Blood Clotting (Hemostasis)

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Blood Clotting (Hemostasis), as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Blood Clotting (Hemostasis) Overview

In biology, hemostasis or haemostasis is a process to prevent and stop bleeding, meaning to keep blood within a damaged blood vessel (the opposite of hemostasis is hemorrhage). It is the first stage of wound healing. Hemostasis involves three major steps: vasoconstriction temporary blockage of a hole in a damaged blood vessel by a platelet plug blood coagulation (formation of fibrin clots) Coagulation, the changing of blood from a liquid to a gel which forms the fibrin clots, is essential t...

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Recent Blood Clotting (Hemostasis) Forums: RSS Feed

How Do You Get Monsels Solution To Thicken Up

Is there any tricks to make monsels solution turn into paste. Our solution has been sitting for 3 weeks with no change. ## Hello Nicole, I found some information from a book preview that might be helpful. Here's the link to the preview: Please post back if you have any more questions. ## Put some of it in a smaller container and don't tighten the top. The exposure to air thickens it. ## I'm trying to make monsel paste. When I leave it with the cap off lightly it discolors stuff around it..gloves lol. Then I came back and only small crystals. What am I doing wrong? ## Thank you for the link! Very helpful!

Updated in Ferric Subsulfate, Monsel's Solution
can primolut be taken alongside tranexamic acid

I was 6 weeks pregnant and had a miscarriage. Since then I have been seeing clumps of blood dropping. My doctor now prescribed primulot N along with tranexamic acid. Can this combination work together? ## I'm taking tranexamic acid for heavy bleeding. It reduced my bleeding to spotting now so my doc prescribed primulot-n. Can I take both medications together? ## Do u take primolut n and tranexamic together?

Updated in Tranexamic Acid
Tranexamic Acid for period

I have a problem of heavy bleeding, my doctor referred me to a Gynecologist. He started me on Tranexamic acid to take only when I'm on my period. Last month I went for four days and it was light and I am a 35 cycle very irregular period, this September there is no sign of a period yet, why? Does Tranexamic acid make me skip my period? Please help I am worried. Thank you. ## a gynecologist referred me azeglow 250 mg during my heavy bleeding and regular periods, why this medicine for ## Tranexamic acid is used to prevent and treat blood loss in a variety of situations, such as dental procedures, heavy menstrual bleeding, and surgeries with high risk of blood loss. ## Tranexamic acid is sometimes used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding. When taken by mouth it both safely and effectively...

Updated in Tranexamic Acid
Tranexamic acid Uses

## I am given tranexamic capsule for my pigmentation which the dermatologist says it is difficult to treat as my is deep underneath. Is it effective for pigmentation and is there any side effects taken on a long term? ## please help me with my drug study in tranexamic acid ## Tranexamic acid is used to prevent and treat blood loss in a variety of situations, such as dental procedures, heavy menstrual bleeding, and surgeries with high risk of blood loss.

Updated in Tranexamic Acid
Where to donate lovenox

After searching quite a bit, I finally found an organization that will take leftover Lovenox for donation: World Medical Relief ( I wanted to post this here because it was so difficult finding a place to donate these, and hopefully this will help other people donate (rather than destroy) their left-over Lovenox. ## Hi Corie, Thank you so much for sharing this important information and resource here. Leftover medication that costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars are constantly in jeopardy of being washed down the toilet (causing environmental concerns), or otherwise being improperly disposed of due to a lack of knowledge and information provided by the pharmacists who dispense it; let alone finding a place like you have. It is my opinion that these medical do...

Updated in Lovenox
Irregular Periods Tablet

I have experienced this twice since last year when I encountered 3 months of irregular menstruation. The doctor says that a kind of pills would bring back my regular menstruation but I don't know what kind? Would you please give me an answer? ## I am a 22 year old girl and my last period was on the 13th of May. Pls suggest a good tablet to regulate my periods. ## Proper treatment depends on what's causing your menstrual cycle to be irregular and this answer refers to both of you. Learn more menstruation details here. What you need to do is see your respective doctors, so they can do an exam and testing, then they can recommend the proper treatment, if one is necessary. Are there any other questions? ## I'm just 18. I have had period irregularity for the last 3 months and som...

Updated in Cyklokapron
Lovenox and low platelets

My husband is currently taking 2 shots of Lovenox a day. I believe each is 125mg? He went to his hematologist the other day and it was found that his platelets are decreasing. Could Lovenox cause this? I really hope not because they state since he was on Coumadin/Warfarin for more than 20 years, that the Coumadin no longer provided the effects necessary to keep his blood thinned out to prevent blood clots. ## Yes, Lovenox has been known to cause that, he may require a dosage adjustments, or to try a different medication. Does he also watch his diet? While on a blood thinner, he should stay away from dark leafy greens, such as spinach, that contain a lot of vitamin K. Some other medications, and foods, may also cause additional blood thinning. Is he taking anything else?

Updated in Lovenox

I have been taking lovenox post heart attack for 4 days. Is it ok to take plavix too ? ## WHEN I CAN USE PLAVIX AFTER FINISH WITH LOVENOX ## Both Lovenox and Plavix are blood thinners, so you should always follow your doctor's instructions for taking them, and not combine them, unless specifically instructed to do so, since it could create an increased risk of bleeding, and possible hemorrhage. Are either of you on any other medications? In the case of heart attack, you should take the one your doctor has told you to take, for your own safety. Do you know what caused your heart attack?

Updated in Lovenox
NDC code for HCPCS J7192

Can you please provide me with the correct NDC for this drug? It's HCPCS code is J7192. ## After some research I found a PDF from Anthem listing a number of "Antihemophilic Factor and Clotting Factor" drugs. Further down it lists the HCPCS code J7192 next to a drug called Advate. The HCPCS code may also refer to something more general "Factor viii (antihemophilic factor, human)" but that could open up an even larger list of NDCs. In the mean time, you can pull a list of NDC codes for Advate at: /NDC/Advate/ Is this what you are looking for?

Updated in Advate
Trapic Mf Tablet

do you put on weight with trapicmf and gynaecp? ## i want to know whether trapic mf should be taken inspite of novex ds treatment for control of excess bleeding? ## @sujata, Not everyone puts on weight from taking these drugs. Medications can affect everyone differently; some people get great results from taking, but there are others that it just doesn't work for and the only way to find out is to actually try it. The most common side effects for this medication may include: back pain, joint pain, nasal congestion and stomach pain. @rani, Trapic-MF contains the active ingredient Mefenamic Acid and Tranexamic Acid. I have not been able to locate any specific details on the active ingredients found in Novex, in order to compare the two and research possible interactions. Would you hap...

Updated in Tranexamic Acid

Blood Clotting (Hemostasis) Medications (63 results)