63868-396 : Quality Choice Medicated Wipes 50 g/100ml Topical Cloth

Labeler: Quality Choice (Chain Drug Marketing Association)
Product Type: Human OTC Drug
Drug Name:  Quality Choice Medicated Wipes
Dosage Form: Topical Cloth
Application #: part346
Rev. Date: 

NDC Package Codes:

  • 63868-396-48: 48 PACKAGE IN 1 POUCH (63868‑396‑48) > 4.68 ML IN 1 PACKAGE

Active Ingredients:

  • Witch Hazel

Dosage Strength:

  • 50 g/100mL

Related Products:

Based on records with the same trade name.
  • 15533-396 Quality Choice Medicated Wipes 50 g/100ml Topical Cloth by American Hygienics Corporation


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