10/325 Quailiest Verses Watson Verses White Or Yellow (brand Name Norco) (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hello Hydrocodone world:

My experience is this. You can not beat Name Brand scored NORCO 10/325. However, my experience is Watson is a softer compound, & works faster. Now, the other generic NORCO 10/325 (36 01) scored other side. This is made by QUAILITEST: many people say they suck, because in fact, it is a harder compound to digest/desolve, therefore not getting a good feeling,but the slight slower release makes Quailiest (NORCO) actually kill the pain more so than Watson (GENERIC) 10/325. The watson have the edge, however the Qualitiest last longer & are so dang close, only a Dog may know the difference. Personally me, & all the 4 companies that make generic NORCO can stick it. Your/My Dr. is going to request the yellow dye, I do get allergic reactions minor,but enough to b**** about. So I will be getting a lot of paper work, and I will end up getting Yellow NORCO, as long as the Dr. request patient has allergic reactions, not to the dye, but rather various fillers, as well. And me & My g/f have Identical insurance plans for meds. And the G/f got the real deal NORCOS. My Dr respects me & I respect my Dr. And dr.'s know the difference between spinal issues & hop heads or some of us have both. LOL (JOKE).

Now the HOT tip - NORCO Now makes two Brand name NORCO 10/325 , some will be yellow & or white. Watson makes NORCO ( BRAND NAME) wich are yellow. Also Watson now makes the 1/325 NORCO it is white.

Bottom line (brand name 10/325) you will start to see in white & yellow, as we are now seeing, allergic reactions to the yellow color dye. Also 10/325 NORCO are usually yellow, again they are moving to white tablets, and are currently selling both colored (WATSON GENERIC) norcos. Same goes for Brand name NORCOS, Yellow & white.

They are taking the yellow dye out both Name brand & watson brand NORCOS. You may see yellow & or white in your Watson 10/325 also Brand name 10/325

Ask your Dr for a over ride due to alergic reactions, most insurances will cover , if the findings of the request are found to be true. But now they are making the same company, same drug, Brand name & generic & in both white & or yellow (watch out for (CVS pharmacies) they carry s*** loads of s***, that is totally the s*** of all s*** & works like s***. Request brand name to your Dr & ask nicely & all the above will not apply. Watson's are etched in most peoples mind, however the Quailitest & watson are just how fast or slow the absorbtion rate/time to get into the blood stream. If you really want this Norco in your blood stream like instantly? LOL Check in to a 28 day drug rehabb & ask this? what is the fastest way to get any drug into my blood stream? Than youll be safe for 28 days, if they let you out. (JOKE).

120 Replies (6 Pages)

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You're a horrible person. Just cause someone is over weight what gives you the right to make fun and say things like obese carts - you realize that many heavy people struggle every day to get healthy and they don't need horrendous people like you tearing them down every chance they get - I really wish I could see what you yourself look like cause I'm willing to bet if you're not heavy yourself you're not not gods gift to the world - one thing to remember, overweight people can work to try to make a change but if you're ugly you can't fix that - also if you are gods gift with looks, as soon as people get to see your dark heart to humanity and people struggling with how they were raised or low self esteem, you will be alone - and that's what people like you deserve - in the future why don't you try to uplift and help and not be a c***.

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I have a written prescription today in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. I'm going to take it to Target. Keep you posted on whether they fill it with Qualitest yellows or not.

Not an weight loss thread.

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Qualtest seem to be the same as activis (watson), never had an issue with either. The mallincrofdt brand suck and are useless like aspirin. Phamacies get them because they are cheaper. Pharms only pay pennies for these things anyway, but buy millions so it saves them money.

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A new study finds that rising placebo responses may play a part in the increasingly high failure rate for clinical trials of drugs designed to control chronic pain caused by nerve damage. Surprisingly, however, the analysis of clinical trials conducted since 1990 found that the increase in placebo responses occurred only in trials conducted wholly in the U.S.; trials conducted in Europe or Asia showed no changes in placebo responses over that period.

