) instead of saving money on cheaper brands. We have a voice, and my Pharmacy is a big chain, and not all their locations will carry this brand, yet the buyer for our rural community, can help! I'm grateful that this brand is still available to me and other like me here in our little town in Idaho. If you are a pain patient in compliance, you have a voice, usually a call to the buyers of the pharmacies in your area will listen and tell you what they can or cannot do. Best of luck to all.
NanaNancyNeuhaus (# 9)
Hi there! You know during this time that we are in a opioid crisis, (And not because of people who suffer from chronic pain) and protect thier medications from being taken from others. It's so important that those who are in compliance, and are given pain medications to function in life! Have to stand up and fight for themselves!! It is important, we are important, and not the problem, we shouldn't have to suffer because others abused! Trust me, if there was something else that I could afford to do! I would do it! But here we are! Manufacturers, Big pharma knows what thier producing! And no it's not ok to force us to take something that does not work! The more compliant patients, doctors, etc stand up for this, we might have a chance! Thank you for sharing your efforts to show your efforts to stand up for your rights!!
Re: Pat (# 2)
I simply have to say, there wouldn’t be so many overdoses due to making these generics so bad. I was on the Watson, and know it’s not in my head. I’m a stage 4 cancer pt. I could get a different stronger pain med but don’t want to. Would just like them to keep what used to work and that would be nice.
Where do you get the Quailtest brand Norco 10/325? I have been taking pain medication for quite sometime given the run around even gone in taken drug test dr saying it was showing up neg. When I had taken medicine right before I went in. So really need to know medicine doesn't ever seem to work. What do I need to request to get this right???
Re: David (# 1)
Does anyone know how or to whom we poor (real) pain sufferers can go for some concrete results. I am at witts end. The white pills just do not work! And no one seem to care. All say the drugs are the same just dye changed. Well apparely they are not using them. I have been using the SAME yellow pills in the same dosage for over 20 years for the same back issue. So i know when it is Not working.
Re: David (# 1)
The white made me sick so I found the yellow and they work for me.
Re: SuzieQ (# 108)
A white tablet scored center with M367 are bs.See all of the stories here. A poor excuse for a generic
Re: Robspace1 (# 15)
Hi there, I didn't finish reading your article, but believe me I will! I did want to point out that Medicare is NOT free. YOU PAID for it already. We pay for it with every single employment dollar we earn. You pay 1.45% of every dollar you earn and your employer also pays 1.45% credited to your account. So it is ludicrous to me that people have to pay an additional monthly fee to medicare, only to be shorted proper medical care. My Dad has to take pancreatic enzymes for the rest of his life and they are charging him over $300 a month. He is 85 and has a fixed income Again, another big pharma decision that does not benefit patients. This supposed "epidemic" of "opiate abuse" for the most part is bogus. It's big pharma and hospital systems finding a new way to increase their bottom line. Yes, there are abusers out there, but I believe the majority of people in chronic pain are sincere and not abusers.
I had a huge crush injury almost 9 years ago, and if the stupid hospital had sent me in to repair the nerves, I would NOT be in pain today. But "managed healthcare" says NO. Send her to PT and put her on anti-depressants. Funny. It didn't work.
I take one Norco (yellow - but Kaiser now uses the shi& Mallick) about every 2 or 3 days depending on how much pain I am in at night. The white ones upset my stomach (and I had already taken fomotadine 40mg) so it made my heartburn medication ineffective as well. I got no sleep either, because my left hand was pounding and both of my lower legs and feet were screaming. What did the yellow pills do for me? It's like a light switch. The minute it gets into my system, it feels like someone turned off a light. Instant relief, and I am them able to sleep. Oh yeah, and Kaiser makes me take drug tests, because I must be an abuser.... they treat their patients like s***! Funny.... my last test showed NO substances of any kind. I'm a 57 year old woman and I feel like a circus animal; beaten, mistreated, pushed around and completely disrespected. I am NOT a drug seeker. I am only allowed 30 pills in a calendar month (30 days). Generally I refill about every 45 to 60 days, unless I am going away for some reason.
Honestly? Does THAT make me an addict? I think not. I don't drink alcohol of any kind except for a special occasion. I am highly allergic to cannabis anything. So now... off I go to Kaiser (2 wasted hours) to get a "written paper Rx" so I can try and find a pharmacy that has yellow tablets or maybe even the real Norco? Fat Chance, I know.
I have been getting headaches from the yellow norcos. Beginning in Late may I get hot, headaches and very irritable ,plus crabby and tired. Never have these affected me like this and i've been taking tem for tree years.
