1-2, 7.5-325 Generic Norco Every 6 Hours
UpdatedI've got a tooth infection and the dentist prescribed me 1-2 generic norco 7.5-325 every 6 hours. Can I take two like it says and be absolutely ok? I've just read that the usual dose is 1 every 4-6 hrs...
3 Replies
The dosing can depend on the level of pain someone is in, some people might need to take 2 for relief, while others don't.
The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.
Have you tried taking it, yet? Are you on any other medications?
1-1/2 works too it takes about an hour to start working, you may want to take every 5 hours.
Oh god, I feel your pain, I have had some of the worst abscessed toothaches ever, with my face swollen all the way up the side of my face and even had my eye swollen shut. I would take 2, I've take 2 of the 10's before. Also rinse your mouth with maybe peroxide, but don't swallow it or Listerine which will help kill the infection. You can probably also take Advil along with those. I hope you get some relief soon. I'd honestly rather give birth w/o an epidural than to have an abscessed tooth.
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