In a paper accepted for publication in the journal Pain, researchers at McGill University in Montreal analyzed the results of 84 clinical trials of drugs conducted around the world from 1990 to 2013. Over that period, the pain inhibition experienced by patients in the placebo group increased steadily, reaching an average 30% decrease in pain levels by 2013. Similar increases in placebo response have previously been observed in studies of clinical trials of antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs. Those studies, however, didn't pinpoint the U.S. as the source of the trend.

The authors examined reported features of the clinical trials to determine what factors might be responsible for the changes over time. They found that in the U.S., but not elsewhere, trials are becoming longer (from an average of four-weeks long in 1990 to 12 weeks in 2013) and larger (from an average of fewer than 50 patients in 1990 to an average of more than 700 patients in 2013).

"The data suggest that longer and larger trials are associated with bigger placebo responses," said Jeffrey Mogil, the E.P. Taylor Professor of Pain Studies at McGill and senior author of the new paper. "This, in turn, tends to result in the failure of those trials - since it makes it harder for pharmaceutical companies to prove that the drug being tested is more effective than treatment with a placebo."

"It remains to be determined why the United States is an outlier with respect to its clinical trials," added Alexander Tuttle, a doctoral student in psychology at McGill, and co-first author of the paper. He and his co-authors note, however, some potentially important differences between the U.S. and other countries. These include the existence of direct-to-consumer drug advertising in the U.S. (New Zealand is the only other country in the world that allows this), the greater spread of for-profit "contract research organizations" in the U.S., and perhaps greater exposure to the placebo concept in popular media in the U.S.

"The greater the improvement in patients treated with placebo in clinical trials, the more difficult it can be to demonstrate the beneficial effects of pain-relieving medications," said Robert H. Dworkin, Professor of Anesthesiology, Neurology, and Psychiatry at theUniversity of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Prof. Dworkin, who was not involved in the McGill study, said "This important study increases our understanding of these placebo-group responses, and thereby provides a basis for improving the design of clinical trials and accelerating the development of analgesic medications that can bring greater relief to patients suffering from chronic pain."

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To be honest I love Walgreen's Watson white hydro it works better than the yellow one that I believe to cause severe back pain the white one"s actually control my back pain but I must take 3 /4 times a day

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I take 5/325 more often to try and get relief, same thing. Less effective. I was told by Dr. That FDA took out Tylenol in all pain meds across the board a couple years ago because of people overdosing and damaging their liver. Well........if that's true it's because there was no pain relief!! Something else changed sometime after that too. I also read that the formula changed to take out euphoric feeling to deter drug addicts. What they've essentially done is deprive probably a million people in chronic pain that really need relief of a better quality of life. Watson brand of Wellbutrin that I take for fibromyalgia also gave me terrible side effects when called into wrong pharmacy and received their brand. No. It's not all in our head. Everyone knew at the same time because we all started hurting. Something needs to be done but I don't know where to even start.

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I was in three auto accidents, all of our 8 children are grown, except two. I was pregnant during the second accident which disrupted 5 disk in my spine(2alreadymildly damaged prior). I refused meds during my pregnancy. I refused meds because I choose to breast feed. So, after 16 months 1&1/3 years I finally asked for help this little "Doctorling" because he wasn't nearly of age to be taken seriously. He wrote "drug seeking". I have no " history " of ANY kind, but he put that in my med. file and it followed me until I went to the neurologist that wanted to know if I believe in God. I said, "How can you tell?" He said, "Because, that's the ONLY possible reason you're able to walk!"

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Prince was on the patches from hell..I tried those as I was tired of taking pills. After two patches; know you change these out every three days, I was in rigors! My fiance came home from work and found me on the couch in a ball screaming! I told the anesthesiologist to take me off and put me back on Vicodin..I was so sick on Fentanyl besides the rigors. And it was a low dose. I think its time for you to find a pain management Dr that knows the diff between an anesthesia drug used as a pain med vs a drug like hydrocodone..good luck!!