Watson 853 are TRASH!!! The Yellow Norcos actually take my pain away. I cant find any pharms that will even order the yellow one
So I have been taking Hydros for quite some time now. My 7.5/325's weren't working, so my doctor pushed the level up to 10/325's Norco. With my insurance, they normally have to give me the "generic" version and that's usually okay. However, whatever they gave me is total CRAP!!! I know they are white and oblong shaped with a "divider" on the back. (I can't remember what the imprint on them are and I don't have them in front of me right now.) These pills make me feel tense and nauseas. Almost a sort of weak feeling! I HATE them!! They don't work enough to go through all these side effects!!! I think the generic brand should be tossed out! Save the yellow dye!! I'd rather take that then feel the feeling these stupid generics give me!!! TOTAL CRAP!!!
Hello fellow American's, I have read all of your complaints around 340 of them so far, and I totally agree with every point. That being said, in my opinion writing the pharmaceutical companies, FDA, Congressman, Senator, and so on unfortunately is a waste of paper and everyone's valuable time. I think the way to finally settle all of our problems and complaints with these so called generic pain pills, is to quit sitting back and doing nothing but complaining on these websites and take back our rights as American's and let our voices be heard aloud and IN PERSON. Why doesn't someone draw up a Petition? I'm sure one of you is an Attorney or is smart enough to draft one up in the language that Congress and our beloved President understands. Then post it along with a date for all of us Wonderful American's to March to Capital Hill, The White House? Post the petition and date on every site that we visit. Spread the word to every American that we know or even meet walking down the street. I wish I was smart enough to write this petition up myself but I'm not. If we can get Hundreds of Thousands or better yet millions of American's to sign this petition and most Importantly actually make the march together for a day to even a week, then I feel like the Government including the President of the United States of America would have no other option but to finally listen to us and actually act upon our requests immediately, because imagine the press coverage and all the attention that would be staring at them and pressuring them intensely!!! Just look at the past history of America, for example, the Women marched for their right's, or the African American's along with Martin Luther King for equality and rights, And so on.. I hope I'm making sense and talking to where everyone can understand the point I'm trying to make.. Because I too have chronic back and knee pain and I've been on Percocet 10/325 for about 10 years and I have the same complaints and problems as all of y'all do. I'm also on Medicare and if anyone else is on it then they to know that Medicare will not pay for Brand Name Whatsoever in any case.. I think we should demand an official investigation and public investigation into all pharmaceutical companies.. As far as I'm concerned Generic Pain Pills should be banned and Only name brand sold with the exact amount of active ingredients in every pill... No Excuses and No allowance or 20% bull crap allowed!!! I think the DEA needs to be knocked down a notch and leave the prescription writing and medical decisions up to the men and women who have gone to school, studied day and night for years and worked their butts off in college for almost half their lives to become the life saving wonderful Doctors, Surgeons, etc.that they have become. I think they know a Hell of a lot more about medicine than anyone of you DEA officers. Anyway I hope I've rallied up all of my fellow American's enough for all of us to band together on this issue and hopefully get started right away with a petition and date for a March!! I know most of you are saying you can't afford to take off work for a day or even a week for this history making March, But ask yourselves this, which one is going to cost us more in the long run, keep paying for these so called ridiculous generic drugs, or as I call them (Sugar Pills) that doesn't work for the rest of our lives, or a weeks pay of work? Please America think about it, and remember it's only going to get worse every year and more expensive with less and less active ingredients until before you know it they will either outlaw narcotics or worse make them placebo and not even tell us. Thank You all for listening and hopefully I will be seeing your responses soon. Your very Patriotic American Brother, Shannon from OKC, OK.
The yellow 10325 Norco Winn Dixie brand Winn-Dixie is a South Florida grocery store with a pharmacy these pills work better they are manufactured by Pharma and work better than the white Watson 10325 try them and you'll see Winn-Dixie is a South Florida grocery store Fort Myers Florida like I said the Norco generics are yellow and work better manufacturer name pharms
I get the yellow at walmart but have to specifically ask for them telling them the truth the white don't work for me . some of the assistants will tell you they don't have them request to speak to the pharmasist I may have to wait for them to get them in but for the 4-6 hour relief vs the maybe the one hour with the white it's worth it !!!!
Watson doesn't make your favorite pills anymore - Norco 10/325. Bought out by Actavis unfortunately they don't work.
Better off changing pain meds if it's possible for you.. percoset 10/325 is what you need, this norco is crap! If we are gonna screw up are liver then do it with a good strong drug like percoset
I just tried the White Watson 853 and they are less than aspirin! I have to take 2 or 2 1/2 to even get any help with pain at all. I thought it was just me, but got on the net and tons of people are saying the same thing about the Watson Whites. Going back to my old drug store which dispenses Qualitest Yellow 853, which I have no idea why I change anyway!
I take offense to your comment regarding people who use electric carts. I am not obese but without these carts I would not be able to get through the stores. How cruel of you to say this.
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