This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Hyperammonemia, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.Hyperammonemia Overview
Hyperammonemia, or high ammonia levels, is a metabolic disturbance characterised by an excess of ammonia in the blood. Severe hyperammonemia is a dangerous condition that may lead to brain injury and death. It may be primary or secondary. Ammonia is a substance that contains nitrogen. It is a product of the catabolism of protein. It is converted to the less toxic substance urea prior to excretion in urine by the kidneys. The metabolic pathways that synthesize urea involve reactions that start...Read more Hyperammonemia Details
Article is from Wikipedia. All text is available under the terms of the GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License). Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperammonemia
Recent Hyperammonemia Forums:
Small White Oval Pill C
I have looked everywhere to identify this pill. It is real small with only a C on it. It has nothing on the other side ot it. My grandson found it after an Easter party. ## I located a pill that fits your description to the tee. This white oval pill with the marking "C" contains 200mg of Carbaglu (Carglumic acid). Inactive Ingredients in the pill include the following: microcrystalline cellulose sodium lauryl sulfate hypromelloses croscarmellose sodium silicon dioxide sodium stearyl fumarate Carglumic acid is used for the treatment of hyperammonaemia in patients with N-acetylglutamate synthase deficiency. More info about this medication can be viewed in the link below: Other than the little bit of information in that link, I haven't been able to locate a sufficient amount of...
Updated in Carbaglu
I have looked everywhere to identify this pill. It is real small with only a C on it. It has nothing on the other side ot it. My grandson found it after an Easter party. ## I located a pill that fits your description to the tee. This white oval pill with the marking "C" contains 200mg of Carbaglu (Carglumic acid). Inactive Ingredients in the pill include the following: microcrystalline cellulose sodium lauryl sulfate hypromelloses croscarmellose sodium silicon dioxide sodium stearyl fumarate Carglumic acid is used for the treatment of hyperammonaemia in patients with N-acetylglutamate synthase deficiency. More info about this medication can be viewed in the link below: Other than the little bit of information in that link, I haven't been able to locate a sufficient amount of...
Updated in Carbaglu
White Pill Oval C
Small oval, white pill, blank on one side, capital C on the other? ## Based on the description provided I was able to find a match to a white oval pill marked with "C"; however there is no image to go with it that confirms this. It is said to be identified as Carbaglu (200 mg); which is used in the treatment of hyperammonemia. Manufacturer: Orphan Europe National Drug Code (NDC): 52276-0312 Learn More: Carbaglu Details I hope this helps! ## What David posted is a good possibility. But this is a rather vague imprint, so it's kind of hard to be certain. I recently had a bottle of vitamin C tablets that also matched this description, so there is a chance that it may just be an over the counter product. Learn more vitamin c details here. Where did you find it?
Updated in Carbaglu
Small oval, white pill, blank on one side, capital C on the other? ## Based on the description provided I was able to find a match to a white oval pill marked with "C"; however there is no image to go with it that confirms this. It is said to be identified as Carbaglu (200 mg); which is used in the treatment of hyperammonemia. Manufacturer: Orphan Europe National Drug Code (NDC): 52276-0312 Learn More: Carbaglu Details I hope this helps! ## What David posted is a good possibility. But this is a rather vague imprint, so it's kind of hard to be certain. I recently had a bottle of vitamin C tablets that also matched this description, so there is a chance that it may just be an over the counter product. Learn more vitamin c details here. Where did you find it?
Updated in Carbaglu
what for ubicar is used and what are likely side effects. ## WHAT IS THIS TABLT USED FOR ## Sorry, I can't find any information on a drug under this name, are you certain you have the correct name and spelling? ## Is this used in Male infertility treatment ? ## It is used for various indications like male infertility, muscle cramps, hyperammonemia, fatigue , etc.
what for ubicar is used and what are likely side effects. ## WHAT IS THIS TABLT USED FOR ## Sorry, I can't find any information on a drug under this name, are you certain you have the correct name and spelling? ## Is this used in Male infertility treatment ? ## It is used for various indications like male infertility, muscle cramps, hyperammonemia, fatigue , etc.
Hyperammonemia Medications (9 results)
- AMMONUL Sodium Benzoate + Sodium Phenylacetate
- BUPHENYL Sodium Phenylbutyrate
- CARBAGLU Carglumic Acid2 discussions
- OLPRUVA Sodium Phenylbutyrate
- PHEBURANE Sodium Phenylbutyrate
- UCEPHAN Sodium Benzoate + Sodium Phenylacetate