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Thanks for the post it was very helpful. I just got a script of the white ones from Walmart and they do absolutely nothing. I had filled my script at Walmart before and got the yellow ones and they were okay. I used to get the yellow ones from CVS but sometimes Walmart is more convenient and closer to my house to run back to that's why I got them there. I called Walmart to complain and let them know and the pharmacist said it's the exact same drug just not with the yellow dye. That's BS. then she said just take more if you need to. I said but then I will run out. I did take more and still felt no relief. And that obviously since it's a controlled substance there's nothing she can do I'm stuck with them. now I have to call my pain doctor back and try to explain this to them to see if he'll give me another script that I can fill at CVS where they still have the yellow ones. even with my insurance the brand name Norcos are still expensive as hell and I can't afford them. I know they monitor the hell out of the pain doctors now and don't know if my doctor would even be willing or able to even if I bring them back the bottle and say here take them you can dump them down the toilet I need something that will work. he may not do it because of fear of it looking like he's over prescribing to the FDA. so I might be stuck with medication that does literally nothing. he did prescribe me a long acting version of hydrocodone that does not have acetaphetamine in it called Zohydro Dr. but the pharmacy had to order that and I won't have it for 4 days. so at least I will have some pain control but the 325 10 Norcos he prescribed for breakthrough pain.

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that's really terrible that your meds get stolen from the pharmacy. did you ever count them in front of the pharmacist before you left the store to make sure they were all in there. I worked for a delivery company that delivered to Walgreens from there own Distribution Center and had one incident that the yellow sealed band around theplastic tote was still on and sealed and the pharmacist check the contents and controls were missing. Walgreens employees probably took them before they even got to our facility.I know this isn't really directly related to the quality of medicines but just wanted to share my own experience of how rampant control substance teft is. the company I worked for at the time actually had one of the van delivery drivers hijacked at gunpoint and they took his whole van full of drugs.

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I don't abuse my meds, I am trolley 5 handicapped and like my kidneys thx.

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I take offense to your comment regarding people who use electric carts. I am not obese but without these carts I would not be able to get through the stores. How cruel of you to say this.

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I just tried the White Watson 853 and they are less than aspirin! I have to take 2 or 2 1/2 to even get any help with pain at all. I thought it was just me, but got on the net and tons of people are saying the same thing about the Watson Whites. Going back to my old drug store which dispenses Qualitest Yellow 853, which I have no idea why I change anyway!

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I get the yellow at walmart but have to specifically ask for them telling them the truth the white don't work for me . some of the assistants will tell you they don't have them request to speak to the pharmasist I may have to wait for them to get them in but for the 4-6 hour relief vs the maybe the one hour with the white it's worth it !!!!

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Hello fellow American's, I have read all of your complaints around 340 of them so far, and I totally agree with every point. That being said, in my opinion writing the pharmaceutical companies, FDA, Congressman, Senator, and so on unfortunately is a waste of paper and everyone's valuable time. I think the way to finally settle all of our problems and complaints with these so called generic pain pills, is to quit sitting back and doing nothing but complaining on these websites and take back our rights as American's and let our voices be heard aloud and IN PERSON. Why doesn't someone draw up a Petition? I'm sure one of you is an Attorney or is smart enough to draft one up in the language that Congress and our beloved President understands. Then post it along with a date for all of us Wonderful American's to March to Capital Hill, The White House? Post the petition and date on every site that we visit. Spread the word to every American that we know or even meet walking down the street. I wish I was smart enough to write this petition up myself but I'm not. If we can get Hundreds of Thousands or better yet millions of American's to sign this petition and most Importantly actually make the march together for a day to even a week, then I feel like the Government including the President of the United States of America would have no other option but to finally listen to us and actually act upon our requests immediately, because imagine the press coverage and all the attention that would be staring at them and pressuring them intensely!!! Just look at the past history of America, for example, the Women marched for their right's, or the African American's along with Martin Luther King for equality and rights, And so on.. I hope I'm making sense and talking to where everyone can understand the point I'm trying to make.. Because I too have chronic back and knee pain and I've been on Percocet 10/325 for about 10 years and I have the same complaints and problems as all of y'all do. I'm also on Medicare and if anyone else is on it then they to know that Medicare will not pay for Brand Name Whatsoever in any case.. I think we should demand an official investigation and public investigation into all pharmaceutical companies.. As far as I'm concerned Generic Pain Pills should be banned and Only name brand sold with the exact amount of active ingredients in every pill... No Excuses and No allowance or 20% bull crap allowed!!! I think the DEA needs to be knocked down a notch and leave the prescription writing and medical decisions up to the men and women who have gone to school, studied day and night for years and worked their butts off in college for almost half their lives to become the life saving wonderful Doctors, Surgeons, etc.that they have become. I think they know a Hell of a lot more about medicine than anyone of you DEA officers. Anyway I hope I've rallied up all of my fellow American's enough for all of us to band together on this issue and hopefully get started right away with a petition and date for a March!! I know most of you are saying you can't afford to take off work for a day or even a week for this history making March, But ask yourselves this, which one is going to cost us more in the long run, keep paying for these so called ridiculous generic drugs, or as I call them (Sugar Pills) that doesn't work for the rest of our lives, or a weeks pay of work? Please America think about it, and remember it's only going to get worse every year and more expensive with less and less active ingredients until before you know it they will either outlaw narcotics or worse make them placebo and not even tell us. Thank You all for listening and hopefully I will be seeing your responses soon. Your very Patriotic American Brother, Shannon from OKC, OK.

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Watson 853 are TRASH!!! The Yellow Norcos actually take my pain away. I cant find any pharms that will even order the yellow one

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Re: Robspace1 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Hi there, I didn't finish reading your article, but believe me I will! I did want to point out that Medicare is NOT free. YOU PAID for it already. We pay for it with every single employment dollar we earn. You pay 1.45% of every dollar you earn and your employer also pays 1.45% credited to your account. So it is ludicrous to me that people have to pay an additional monthly fee to medicare, only to be shorted proper medical care. My Dad has to take pancreatic enzymes for the rest of his life and they are charging him over $300 a month. He is 85 and has a fixed income Again, another big pharma decision that does not benefit patients. This supposed "epidemic" of "opiate abuse" for the most part is bogus. It's big pharma and hospital systems finding a new way to increase their bottom line. Yes, there are abusers out there, but I believe the majority of people in chronic pain are sincere and not abusers.

I had a huge crush injury almost 9 years ago, and if the stupid hospital had sent me in to repair the nerves, I would NOT be in pain today. But "managed healthcare" says NO. Send her to PT and put her on anti-depressants. Funny. It didn't work.
I take one Norco (yellow - but Kaiser now uses the shi& Mallick) about every 2 or 3 days depending on how much pain I am in at night. The white ones upset my stomach (and I had already taken fomotadine 40mg) so it made my heartburn medication ineffective as well. I got no sleep either, because my left hand was pounding and both of my lower legs and feet were screaming. What did the yellow pills do for me? It's like a light switch. The minute it gets into my system, it feels like someone turned off a light. Instant relief, and I am them able to sleep. Oh yeah, and Kaiser makes me take drug tests, because I must be an abuser.... they treat their patients like s***! Funny.... my last test showed NO substances of any kind. I'm a 57 year old woman and I feel like a circus animal; beaten, mistreated, pushed around and completely disrespected. I am NOT a drug seeker. I am only allowed 30 pills in a calendar month (30 days). Generally I refill about every 45 to 60 days, unless I am going away for some reason.

Honestly? Does THAT make me an addict? I think not. I don't drink alcohol of any kind except for a special occasion. I am highly allergic to cannabis anything. So now... off I go to Kaiser (2 wasted hours) to get a "written paper Rx" so I can try and find a pharmacy that has yellow tablets or maybe even the real Norco? Fat Chance, I know.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

The white made me sick so I found the yellow and they work for me.

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I get yellow qualities that nor I at Walmart every month. Illinois

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Has anyone ever had the hydrocodone, white 3203, I've taken the peach ones and those work well.
FYI ! No more Watsons, Activists bought them out, Let me know if anyone has tried them yet

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